Ontology http://bankontology.com/br/form/Call_Report_v129.ttl

Jurgen Ziemer
Jayzed Data Models Inc.
owl:Ontology |
The ontology is a conversion of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Call Report Schema file version 129. The raw XBRL/XML import has been enhanced an integrated into HFR and LKIF. Classes and properties that Jayzed added to the raw import have copyright, but they are Open Source, free to use.
From the CDR Interchange Specification Version 1.02 (rdfs:seeAlso):
Call Report Schema is an XML Schema document that contains definitions of abstract presentation elements, edit results, edit codes and edit excuse text. It imports the Concepts schema.
An abstract concept �pres-report� is used in linkbases to create the root element in a presentation relationship hierarchy. Presentation elements are declared as abstract as they MUST never appear in an instance document.
Call Report schema contains element definitions for �edit results�; �edit error code� and �edit explanation text� for each valid edit in the current reporting period. �Edit result� would be of Boolean type. �Edit error code� is of integer type and is restricted to a set of valid codes using the �enumeration� facet. Explanation text is of string type.
The namespace on this schema MUST be versioned using the period information and the version number. For example the namespace on a Call Report schema for the reporting period September 2003 and version 1 would be: http://www.ffiec.gov/xbrl/call/report041/2003-09-30/v1/
Created with TopBraid Composer from the XML Schema(s) http://www.ffiec.gov/xbrl/call/report031/2016-09-30/v129
Classes and properties of Call Report abstract presentation elements, edit results, edit codes and edit excuse text. Part of the ontology RDF/OWL version of form FFIEC 031, the Call Report.
© 2016
Jayzed Data Models Inc. generated with TopBraid Composer
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