Ontology http://bankontology.com/br/form/Call_Report_v129_ec_mess.ttl

Jurgen Ziemer
Jayzed Data Models Inc.
owl:Ontology |
From the CDR Interchange Specification Version 1.02 (rdfs:seeAlso):
Each edit has one or more formula messages associated with it. This information is captured using a label linkbase. The label linkbase has one extended link with locators to the edits involved, resources for the edit messages and arc�s to connect the edit messages to the edits.
Formula messages are identified by the role attribute on the label resource. There will be two formula message roles. Both the messages have sub expressions for further evaluation. These sub expressions use the �&� character before and after the expression as a delimiter.
There are two types of formula messages, they are referred to as rule message type 1 and rule message type 2.
Rule message type 1 identifies formula messages that contain a �short� description using line reference numbers and sub expressions. A �||� character is used as delimiter to separate the short description from the sub expressions.
Rule message type 2 identifies formula messages that contain a �long� English description using line reference numbers and sub expressions.
The ontology is a conversion of the corresponding Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Call Report taxonomy file. The raw XBRL/XML import has been enhanced an integrated into HFR and LKIF. Classes and properties that Jayzed added to the raw import have copyright, but they are Open Source, free to use.
Edit Check Messages are used to associate a an error text with a particular edit. If the check fails, then the message shows in the error report. This ontology is part of the RDF/OWL version of form FFIEC 031, the Call Report.
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