The list report shows all 1,810 Banking Data Model Entities with their name, code, definition, and stereotype. The Banking Data Model is a scope of the Financial Industry Business Data Model, comprising of the Core packages, Foundation, Business Entities, Finance Business & Commerce, plus Loans.
- The Name is a conversion from ontology Camel Code to the Logical Data Model naming convention.
- The Code is the source ontology class or object property prefix and local name transformed from the Financial Industry Business Ontology, FIBO.
- All FIBO classes and property have the
annotation property, the source for the entity Comment. - Data model base entities derive from ontology classes and Associative Entities from object properties. The stereotype indicates the FIBO origin of the entity.
The report reflects the latest, January 2021 Informative data model version derived from Financial Industry Business Ontology, FIBO Development 2020/Q4. You can download the PDF version here.
Name | Code | Comment | Stereotype |
Board Agreement | fibo-be-corp-corp:BoardAgreement | A formal, legally binding agreement between members of the Board of Directors of the organization | |
has Date Of Incorporation | fibo-be-corp-corp:hasDateOfIncorporation | The formal date of incorporation as stated in filing documents | Associative Entity |
has Date Of Registration | fibo-be-corp-corp:hasDateOfRegistration | A date on which the corporation has registered in some jurisdiction for regulatory and / or for tax purposes | Associative Entity |
has Issued Capital | fibo-be-corp-corp:hasIssuedCapital | The total of a corporation’s shares that are held by shareholders. A corporation can, at any time, issue new shares up to the full amount of authorized share capital. | Associative Entity |
has Nominal Capital | fibo-be-corp-corp:hasNominalCapital | Nominal capital is an alternate term for authorized share capital. The maximum value of securities that a company can legally issue. This number is specified in the memorandum of association (or articles of incorporation in the US) when a company is incorporated, but can be changed later with shareholders approval. Authorized share capital may be divided into (1) Issued capital – par value of the shares actually issued, (2) Paid up capital – money received from the shareholders in exchange for shares, and (3) Uncalled capital – money remaining unpaid by the shareholders for the shares they have bought. | Associative Entity |
Joint Stock Company | fibo-be-corp-corp:JointStockCompany | 1. In the UK, the original (17th century) name for a corporation in which the liability of the owners is limited to the nominal value of the stock (shares) held by them. 2. In the US, a corporation with unlimited liability for the shareholders. Investors in a US joint stock company receive stock (shares) which can be transferred, and can elect a board of directors, but are jointly-and-severally liable for companys debts and obligations. A US joint stock company cannot hold title to a real property. | |
Privately Held Company | fibo-be-corp-corp:PrivatelyHeldCompany | A firm whose issued shares are all held by a family or a small group of investors and, therefore, cannot be bought by the public. | |
Publicly Held Company | fibo-be-corp-corp:PubliclyHeldCompany | A company whose shares are traded and held publicly | |
Registration Identifier | fibo-be-corp-corp:RegistrationIdentifier | An identifier that is officially allocated to an organization at the time of registration, typically in a jurisdiction in which said organization is organized or registered and used in that jurisdiction to identify the organization | |
Registration Identifier Scheme | fibo-be-corp-corp:RegistrationIdentifierScheme | The scheme that defines the registration identifier per the issuing registration authority | |
Religious Corporation | fibo-be-corp-corp:ReligiousCorporation | A not for profit organization whose objective is specific to some fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of people, and that is incorporated under the law | |
Association | fibo-be-fct-fct:Association | Not-for-profit organization acting on behalf of its members, typically a trade or business association, industry sector-specific group, or professional association | |
Cooperative Society | fibo-be-fct-fct:CooperativeSociety | Organization owned by and operated for the benefit of those using its services | |
Family Office | fibo-be-fct-fct:FamilyOffice | Organization that assumes the day-to-day administration and management of a family’s affairs | |
Functional Business Entity | fibo-be-fct-fct:FunctionalBusinessEntity | Functional entity defined in terms of the nature of the commercial activity it conducts | |
Functional Entity | fibo-be-fct-fct:FunctionalEntity | Party defined in terms of a function it performs | |
Merchant | fibo-be-fct-fct:Merchant | Party engaged in the purchase and sales of goods produced by others for profit | |
Merchant Category Code | fibo-be-fct-fct:MerchantCategoryCode | Code used internationally to classify a merchant | |
Merchant Category Code Scheme | fibo-be-fct-fct:MerchantCategoryCodeScheme | Scheme defining a set of codes for classifying merchant services | |
Merchant Identifier | fibo-be-fct-fct:MerchantIdentifier | Unique identifier for a merchant that is used, for example, for transaction interchange purposes | |
is Published By | fibo-be-fct-pub:isPublishedBy | Identifies the independent party (i.e., the individual or organization) that disseminates the material | Associative Entity |
Publication | fibo-be-fct-pub:Publication | Anything made public by print (such as a newspaper, magazine, pamphlet, letter, telegram, via computer modem or program, or in a poster, brochure or pamphlet), orally, or by broadcast (radio, television) | |
Publisher | fibo-be-fct-pub:Publisher | A party responsible for the printing or distribution of digital or printed information | |
publishes | fibo-be-fct-pub:publishes | Prepares and issues material for public consumption | Associative Entity |
Publishing House | fibo-be-fct-pub:PublishingHouse | Some organization whose principal role is to publish information | |
Branch Of Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:BranchOfGovernment | A division of the government of a state, with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with the powers associated with the other branches | |
Devolved Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:DevolvedGovernment | Government and the politicians that that run a subnational territory with powers that may be temporary and reversible, ultimately residing with the central government | |
Executive Branch | fibo-be-ge-ge:ExecutiveBranch | The branch of government that has its authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state | |
Federal Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:FederalGovernment | A union of states under a central government distinct from the individual governments of the separate states | |
Federated Sovereignty | fibo-be-ge-ge:FederatedSovereignty | A political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government | |
Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:Government | The system by which a state or community is controlled | |
Government Agency | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentAgency | A permanent or semi-permanent organization, often an appointed commission, in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions | |
Government Appointee | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentAppointee | An individual appointed by government decree to lead, or participate in some capacity in a government body | |
Government Body | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentBody | A formal organization that is an agency, instrumentality, or other body of supranational, national, federal, state, or local government, including certain multijurisdictional agencies and departments that carry out the business of government | |
Government Department | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentDepartment | A specialized organization responsible for a sector of government public administration | |
Government Minister | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentMinister | Government official that is an executive, who is either appointed or elected to a high office in the government | |
Government Official | fibo-be-ge-ge:GovernmentOfficial | A person elected or appointed to administer some aspect of a government | |
has Full Sovereignty Over | fibo-be-ge-ge:hasFullSovereigntyOver | Relates a polity to a geopolitical entity where the polity has absolute, supreme and ultimate dominion and authority of a political state subject to no higher power, expressed within its territory in full self-government and in complete freedom from any outside influence | Associative Entity |
has Jurisdiction | fibo-be-ge-ge:hasJurisdiction | Relates a polity or government entity to one or more jurisdictions, over which it has some level of legal authority | Associative Entity |
has Partial Sovereignty Over | fibo-be-ge-ge:hasPartialSovereigntyOver | Relates a polity to a geopolitical entity where the polity exercises partial dominion and authority of a political state | Associative Entity |
has Shared Sovereignty Over | fibo-be-ge-ge:hasSharedSovereigntyOver | Relates a polity to a geopolitical entity where the polity exercises shared dominion and authority of a political state | Associative Entity |
has Sovereignty Over | fibo-be-ge-ge:hasSovereigntyOver | Relates a polity to a geopolitical entity where the polity exercises dominion and authority of a political state | Associative Entity |
Instrumentality | fibo-be-ge-ge:Instrumentality | An organization that serves a public purpose and is closely tied to a government, but is not a government agency | |
is Instrument Of | fibo-be-ge-ge:isInstrumentOf | Relates an instrumentality of some government to the government that it supports | Associative Entity |
is Represented By | fibo-be-ge-ge:isRepresentedBy | Relates a system of governance to its chosen representatives | Associative Entity |
Judiciary | fibo-be-ge-ge:Judiciary | A branch of government that comprises the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the supranational, national, federal, or regional government, depending on its jurisdiction | |
Legislature | fibo-be-ge-ge:Legislature | The law-making body of a political unit, usually a national government, that has power to enact, amend, and repeal public policy | |
Municipal Entity | fibo-be-ge-ge:MunicipalEntity | A polity that typically represents a city, township, or other administrative subdivision having corporate status and powers of self-government or jurisdiction | |
Municipal Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:MunicipalGovernment | The government of a municipality | |
National Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:NationalGovernment | A government and the politicians that that run a country as a whole (as opposed to local government) | |
Polity | fibo-be-ge-ge:Polity | A legal person that is a supranational entity, crown, state, or subordinate civil authority, such as a province, prefecture, county, municipality, city, or district representing the people of that entity | |
Regional Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:RegionalGovernment | An administrative body for a small geographic area, such as a county, smaller town, or other similar community | |
Regional Sovereignty | fibo-be-ge-ge:RegionalSovereignty | The legal person that corresponds to an administrative division, administrative unit, administrative entity or country subdivision (or, sometimes, geopolitical division or subnational entity), that has the capacity to incur debt, issue contracts, and enter into relations with other similar entities | |
Sovereign State | fibo-be-ge-ge:SovereignState | A nonphysical juridical entity that is represented by one centralized government that has sovereignty over a geographic area | |
Supranational Entity | fibo-be-ge-ge:SupranationalEntity | A governmental or non-governmental entity that is established by international law or treaty or incorporated at an international level | |
Tribal Area | fibo-be-ge-ge:TribalArea | A designation for an area of land managed by a group of indigenous people (tribe) rather than by the sovereign state or regional governmental entity in which the tribal area is geographically located | |
Tribal Entity | fibo-be-ge-ge:TribalEntity | A legal entity that represents fundamental unit of sovereign tribal (indigenous) government | |
Tribal Government | fibo-be-ge-ge:TribalGovernment | A government representing a group of indigenous people that has legal authority to govern those people, including authority to legislate the existance of tribal entities | |
Benefit Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:BenefitCorporation | A not for profit corporation set up under specific state legislation to provide some stated societal benefit, and with some corresponding relaxation of the obligation to maximize shareholder return | |
Common Interest Development Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:CommonInterestDevelopmentCorporation | A not for profit corporation set up under specific state legislation as a business entity for homeowners’ associations | |
Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:Corporation | A formal organization treated as an entity – an artificial person or legal entity distinct from its owners – created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation | |
For Profit Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:ForProfitCorporation | A corporation whose objective is to make money, in other words, to ensure realization of a financial benefit such that the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain that activity | |
Incorporation Guarantee | fibo-be-le-cb:IncorporationGuarantee | A guarantee which is part of the means by which some incorporated entity is incorporated by guarantee. | |
Instrument Of Incorporation | fibo-be-le-cb:InstrumentOfIncorporation | Some legal instrument by which some legal entity which is not a natural person is made to exist. | |
is Constituted By | fibo-be-le-cb:isConstitutedBy | The instrument by which an entity is incorporated | Associative Entity |
is Incorporated In | fibo-be-le-cb:isIncorporatedIn | The legal jurisdiction under which the legal entity is incorporated | Associative Entity |
Not For Profit Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:NotForProfitCorporation | A corporation approved by its jurisdictional oversight and taxing authorities as operating for educational, charitable, social, religious, civic or humanitarian purposes | |
Stock Corporation | fibo-be-le-cb:StockCorporation | A corporation that has shareholders (stockholders), each of whom receives a portion of the ownership of the corporation through shares of stock | |
Branch | fibo-be-le-fbo:Branch | Part of a larger organization that might not be co-located with it | |
Division | fibo-be-le-fbo:Division | Part of an organization, such as a line of business, that may have separate accounting and reporting requirements | |
has Equity | fibo-be-le-fbo:hasEquity | Indicates owners’ equity associated with the entity | Associative Entity |
has Headquarters Address | fibo-be-le-fbo:hasHeadquartersAddress | Indicates the main address at which communications may be delivered for the organization | Associative Entity |
has Operating Address | fibo-be-le-fbo:hasOperatingAddress | Indicates an address at which an organization carries out operations | Associative Entity |
has Registered Address | fibo-be-le-fbo:hasRegisteredAddress | Identifies an address that is officially recorded with some government authority and at which legal papers may be served | Associative Entity |
has Sub Unit | fibo-be-le-fbo:hasSubUnit | Relates a formally constituted organization to a sub-unit of that organization | Associative Entity |
Joint Venture | fibo-be-le-fbo:JointVenture | Legal entity that is formed between parties that pool their resources for the purpose of accomplishing a specific task but otherwise retain their distinct identities | |
Non Governmental Organization | fibo-be-le-fbo:NonGovernmentalOrganization | Not-for-profit organization that functions independently of government | |
Not For Profit Organization | fibo-be-le-fbo:NotForProfitOrganization | Organization that uses its surplus revenues to further achieve its purpose rather than distributing its surplus income to the organization’s owners (directors, investors, and equivalents) as profit / dividends | |
Organizational Sub Unit | fibo-be-le-fbo:OrganizationalSubUnit | Any department, service, and other entity within a larger organization that only has full recognition within the context of that organization, but requires identification for some purpose | |
Organization Covering Agreement | fibo-be-le-fbo:OrganizationCoveringAgreement | Contract between the principals in a formal organization that specifies the relationship between the principals, and between the principals and the entity | |
Organization Identification Scheme | fibo-be-le-fbo:OrganizationIdentificationScheme | Identification scheme dedicated to the unique identification of organizations | |
Organization Identifier | fibo-be-le-fbo:OrganizationIdentifier | Identifier assigned to an organization within an organization identification scheme, and unique within that scheme | |
Organization Part Identifier | fibo-be-le-fbo:OrganizationPartIdentifier | Identifier allocated to a particular organizational sub-unit | |
Value Added Tax Identification Number | fibo-be-le-fbo:ValueAddedTaxIdentificationNumber | Tax identifier that identifies a taxable person (business) or non-taxable legal entity for a consumption tax that is assessed incrementally, levied on the price of a product or service at each stage of production, distribution, and sale to the end consumer | |
Accounting Framework | fibo-be-le-lei:AccountingFramework | A qualifier that indicates the accounting framework, i.e., the set of policies, methods, rules, and processes, applied for accounting consolidation purposes with respect to this relationship | |
Contractually Capable Entity | fibo-be-le-lei:ContractuallyCapableEntity | A unique entity that is legally or financially responsible for the performance of financial transactions, or has the legal right in its jurisdiction to enter independently into legal contracts, regardless of whether it is incorporated or constituted in some other way (e.g. trust, partnership, contractual). This excludes natural persons, but includes governmental organizations and supranationals. | |
Entity Legal Form | fibo-be-le-lei:EntityLegalForm | A classifier for a legal entity that indicates the nature of that entity as defined from a legal or regulatory perspective, in the jurisdiction in which it was established | |
Entity Legal Form Identifier | fibo-be-le-lei:EntityLegalFormIdentifier | A code that uniquely identifies an entity legal form as defined in ISO 20275 | |
Entity Legal Form Scheme | fibo-be-le-lei:EntityLegalFormScheme | A scheme that specifies the elements of an unambiguous identifier for the entity legal forms that are sanctioned in a given jurisdiction as defined in ISO 20725 | |
has Legal Address | fibo-be-le-lei:hasLegalAddress | Indicates the legal address for the entity, in the jurisdiction in which the entity is established, used for registration purposes with respect to obtaining an LEI | Associative Entity |
has Legal Form | fibo-be-le-lei:hasLegalForm | Indicates the nature of the entity as defined from a legal or regulatory perspective in a given jurisdiction | Associative Entity |
is Consolidated By | fibo-be-le-lei:isConsolidatedBy | Indicates the entity considered the ‘end node’ or consolidating entity (parent) from an ISO 17442 perspective | Associative Entity |
is Consolidation Of | fibo-be-le-lei:isConsolidationOf | Indicates the entity considered the ‘start node’ or consolidated entity from an ISO 17442 perspective | Associative Entity |
is Directly Consolidated By | fibo-be-le-lei:isDirectlyConsolidatedBy | Indicates that the entity considered the ‘end node’ or consolidating entity (parent) fully consolidates the accounting of the ‘start node’ (child) per the accounting rules specified, and is the closest consolidating entity to that child in any applicable ownership hierarchy | Associative Entity |
is International Branch Of | fibo-be-le-lei:isInternationalBranchOf | Indicates that the entity considered the ‘start node’ or consolidated entity (child) is an international branch of the ‘end node’ (parent) in the jurisdiction of the child | Associative Entity |
is Ultimately Consolidated By | fibo-be-le-lei:isUltimatelyConsolidatedBy | Indicates that the entity considered the ‘end node’ or consolidating entity (parent) fully consolidates the accounting of the ‘start node’ (child) per the accounting rules specified, and is the most distant consolidating entity to that child in any applicable ownership hierarchy | Associative Entity |
Legal Entity Identifier | fibo-be-le-lei:LegalEntityIdentifier | An organization identifier that uniquely identifies a legal person as defined in ISO 17442 | |
Legal Entity Identifier Scheme | fibo-be-le-lei:LegalEntityIdentifierScheme | A scheme that specifies the elements of an unambiguous legal entity identifier (LEI) scheme to identify the legal entities relevant to any financial transaction | |
LEI Registered Entity | fibo-be-le-lei:LEIRegisteredEntity | A legal person that has registered for and is identified by a legal entity identifier | Equivalent Entity |
Relationship Period Qualifier | fibo-be-le-lei:RelationshipPeriodQualifier | A classifier that qualifies something about the reporting period specified, such as that the date period reflects an accounting or document filing period | |
Relationship Qualifier | fibo-be-le-lei:RelationshipQualifier | A classifier that qualifies something about the relationship between consolidated entities during the reporting period, such as the accounting framework used | |
Relationship Record | fibo-be-le-lei:RelationshipRecord | A record describing relationships between legal entities | |
Relationship Status | fibo-be-le-lei:RelationshipStatus | A classifier that specifies the status of the relationship between consolidated entities during the reporting period (active or inactive) | Equivalent Entity |
Business Entity | fibo-be-le-lp:BusinessEntity | An entity that is formed and administered as per commercial law in order to engage in business activities | |
Business License | fibo-be-le-lp:BusinessLicense | A license that allows the holder to conduct business or carry out a specific profession within some jurisdiction for some period of time | |
Chartered Legal Person | fibo-be-le-lp:CharteredLegalPerson | A legal person created by a royal charter or decree | |
is Organized In | fibo-be-le-lp:isOrganizedIn | Indicates the juridiction whose laws a legal entity is organized under | Associative Entity |
is Recognized In | fibo-be-le-lp:isRecognizedIn | Indicates the jurisdiction in which a legal person is considered competent to enter into a contract, conduct business, or participate in other activities, or in which an agreement may be acknowledged and possibly enforceable | Associative Entity |
Legal Entity | fibo-be-le-lp:LegalEntity | A legal person that is a partnership, corporation, or other organization having the capacity to negotiate contracts, assume financial obligations, and pay off debts, organized under the laws of some jurisdiction | |
Legally Competent Natural Person | fibo-be-le-lp:LegallyCompetentNaturalPerson | A person who is considered competent, under the circumstances, to enter into a contract, conduct business, or participate in other activities that generally require the mental ability to understand problems and make decisions on his or her own behalf | |
Legal Person | fibo-be-le-lp:LegalPerson | Autonomous agent that is recognized as having rights and obligations under the law, including but not limited to the right to sue and be sued, enter into contracts, own property, and incur financial and other obligations | |
Not For Profit Objective | fibo-be-le-lp:NotForProfitObjective | An objective that reflects the charitable, educational, religious, humanitarian, public services, or other not for profit goals of an organization | |
Power Of Attorney | fibo-be-le-lp:PowerOfAttorney | Legal authorization given by one party (the principal) to another (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to perform certain acts on the principal’s behalf | |
Profit Objective | fibo-be-le-lp:ProfitObjective | An objective that reflects pursuit of a financial benefit that may be realized when the amount of revenue gained from a business activity exceeds the expenses, costs and taxes needed to sustain that activity | |
Public Purpose | fibo-be-le-lp:PublicPurpose | An objective that reflects values generally thought to be shared by and that is intended to benefit the populace as a whole | |
Religious Objective | fibo-be-le-lp:ReligiousObjective | A not for profit objective that reflects the religious goals of an organization | |
Statutory Body | fibo-be-le-lp:StatutoryBody | A body set up by a government to consider evidence and make judgements in some field of activity | |
Affiliate | fibo-be-oac-cctl:Affiliate | Party that is related to a legal entity, directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, and controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with that entity, typically determined by the degree of ownership | Equivalent Entity |
Affiliation | fibo-be-oac-cctl:Affiliation | Situation in which a controlled party is affiliated with a controlling party for some period of time | |
Controlled Affiliate | fibo-be-oac-cctl:ControlledAffiliate | Controlled party in an affiliation situation | |
Controlled Affiliate only has Identity | fibo-be-oac-cctl:ControlledAffiliate_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Controlled Affiliate | Associative Entity |
Controlling Affiliate | fibo-be-oac-cctl:ControllingAffiliate | Controlling party in an affiliation situation | |
Domestic Ultimate Parent | fibo-be-oac-cctl:DomesticUltimateParent | Party that is recognized as the ultimate parent of a given organization within the country or jurisdiction of incorporation or organization | |
Global Ultimate Parent | fibo-be-oac-cctl:GlobalUltimateParent | Party that is recognized as the ultimate parent of a given organization world-wide | |
has Affiliate | fibo-be-oac-cctl:hasAffiliate | Has a party which directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with the company | Associative Entity |
has Controlling Affiliate | fibo-be-oac-cctl:hasControllingAffiliate | Is directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controlled by | Associative Entity |
has Domestic Ultimate Parent | fibo-be-oac-cctl:hasDomesticUltimateParent | Relates an organization to another recognized as its ultimate parent, within its country or jurisdiction of incorporation, if it has one | Associative Entity |
has Global Ultimate Parent | fibo-be-oac-cctl:hasGlobalUltimateParent | Relates an organization to another recognized as its ultimate parent, if it has one | Associative Entity |
has Subsidiary | fibo-be-oac-cctl:hasSubsidiary | Relates a legal entity to another organization that it owns at least 50 percent of | Associative Entity |
is Affiliate Of | fibo-be-oac-cctl:isAffiliateOf | Relates a party which directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control by another party to that party | Associative Entity |
is Parent Company Of | fibo-be-oac-cctl:isParentCompanyOf | Indicates a controlled affiliate that it owns at least 50 percent of | Associative Entity |
is Wholly Owned By | fibo-be-oac-cctl:isWhollyOwnedBy | Relates a legal entity to a party that has 100 percent ownership and control over it | Associative Entity |
Joint Venture Partner | fibo-be-oac-cctl:JointVenturePartner | Party that shares capital, technology, human resources, risks, and benefits of an entity under shared control | |
Significant Shareholder | fibo-be-oac-cctl:SignificantShareholder | Party that owns a significant voting stake in an organization that is less than 50 percent but greater than some threshold | |
Subsidiary | fibo-be-oac-cctl:Subsidiary | Legal entity that is entirely or majority owned and controlled by another legal entity | |
Total Controlling Interest Party | fibo-be-oac-cctl:TotalControllingInterestParty | Voting shareholder that owns 100 percent of the voting shares in some legal entity | |
Voting Shareholder | fibo-be-oac-cctl:VotingShareholder | Shareholder whose shares confer the right to vote in corporate elections, including the right to elect directors at annual or special meetings, and to express their views to corporate management and directors on significant issues that may affect the value of those shares | |
Beneficial Owner | fibo-be-oac-cown:BeneficialOwner | Party that enjoys the benefits of ownership (such as receipt of income) of something even though its ownership (title) may be in the name of another party (called a nominee or registered owner) | |
Beneficial Ownership | fibo-be-oac-cown:BeneficialOwnership | Control situation linking something at least one beneficial owner | |
has Beneficial Owner | fibo-be-oac-cown:hasBeneficialOwner | Indicates the party that retains rights in the asset they control in a beneficial ownership situation | Associative Entity |
Shareholder | fibo-be-oac-cown:Shareholder | Party that owns shares in and has rights and responsibilities with respect to some asset, provided in exchange for investment | |
Shareholder only holds (rel) | fibo-be-oac-cown:Shareholder_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:holds | A subtype of associative entity ‘holds (rel)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Shareholder | Associative Entity |
Shareholding | fibo-be-oac-cown:Shareholding | Financial asset that takes the form of shares considered as a unit | |
advises (be) | fibo-be-oac-cpty:advises | Provides counsel or guidance to | Associative Entity |
Contractual Control | fibo-be-oac-cpty:ContractualControl | Control established through the terms of some contract | |
Controlled Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:ControlledParty | Party that is controlled in some way and to some degree by some other party | |
Controlling Alliance | fibo-be-oac-cpty:ControllingAlliance | Group that has formed some alliance to jointly exercise control over some entity | |
Court Appointed Control | fibo-be-oac-cpty:CourtAppointedControl | Control conferred by the actions of some court, for example in the context of receivership | |
De Facto Controlling Interest Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:DeFactoControllingInterestParty | Party that exercises some control over an entity other than via explicit, legal means | |
De Jure Controlling Interest Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:DeJureControllingInterestParty | Party that has the legal authority to exercise control | |
Entity Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:EntityControllingParty | Party that has the authority to control some legal entity | |
Entity Controlling Party only controls | fibo-be-oac-cpty:EntityControllingParty_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:controls | A subtype of associative entity ‘controls’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Entity Controlling Party | Associative Entity |
has Controlling Organization Member | fibo-be-oac-cpty:hasControllingOrganizationMember | Relates a controlled party to a controlling member of the organization | Associative Entity |
has Majority Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:hasMajorityControllingParty | Indicates a party that owns a controlling stake (over 50 percent) in the entity | Associative Entity |
Influence Based De Facto Control | fibo-be-oac-cpty:InfluenceBasedDeFactoControl | Informal control that involves influence over some party | |
Influence Based De Facto Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:InfluenceBasedDeFactoControllingParty | Party that holds influence-based control over some other party | |
Investment Based De Facto Control | fibo-be-oac-cpty:InvestmentBasedDeFactoControl | Control that arises through some investment in some entity, other than via the holding of constitutional equity (shares etc.) in that entity | |
Investment Based De Facto Control only has Party In Control | fibo-be-oac-cpty:InvestmentBasedDeFactoControl_only_fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:hasPartyInControl | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Party In Control’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Investment Based De Facto Control | Associative Entity |
Investment Based De Facto Controlling Interest Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:InvestmentBasedDeFactoControllingInterestParty | Party that holds investment-based control over some other party | |
is Based On Investment Equity | fibo-be-oac-cpty:isBasedOnInvestmentEquity | Indicates investment-based de facto control, which is is based on the holding of some investment equity by some party | Associative Entity |
Joint Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:JointControllingParty | Party that collectively has the authority to control the affairs of some business organization | |
Joint Controlling Party only has Identity | fibo-be-oac-cpty:JointControllingParty_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Joint Controlling Party | Associative Entity |
Majority Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:MajorityControllingParty | Controlling party that possesses, either directly or indirectly, the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a legal person, whether through the ownership of a majority of voting securities, by contract, or otherwise | |
Receiver | fibo-be-oac-cpty:Receiver | Party appointed by some court for the purposes of winding up the affairs of some entity which is no longer solvent | |
Sole Controlling Party | fibo-be-oac-cpty:SoleControllingParty | Party that has sole control over and directs the affairs of some legal entity | |
Total Owner | fibo-be-oac-cpty:TotalOwner | Party that has 100 percent ownership some legal entity | |
Articles Of Incorporation | fibo-be-oac-exec:ArticlesOfIncorporation | Contract that establishes a new corporation or, when amended, adjusts the legal basis for the corporation, and outlines basic information about the corporation, including the type of business, and a description of the business’ operational characteristics | |
Auditor | fibo-be-oac-exec:Auditor | Party qualified and authorized to review and verify the accuracy of financial records and ensure that companies comply with tax laws | |
Authorization | fibo-be-oac-exec:Authorization | Situation in which a party authorizes someone to act on their behalf under certain conditions for some period of time | |
Authorized Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:AuthorizedParty | Party that has been given the responsibility to act on behalf of another party under some set of guidelines | |
authorizes | fibo-be-oac-exec:authorizes | Endorses, enables, empowers, or gives permission to | Associative Entity |
authorizes Through | fibo-be-oac-exec:authorizesThrough | Indicates the situation that faciliates designation of an authorized party by the authorizing party for some purpose | Associative Entity |
Authorizing Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:AuthorizingParty | Party that delegates some role, authority, or control to another party | |
Board Capacity | fibo-be-oac-exec:BoardCapacity | Authority to act in a fiduciary capacity with respect to the organization, including but not limited to determining and executing corporate policy | |
Board Composition Control | fibo-be-oac-exec:BoardCompositionControl | Situation in which a voting shareholder, entity owner, or some other party in the case of a not-for-profit organization, appoints and/or nominates someone to the board of directors of an organization for some period of time | |
Board Member | fibo-be-oac-exec:BoardMember | Party that has fiduciary responsibility with respect to the organization, including but not limited to determining and executing corporate policy | |
Board Membership | fibo-be-oac-exec:BoardMembership | Situation relating an individual member of the board of directors to the organization | |
Board Of Directors | fibo-be-oac-exec:BoardOfDirectors | Group of people comprising the governing body of an organization that has the authority to set organizational strategy and policies as well as to select and, to some degree manage, leadership | |
Bylaws | fibo-be-oac-exec:Bylaws | Written rules for conduct of a corporation, association, partnership or any organization | |
Chief Executive Officer | fibo-be-oac-exec:ChiefExecutiveOfficer | Top corporate officer responsible for an organization’s overall operations and performance | |
Chief Financial Officer | fibo-be-oac-exec:ChiefFinancialOfficer | Senior-most corporate officer responsible for financial control and planning for an organization or project | |
Company Law | fibo-be-oac-exec:CompanyLaw | Legislation under which the formation, registration or incorporation, governance, and dissolution of a firm is administered and controlled | |
Company Secretary | fibo-be-oac-exec:CompanySecretary | Corporate officer appointed by the directors of an organization, responsible for ensuring compliance with legal obligations related to corporate governance | |
Corporate Officer | fibo-be-oac-exec:CorporateOfficer | High-level management executive of a corporation or other organization, hired by the board of directors or the business owner(s), charged with certain operational responsibilities | |
delegates Control To | fibo-be-oac-exec:delegatesControlTo | Indicates a party to which this legal person has delegated some authority or control | Associative Entity |
designates Signatory | fibo-be-oac-exec:designatesSignatory | Authorizes to sign agreements, access accounts and/or perform other similar tasks | Associative Entity |
elects | fibo-be-oac-exec:elects | Chooses someone, or a group of individuals, to hold office or some other position by voting | Associative Entity |
Executive | fibo-be-oac-exec:Executive | Person appointed and given the responsibility to manage the affairs of an organization and the authority to make decisions within specified role-specific boundaries | |
Executive Board Member | fibo-be-oac-exec:ExecutiveBoardMember | Member of a board of directors that is also a corporate officer of the organization | |
has Authorized Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasAuthorizedParty | Indicates the party that is endorsed, enabled, empowered, or otherwise permitted to do something in the situation | Associative Entity |
has Corporate Officer | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasCorporateOfficer | Indicates an officer of the organization | Associative Entity |
has Delegated Control Of | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasDelegatedControlOf | Indicates something or some party that is controlled via delegation | Associative Entity |
has Director | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasDirector | Indicates a member of the board of directors of the organization | Associative Entity |
has Principal Managing Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasPrincipalManagingParty | Indicates a controlling party that is responsible for the management of daily business operations | Associative Entity |
has Responsibility | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasResponsibility | Identifies a particular burden of obligation upon one who is responsible | Associative Entity |
has Responsible Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasResponsibleParty | Some party that has some defined responsibility with respect to the formal organization | Associative Entity |
has Vested In It | fibo-be-oac-exec:hasVestedInIt | Indicates the delegated legal authority that is vested in the controlling party | Associative Entity |
Legally Delegated Authority | fibo-be-oac-exec:LegallyDelegatedAuthority | Party empowered with some level of legal control and corresponding responsibility | |
Legally Delegated Authority only has Identity | fibo-be-oac-exec:LegallyDelegatedAuthority_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Legally Delegated Authority | Associative Entity |
nominates | fibo-be-oac-exec:nominates | Appoints or proposes for appointment to an office or place | Associative Entity |
Non Executive Board Member | fibo-be-oac-exec:NonExecutiveBoardMember | Member of the board of directors of an organization that has no executive responsibilities towards the running of that organization | |
Principal Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:PrincipalParty | Controlling party that is responsible for the management of daily business operations of an organization | |
Responsible Party | fibo-be-oac-exec:ResponsibleParty | Person acting in a role that has some formal responsibility, such as a fiduciary responsibility, a signatory, an examiner or registrar, etc. | |
Responsible Party only has Identity | fibo-be-oac-exec:ResponsibleParty_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Responsible Party | Associative Entity |
Signatory | fibo-be-oac-exec:Signatory | Responsible party authorized to sign agreements on behalf of themselves, another person, or an organization | |
Constitutional Owner | fibo-be-oac-opty:ConstitutionalOwner | A party that holds an equity stake in some entity, in the form of shareholders’ equity | |
Controlling Equity | fibo-be-oac-opty:ControllingEquity | Shareholders’s equity that formally confers control in the entity, either by law or as explicitly stated in a corresponding equity instrument | |
Controlling Equity only confers | fibo-be-oac-opty:ControllingEquity_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Controlling Equity | Associative Entity |
Direct Consolidation | fibo-be-oac-opty:DirectConsolidation | Direct ownership recorded as accounting consolidation, by some party of some other formal organization | |
Entity Owner | fibo-be-oac-opty:EntityOwner | A party that has some ownership interest in some entity | |
Entity Ownership | fibo-be-oac-opty:EntityOwnership | Ownership by some party of an interest in some non-governmental formal organization | |
Foreign Branch Ownership | fibo-be-oac-opty:ForeignBranchOwnership | Ownership by some party of some formal organization or organizational sub-unit that is a foreign affiliate and legally part of the owning entity | |
guarantees | fibo-be-oac-opty:guarantees | Provides a formal assurance or promise, esp. that certain conditions shall be fulfilled relating to a product, service, or transaction | Associative Entity |
has Direct Ownership | fibo-be-oac-opty:hasDirectOwnership | Relates a formal organization to the situation in which it is owned directly by another entity | Associative Entity |
has Direct Owning Entity | fibo-be-oac-opty:hasDirectOwningEntity | Relates a formal organization to a direct legal person / owner | Associative Entity |
has Investment Entity | fibo-be-oac-opty:hasInvestmentEntity | Relates a legal person to a directly owned formal organization or subsidiary, depending on the percent ownership interest | Associative Entity |
has Investment Ownership | fibo-be-oac-opty:hasInvestmentOwnership | Relates a legal person to the context in which it owns a formal organization | Associative Entity |
Investment Equity | fibo-be-oac-opty:InvestmentEquity | Equity that represents an ownership interest in some entity, but may or may not take the form of shareholders’s equity | |
Investment Equity only confers | fibo-be-oac-opty:InvestmentEquity_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Investment Equity | Associative Entity |
Investor (be) | fibo-be-oac-opty:Investor | A party that owns some stake in some organization by way of investment | |
Investor (be) only holds (rel) | fibo-be-oac-opty:Investor_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:holds | A subtype of associative entity ‘holds (rel)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Investor (be) | Associative Entity |
Investor Contract | fibo-be-oac-opty:InvestorContract | Contract setting out the terms under which some investor invests in the entity and setting out the rights which are conferred on that investor. | |
Ultimate Consolidation | fibo-be-oac-opty:UltimateConsolidation | Highest-level (top, end) ancestral ownership, evidenced by accounting consolidation, by some party of some other legal entity | |
has Managing Member | fibo-be-plc-plc:hasManagingMember | Indicates a managing member in a controlling role of a limited liability company that has responsibility for the day-to-day business operations | Associative Entity |
Limited Liability Company | fibo-be-plc-plc:LimitedLiabilityCompany | Private limited company that combines the pass through taxation of a sole proprietorship or partnership with the limited liability of a corporation | |
Limited Liability Company Member | fibo-be-plc-plc:LimitedLiabilityCompanyMember | Owner of an interest in a limited liability company | |
Limited Liability Company Taxed As A Corporation | fibo-be-plc-plc:LimitedLiabilityCompanyTaxedAsACorporation | Limited liability company that has elected to have corporate tax status | |
Manager Managed Limited Liability Company | fibo-be-plc-plc:ManagerManagedLimitedLiabilityCompany | Limited liability company in which the members appoint one or more managers to handle the daily operations and administrative responsibilities of the organization | |
Managing Member | fibo-be-plc-plc:ManagingMember | Owner of an interest in a limited liability company who also runs the day-to-day business operations | |
Private Company With Limited Liability | fibo-be-plc-plc:PrivateCompanyWithLimitedLiability | Hybrid business entity having characteristics of both a corporation and a partnership or sole proprietorship (depending on how many owners there are) | |
Private Limited Company | fibo-be-plc-plc:PrivateLimitedCompany | Private limited company whose shareholders’ liability is limited to the capital they originally invested | |
General Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:GeneralPartner | Partner and part-owner that is responsible for managing the day to day operations of the partnership and that may be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the partnership | |
General Partnership | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:GeneralPartnership | Partnership that has at least two general partners that agree to share in all assets, profits, and financial and legal liabilities of the business | |
has General Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:hasGeneralPartner | Indicates an actor that has some measure of control over the partnership | Associative Entity |
has Limited Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:hasLimitedPartner | Indicates an actor that may have some measure of influence over the partnership | Associative Entity |
Limited Liability Limited Partnership | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LimitedLiabilityLimitedPartnership | Limited partnership that consists of one or more general partners who are liable for the obligations of the entity as well as one or more protected limited liability partners | |
Limited Liability Partnership | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LimitedLiabilityPartnership | Partnership that has general partners but provides its individual partners some level of protection against personal liability for certain partnership liabilities | |
Limited Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LimitedPartner | Partner whose liabilities are limited to the extent of their investment or guarantees and that has no involvement in the day to day operations of the partnership | |
Limited Partnership | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:LimitedPartnership | Partnership that has at least one general partner and at least one limited partner | |
Partner | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:Partner | Co-owner, member, and agent of a partnership whose participation level, including proportional liabilities and share in the profit / loss of the business is specified in a partnership agreement | |
Partnership | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:Partnership | Association of two or more legal persons to carry on as co-owners a business for profit | |
Partnership Agreement | fibo-be-ptr-ptr:PartnershipAgreement | Contract between partners in a partnership that establishes the terms and conditions of the relationship between the partners | |
Sole Proprietor | fibo-be-sps-sps:SoleProprietor | Party that owns a business, has the rights to all profits from that business and is considered a single entity (unincorporated) together with that business for tax and liability purposes | |
Sole Proprietorship | fibo-be-sps-sps:SoleProprietorship | Unincorporated business owned by a single person | |
has Beneficiary (be) | fibo-be-tr-tr:hasBeneficiary | Links a trust to a named beneficiary | Associative Entity |
has Trustee (be) | fibo-be-tr-tr:hasTrustee | Links a trust to a named trustee | Associative Entity |
Irrevocable Trust | fibo-be-tr-tr:IrrevocableTrust | Trust that cannot be modified, amended or terminated except under certain legal circumstances and typically not without the permission of the grantor’s named beneficiary or beneficiaries | |
Living Trust | fibo-be-tr-tr:LivingTrust | Trust created during an individual’s lifetime where a designated person, the trustee, is given responsibility for managing that individual’s assets for the benefit of the eventual beneficiary | |
Revocable Trust | fibo-be-tr-tr:RevocableTrust | Trust in which legal ownership of the trust property is transferred to the trustee, but the trustor retains full power to revoke, modify or amend the trust | |
Testamentary Trust | fibo-be-tr-tr:TestamentaryTrust | Trust established in accordance with the instructions contained in a last will and testament | |
Trust | fibo-be-tr-tr:Trust | Fiduciary relationship and legal entity in which one party, known as a trustor, gives another party, the trustee, the right to hold title to and manage assets for the benefit of a third party, the beneficiary | |
Trust Agreement | fibo-be-tr-tr:TrustAgreement | Formal agreement that establishes a trust, whereby the trustor(s) gives the trustee(s) the responsibility to hold and manage assets for the beneficiary(ies) | |
Trust Beneficiary | fibo-be-tr-tr:TrustBeneficiary | Party for whose interest (benefit) an annuity, assignment (such as a letter of credit), contract, insurance policy, judgment, promise, trust, will, etc., is made | |
Trustee (be) | fibo-be-tr-tr:Trustee | Party that holds, manages, invests assets for the benefit of another | |
Trust Fund Manager | fibo-be-tr-tr:TrustFundManager | Party empowered to act on behalf of the trustee to manage the assets of the trust | |
Trustor | fibo-be-tr-tr:Trustor | Party that establishes a trust and places property under the protection and management of one or more trustees for the benefit of at least one beneficiary | |
Trustor only has Identity | fibo-be-tr-tr:Trustor_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Trustor | Associative Entity |
Bankruptcy | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:Bankruptcy | Credit event involving a change in state or condition in which a party becomes insolvent | |
Credit Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:CreditEvent | Event signifying a sudden change in credit standing, such as bankruptcy or a violation of a bond indenture or loan agreement, that raises doubts about the party’s ability to meet current or future obligations | |
Default Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:DefaultEvent | Credit event representing a failure to meet a contractual obligation, such as failure to repay a debt including interest or principal on a loan or security | |
Distressed Ratings Downgrade | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:DistressedRatingsDowngrade | Credit event triggered when the credit rating of an obligation is downgraded to a distressed debt level | |
Downgrade | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:Downgrade | Credit event triggered when the credit rating of a party or obligation is lowered | |
Entity Specific Credit Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:EntitySpecificCreditEvent | Credit event that applies to a given legal person | |
Failure To Pay | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:FailureToPay | Default event that is triggered following any applicable grace period in which a payment obligation is missed | |
Failure To Pay Interest | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:FailureToPayInterest | Default event that where either an expected interest payment is missed altogether or the amount paid is less than the required amount | |
Failure To Pay Principal | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:FailureToPayPrincipal | Default event that where either an expected principal payment is missed altogether or the amount paid is less than the required amount | |
Filing For Bankruptcy | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:FilingForBankruptcy | Credit event that involves a request to a court to be recognized as bankrupt | |
Hard Credit Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:HardCreditEvent | Default event that is not repairable | |
has Default Threshold Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:hasDefaultThresholdAmount | Specifies an amount of money that triggers a failure to pay, repudiation/moratorium or restructuring event | Associative Entity |
has Grace Period | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:hasGracePeriod | Window following any payment due date during which a party must fulfill its obligations before a failure to pay credit event occurs | Associative Entity |
Installment Default | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:InstallmentDefault | Default event involving non-payment of several installment payments as scheduled in the terms of the agreement, or non-payment of a call by the beneficial owner | |
Maturity Extension (fbc) | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:MaturityExtension | Credit event involving extension of payments beyond the original maturity date of the obligation | |
Moratorium | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:Moratorium | Entity-specific credit event involving a temporary suspension of payments until related issues are resolved | |
Obligation Acceleration (fbc) | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:ObligationAcceleration | Credit event triggered when one or more reference obligations become immediately due and payable as a result of a default or covenant breach on the reference entity’s other debt instruments, subject to a materiality threshold | |
Obligation Default (fbc) | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:ObligationDefault | Credit event triggered as a result of an obligation-specific default | |
Obligation Restructuring | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:ObligationRestructuring | Credit event that materially impacts an obligation, such as an interest rate reduction, principal reduction, deferral of interest or principal, change in priority ranking, or change in currency or composition of payment | |
Obligation Specific Credit Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:ObligationSpecificCreditEvent | Credit event that relates to an individual credit agreement or debt instrument (reference obligation) | |
Repudiation | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:Repudiation | Credit event involving the refusal to honor the terms of a contract | |
Soft Credit Event | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:SoftCreditEvent | Default event that is repairable | |
Write Down | fibo-fbc-dae-cre:WriteDown | Obligation-specific credit event whereby the book value of the obligation, such as the outstanding principal amount, is reduced | |
Committed Credit Facility | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CommittedCreditFacility | A credit facility which has been formally agreed between a potential lender and a potential borrower. | |
Committed Credit Facility Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CommittedCreditFacilityTranche | A tranche of a credit facility which has been formally agreed between a potential lender and a potential borrower. | |
Credit Agreement Terms | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditAgreementTerms | Terms relating to an agreement to extend some committed credit facility on the part of a potential lender to a potential borrower. | |
Credit Extension | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditExtension | A service whereby credit is extended from the service provider to some party i.e. a borrower. | |
Credit Facility | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacility | An option to borrow money. Defines the parameters in which you are able to draw down some amount as a loan, debt finance, or some other financial commitment. | |
Credit Facility Agreement | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilityAgreement | A formal contract in which a potential lender agrees to lend to a potential borrower under terms stated in this contract. | |
Credit Facility Guaranty Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilityGuarantyTranche | ||
Credit Facility Loan Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilityLoanTranche | A tranche of a credit facility the purpose of which is a kind of Loan. | |
Credit Facility Securities Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilitySecuritiesTranche | ||
Credit Facility Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilityTranche | An individual tranche of the Credit Facility. This is the maximal amount of credit that can be extended to the potential borrower for the stated purpose. | |
Credit Facility Type Selection | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditFacilityTypeSelection | Types of purpose for which a credit facility tranche may be set up or may exist. | |
Credit Provider | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:CreditProvider | ||
has Tranche (fbc) | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:hasTranche | Associative Entity | |
has Tranche Purpose | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:hasTranchePurpose | The purpose for which the Tranche may exist. Notes 10 Feb: Question: What about a website that offers facilities for multiple purposes? Sometimes facility and purpose are not kept distinct. Differences: Retail lending – as modeled here commercial lending – see notes Purpose – Specific lenders e.g. Sallie Mae: Is it a loan or a credit facility? Is it structured similar to Construction / project loan? May look like multiple loans but these are fungible so it looks like one loan? Semantically: Facility v Loan? Student loan: usually for no more than one year. Would have multiple loans, so e.g. 2 or 3 semesters. School sets up number of disbursements so that tan equal amount goes at the start of a given semestrer. Next year you apply again for the loan AND before that you reassess the credit worthiness, so this means you are applying for a new Credit Facility Tranche as defined here. Always treated as a separate loan. School also has to certify that loan. See status – schol status, grace period status. Defer, small fixed, etc. versus full P&I which applies when they have left school May be 10 years or so. Would be separate loans, but pulled into one bull group, with one payment. May be a min payment amount to be applied abgainst each loan, say min $50 per payment, based upon the Program. Is the Program a facility?? Or should we regard it as a kind of pool of loans, with a single repayment schedule. Account? Consolidation. The individual doesn’t have to see loads of statements. | Associative Entity |
issued As | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:issuedAs | Associative Entity | |
Loan Precedent Conditions | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:LoanPrecedentConditions | Conditions which must be met before a loan may be approved. | |
sets Out Commitment To | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:setsOutCommitmentTo | Associative Entity | |
Uncommitted Credit Facility | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:UncommittedCreditFacility | ||
Uncommitted Credit Facility Tranche | fibo-fbc-dae-crf:UncommittedCreditFacilityTranche | ||
concerns Party | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:concernsParty | Indicates the party for which something is being or has been requested | Associative Entity |
Credit Inquiry | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditInquiry | Request from a lender to a credit repository to obtain information regarding a prospective borrower’s creditworthiness | |
Credit Inquiry Type | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditInquiryType | Classifier indicating whether a credit inquiry is a result of a borrower’s direct authorization or by some indirect means | |
Credit Message | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditMessage | Notice on a credit report to alert a reviewer of special or exceptional information | |
Credit Message Type | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditMessageType | Classifier that categorizes credit messages | |
Credit Rating | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditRating | Assessment of creditworthiness of a borrower generally or with respect to a particular debt or financial obligation | |
Credit Rating Agency | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditRatingAgency | Rating agency that publishes reports assessing the creditworthiness of a borrower or legal entity, either generally or with respect to a specific obligation | |
Credit Rating Model | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditRatingModel | Algorithm for computing a credit rating | |
Credit Rating Model Type | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditRatingModelType | A type corresonding to a family of credit scoring algorithms sharing common characteristics | |
Credit Rating Scale | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditRatingScale | Rating scale for assigning a credit rating to individual, entity, or instrument, including defining a set of codes or numeric scores and indicating how an assessment that is assigned a score based on that scale means | |
Credit Report | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditReport | Report describing the creditworthiness and related credit attributes of a borrower | |
Credit Report Category | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditReportCategory | Classifier for credit reports, often available from multiple vendors | |
Credit Report Product | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditReportProduct | Branded credit report offered in the marketplace | |
Credit Trade Line | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditTradeLine | Information derived from the transaction history of a credit account | |
Credit Watch Direction | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditWatchDirection | ||
Credit Watch Downgrade | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditWatchDowngrade | ||
Credit Watch Outlook | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditWatchOutlook | ||
Credit Watch Upgrade | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:CreditWatchUpgrade | ||
has Coverage Period | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:hasCoveragePeriod | Relates something (e.g. a credit report or insurance policy) to the specific time period that it covers | Associative Entity |
has Watch Direction | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:hasWatchDirection | Indicates direction in which an investment credit rating is expected to move in cases where that rating is on watch | Associative Entity |
has Watch Outlook | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:hasWatchOutlook | Indicates the expected outlook for the rated entity | Associative Entity |
Instrument Credit Rating | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:InstrumentCreditRating | Investment credit rating that provides an opinion of creditworthiness of an instrument, typically with some relationship to the creditworthiness of the issuer(s) | |
Investment Credit Rating | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:InvestmentCreditRating | Credit rating that provides an opinion of creditworthiness of an investment, including but not limited to an instrument or organization | |
On Watch Outlook | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:OnWatchOutlook | ||
Organization Credit Rating | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:OrganizationCreditRating | Credit rating that provides an opinion of creditworthiness of an organization | |
Short Term Credit Rating | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:ShortTermCreditRating | Credit rating that provides an opinion of the probability of an individual or organization going into default within a year | |
Stable Outlook | fibo-fbc-dae-crt:StableOutlook | ||
Accrual | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Accrual | The process of accumulating interest or other income that has been earned but not paid | |
Amortization | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Amortization | The process of reduction of debt or other costs through periodic charges to assets or liabilities, such as through principal payments on mortgages | |
Amortization Schedule | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:AmortizationSchedule | A schedule of periodic payments (repayment installments) that specify changes in the balance of the debt over time | |
Borrower | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Borrower | A party to a debt instrument that is obligated to repay the amount borrowed (principal) with interest and other fees according to the terms of the instrument | |
Borrowing Capacity | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:BorrowingCapacity | An amount of money that an individual or organization can borrow | |
Borrowing Capacity only has Available Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:BorrowingCapacity_only_fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasAvailableAmount | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Available Amount’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Borrowing Capacity | Associative Entity |
Borrowing Capacity only has Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:BorrowingCapacity_only_fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDate | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Date’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Borrowing Capacity | Associative Entity |
Borrowing Capacity only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:BorrowingCapacity_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Borrowing Capacity | Associative Entity |
Collateral | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Collateral | Asset offered as security, pledged as an inducement to another party, to lend money, extend credit, or provision securities | |
Collateral Agreement | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:CollateralAgreement | Written contract that specifies terms, over and above those specified in a promissory note, loan, or other debt instrument, under which the collateral must be made available to the lender | |
Credit Agreement | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:CreditAgreement | A contractual agreement in which a debtor receives something of value and agrees to repay the creditor at some date in the future, in some form (e.g., cash, securities, etc.), generally with interest | |
Creditor | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Creditor | A party to whom an obligation, such as an amount of money, or good, or performance of some service exists | |
Creditor only has Identity | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Creditor_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Creditor | Associative Entity |
Day Count Convention | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:DayCountConvention | A business recurrence interval convention that is used to calculate the number of days in an interest payment, which applies to the amount of accrued interest or the present value for debt instruments | |
Debt | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Debt | An obligation to pay something, such as an amount of money, good, service, or instrument | |
Debtor | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Debtor | A party that owes a debt or other obligation to another party | |
Debtor only has Identity | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Debtor_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Debtor | Associative Entity |
Debt Terms | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:DebtTerms | Contract terms that specify the formal rights and obligations of borrower and lender under a contract in which funds are lent from the one party to the other | |
Extension Provision | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:ExtensionProvision | Contract terms that specify the conditions under which a contract can be extended | |
Fixed Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:FixedInterestRate | An interest rate that does not fluctuate over the lifetime of a loan or other debt instrument | |
Floating Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:FloatingInterestRate | A variable interest rate that is based on a specific index or benchmark rate | |
Full Amortization | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:FullAmortization | Amortization in which the very last payment (which, if the schedule was calculated correctly, should be equal to all others) pays off all remaining principal and interest on the loan | |
governs Payment Of | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:governsPaymentOf | Links contractual terms embedded in a contract, such as interest or repayment terms to the element those terms apply to | Associative Entity |
has Accrual Basis | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasAccrualBasis | Identifies the convention that defines how interest accrues on something, that is the number of days in a month and days in a year that are counted when performing interest accrual calculations | Associative Entity |
has Available Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasAvailableAmount | Indicates an amount of money available for an individual or organization to borrow | Associative Entity |
has Borrower | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasBorrower | Relates a contract, such as a debt instrument or credit agreement, to one or more parties that are incurring the debt | Associative Entity |
has Compounding Frequency | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasCompoundingFrequency | The frequency at which interest is compounded | Associative Entity |
has Debt Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasDebtAmount | Indicates the monetary amount of the debt | Associative Entity |
has Denomination | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasDenomination | The face value of currency units, coins, or securities | Associative Entity |
has Extendable Period | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasExtendablePeriod | Indicates the date period during which an extension is allowable | Associative Entity |
has Extension Provision | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasExtensionProvision | Identifies a contract provision allowing extension of repayment or maturity dates | Associative Entity |
has Final Interest Payment Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasFinalInterestPaymentDate | The date on which the last interest payment is due | Associative Entity |
has Initial Interest Accrual Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInitialInterestAccrualDate | The date from which interest begins to accrue | Associative Entity |
has Initial Interest Payment Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInitialInterestPaymentDate | The date on which the first interest payment is due | Associative Entity |
has Initial Principal Payment Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInitialPrincipalPaymentDate | The date on which the first payment against the principal is due | Associative Entity |
has Interest Payment Day | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInterestPaymentDay | The day of the month on which interest payments must be made on the debt | Associative Entity |
has Interest Payment Frequency | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInterestPaymentFrequency | The frequency at which interest payments must be made on the debt | Associative Entity |
has Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInterestRate | Relates something, such as an agreement, or debt instrument, to the rate (typically annual) of interest that is to be paid by the debtor to the creditor on the debt | Associative Entity |
has Lender | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasLender | Relates a contract, such as a debt instrument or credit agreement, to one or more parties that are financing the debt | Associative Entity |
has Outstanding Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasOutstandingAmount | Indicates an amount of money representing the principal, interest, or other amount owed at a specific point in time | Associative Entity |
has Principal (fbc) | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasPrincipal | Indicates the face value of an obligation, such as a bond or loan, that must be repaid at maturity, i.e., the base amount raised by a mortgage or other debt instrument | Associative Entity |
has Principal Payment Day | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasPrincipalPaymentDay | The day of the month on which payments on the principal must be made | Associative Entity |
has Principal Payment Frequency | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasPrincipalPaymentFrequency | The frequency at which payments on the principal must be made | Associative Entity |
has Principal Repayment Date | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasPrincipalRepaymentDate | Relates an instrument to the date by which the principal must be repaid in full | Associative Entity |
Interest | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Interest | The cost of using credit, or another’s money, expressed as a rate per period of time, payable by a debtor to a creditor in consideration of the credit extended to the debtor | |
Interest only has Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Interest_only_fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:hasInterestRate | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Interest Rate’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Interest | Associative Entity |
Interest only has Date Period | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Interest_only_fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDatePeriod | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Date Period’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Interest | Associative Entity |
Interest Payment Terms | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:InterestPaymentTerms | Contract terms for payment of interest on a debt | |
is Amortization Of | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isAmortizationOf | Links the process of reduction of debt or other costs through periodic charges to the relevant asset or liability | Associative Entity |
is Based On | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isBasedOn | Relates something to something else on which it rests, or that supports it in some way | Associative Entity |
is Collateralization Of | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isCollateralizationOf | Relates some collateral to a credit agreement or debt instrument for which the property has been pledged as security for the debt | Associative Entity |
is Collateralized By | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isCollateralizedBy | Relates a credit agreement or debt instrument to property pledged as security for the debt | Associative Entity |
is Interest On | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isInterestOn | Links a monetary amount that is the cost of using credit to the debt that it applies to | Associative Entity |
is Owed | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isOwed | Links a creditor to a debt that is owed to them | Associative Entity |
is Owed To | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isOwedTo | Links a debt to the party to which it is owed | Associative Entity |
is Principal Of | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:isPrincipalOf | Links the value of a debt, excluding any interest or other costs of using credit to the debt that it applies to | Associative Entity |
Lender | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Lender | A party that extends credit or money to a borrower with the expectation of being repaid, usually with interest | |
Managed Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:ManagedInterestRate | A variable interest rate charged by a financial institution for borrowing that is not prescribed as a margin over base rate but is set from time to time by the institution | |
Negative Amortization | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:NegativeAmortization | Amortization in which the payments made do not cover the interest due | |
owes | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:owes | Links a party to a debt that they owe | Associative Entity |
Partial Amortization | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:PartialAmortization | Amortization in which the very last payment the last payment due may be a large balloon payment of all remaining principal and interest | |
Principal | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:Principal | With respect to a debt: the value of an obligation, such as a bond or loan, raised and that must be repaid at maturity; for investments: the original amount of money invested, separate from any associated interest, dividends or capital gains | |
Principal Repayment Terms | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:PrincipalRepaymentTerms | Contract terms that specify requirements for repayment of the principal | |
Rate Reset Time Of Day | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:RateResetTimeOfDay | Time of day that an interest rate is reset, as indicated by some interest rate authority or market data provider | |
Variable Interest Rate | fibo-fbc-dae-dbt:VariableInterestRate | An interest rate that is allowed to vary over the maturity of a loan or other debt instrument | |
Collateralized Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:CollateralizedGuaranty | Guaranty that takes the form of some asset that is pledged by a borrower to a lender (usually in return for a loan) | |
Government Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:GovernmentGuaranty | Guaranty provided by a government entity, such as for a government-backed security | |
Guarantor | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guarantor | Party that guarantees, endorses, or provides indemnity for some obligation on behalf of some other party | |
Guarantor only has Identity | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guarantor_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guarantor | Associative Entity |
Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty | Commitment whereby something is formally assured if a party with primary liability fails to perform | |
Guaranty only has Guaranteed Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty_only_fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasGuaranteedAmount | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Guaranteed Amount’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guaranty | Associative Entity |
Guaranty only has Priority Level | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty_only_fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasPriorityLevel | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Priority Level’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guaranty | Associative Entity |
Guaranty only is Guaranteed By | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty_only_fibo-fbc-dae-gty:isGuaranteedBy | A subtype of associative entity ‘is Guaranteed By’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guaranty | Associative Entity |
Guaranty only has Expiration Date | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty_only_fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasExpirationDate | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Expiration Date’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guaranty | Associative Entity |
Guaranty only holds During | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Guaranty_only_fibo-fnd-dt-bd:holdsDuring | A subtype of associative entity ‘holds During’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Guaranty | Associative Entity |
has Guaranteed Amount | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasGuaranteedAmount | Relates the guaranty to the monetary amount guaranteed | Associative Entity |
has Guarantor | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasGuarantor | Relates the guarantor to the contract for which they are providing a guaranty | Associative Entity |
has Guarantor Party | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasGuarantorParty | Indicates a party that guarantees, endorses, or provides indemnity for some obligation on its behalf | Associative Entity |
has Priority Level | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasPriorityLevel | Relates a guaranty to some relative ranking that the guaranty has in the context of the contract, for example for a credit enhancement priority | Associative Entity |
Insurance Backed Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:InsuranceBackedGuaranty | Guaranty that is realized as an insurance policy | |
Insurance Policy | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:InsurancePolicy | Contract document that (1) puts an indemnity cover into effect, (2) serves as a legal evidence of the insurance agreement, (3) sets out the exact terms on which the indemnity cover has been provided, and (4) states associated information such as the (a) specific risks and perils covered, (b) duration of coverage, (c) amount of premium, (d) mode of premium payment, and (e) deductibles, if any | |
Insurer | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Insurer | Financial service provider that issues an insurance policy | |
is Guaranteed By | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:isGuaranteedBy | Relates guaranty to the contract guarantor, i.e., to the legal person providing the guaranty | Associative Entity |
Joint Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:JointGuaranty | Guaranty provided by at least two parties, jointly and severally | |
Letter Of Credit | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:LetterOfCredit | Letter from a bank or other creditworthy institution guaranteeing that a buyer’s payment to a seller will be received on time and for the correct amount | |
Letter Of Credit Guaranty | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:LetterOfCreditGuaranty | Guaranty that takes the form of a letter of credit, i.e., a document issued by a bank guaranteeing the payment up to a stated amount for a specified period | |
Negative Pledge | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:NegativePledge | Guaranty whereby the issuer will not pledge any assets if doing so would result in less security for lender(s) or investor(s) | |
Policyholder | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:Policyholder | Counterparty to and typically owner of an insurance policy | |
Priority Level | fibo-fbc-dae-gty:PriorityLevel | Relative ranking that a guaranty has in the context of a contract, for example for a credit enhancement priority | |
Business Center Code | fibo-fbc-fct-bc:BusinessCenterCode | Code used to denote a metropolitan area where business is conducted | |
Business Center Code Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-bc:BusinessCenterCodeScheme | Coding scheme used to define a set of codes for municipalities or business centers | |
Business Day Adjustment Code | fibo-fbc-fct-bc:BusinessDayAdjustmentCode | Code used to denote a convention for specifying what happens when a date falls on a day that is weekend or holiday in some municipality or business center | |
Business Register Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:BusinessRegisterIdentifier | Identifier that uniquely identifies a business register, such as a register identified by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) registration authorities list | |
Business Registration Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:BusinessRegistrationAuthority | Registration authority that is responsible for maintaining a registry of business entities | |
Business Registry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:BusinessRegistry | Registry for registering and maintaining information about business entities | |
Business Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:BusinessRegistryEntry | Entry in a business registry | |
Entity Expiration Reason | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:EntityExpirationReason | Code for the reason that a legal entity ceased to exist and/or operate | |
Entity Legal Form Registry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:EntityLegalFormRegistry | Registry for registering and maintaining information about the legal forms that are valid for business entities for a particular jurisdiction following the ISO 20275 standard | |
Entity Legal Form Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:EntityLegalFormRegistryEntry | Entry in an entity legal form registry that conforms to ISO 20275 | |
Entity Status | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:EntityStatus | Lifecycle stage indicating the operational and/or legal status of an entity | |
Entity Validation Level | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:EntityValidationLevel | Code for the level of validation performed by the GLEIF or LOU with respect to the reference data provided by the registrant | |
has Entity Expiration Reason | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:hasEntityExpirationReason | Indicates the reason that an entity ceased to exist (i.e., disolved, merged with another entity, etc.) | Associative Entity |
has Entity Status | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:hasEntityStatus | Indicates the status of the entity (i.e., active, inactive) | Associative Entity |
has Registration Status | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:hasRegistrationStatus | Indicates the status of a specific registration, such as for an identifier or license | Associative Entity |
has Validation Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:hasValidationAuthority | Identifies the business registration authority for the legal entity, used by the Local Operating Unit (LOU) as the basis for validation, as defined in the GLEIF Registration Authorities List | Associative Entity |
has Validation Level | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:hasValidationLevel | An indicator of the level of validation performed by the registrar with respect to the legal entity | Associative Entity |
Legal Entity Identifier Registry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:LegalEntityIdentifierRegistry | Registry for registering and maintaining information about business entities for a particular jurisdiction | |
Legal Entity Identifier Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:LegalEntityIdentifierRegistryEntry | Entry in a legal entity identifier registry that conforms to ISO 17442 and the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) Common Data Format (CDF) | |
Local Operating Unit | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:LocalOperatingUnit | Registration authority that issues legal entity identifiers and is authorized by the Global LEI Foundation to do so | |
Local Operating Unit Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:LocalOperatingUnitIdentifier | Identifier that uniquely identifies a local operating unit (LOU), issued by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) | |
North American Industry Classification System Code | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystemCode | The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code representing an industry | |
North American Industry Classification System Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:NorthAmericanIndustryClassificationSystemScheme | The scheme defining the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes | |
Registration Authority Code | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:RegistrationAuthorityCode | Identifier that uniquely identifies a business registry, and is associated with a registration authority and jurisdiction, issued by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF) | |
Registration Status | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:RegistrationStatus | Lifecycle stage indicating the status of a given registration of something, such as a business or legal entity, as specified by the registration authority | |
Standard Industrial Classification Code | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:StandardIndustrialClassificationCode | The SIC code representing an industry | |
Standard Industrial Classification Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-breg:StandardIndustrialClassificationScheme | The scheme defining the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code List | |
Canadian Credit Union | fibo-fbc-fct-cafse:CanadianCreditUnion | A not-for-profit financial institution, typically formed by the employees of a company, labor union, or religious group, operated as a cooperative association organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its members and creating a source of credit for provident or productive purposes | |
CRD Credit Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:CRDCreditInstitution | An undertaking whose business is to receive deposits or other repayable funds from the public and to grant credits for its own account as defined by the European Banking Authority (EBA) | |
Credit Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:CreditInstitution | An undertaking the business of which is to take deposits or other repayable funds from the public and to grant credits for its own account, and to which authorisation has been granted to operate within the European Union and European Economic Area countries (EEA) | |
Credit Institution Or Investment Firm | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:CreditInstitutionOrInvestmentFirm | A European financial institution that is a credit institution or an investment firm as defined by the European Banking Authority (EBA) | |
European Economic Area Branch | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:EuropeanEconomicAreaBranch | A branch of a credit institution authorised in another European Economic Area (EEA) country that has the right to passport its activities | |
Investment Firm | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:InvestmentFirm | Any legal person whose regular occupation or business is the provision of one or more investment services to third parties and/or the performance of one or more investment activities on a professional basis | |
Local Firm | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:LocalFirm | A firm dealing for its own account on markets in financial futures or options or other derivatives and on cash markets for the sole purpose of hedging positions on derivatives markets, or dealing for the accounts of other members of those markets and being guaranteed by clearing members of the same markets, where responsibility for ensuring the performance of contracts entered into by such a firm is assumed by clearing members of the same markets | |
Non European Economic Area Branch | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:NonEuropeanEconomicAreaBranch | A branch of a credit institution whose Head Office is in a third country | |
Payment Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-eufse:PaymentInstitution | A legal person that has been granted authorisation in accordance with Article 10 to provide and execute payment services throughout the European community | |
Credit Institution Register Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-eurga:CreditInstitutionRegisterEntry | An entry in the Credit Institution Register, a repository of credit institutions collected by the European Banking Authority (EBA) as provided by the various national banking authorities for those institutions that qualify | |
Credit Institution Register Entry only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-fct-eurga:CreditInstitutionRegisterEntry_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Credit Institution Register Entry | Associative Entity |
Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:Bank | A depository institution, usually a corporation, that accepts deposits, makes loans, pays checks, and performs related services, for individual members of the public, businesses or other organizations | |
Bank For International Settlements | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BankForInternationalSettlements | An international financial organization that serves central banks in their pursuit of monetary and financial stability, helping to foster international cooperation in those areas and acting as a bank for central banks | |
Bank Holding Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BankHoldingCompany | Any company that owns and/or has direct or indirect control of one or more banks; BHCs may also own nonbanking subsidiaries such as broker-dealers and asset managers | |
Banking Product | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BankingProduct | A product provided to consumers and businesses by a bank or similar depository institution such as a checking account, savings account, certificate of deposit, debit or pre-paid card, or credit card | |
Banking Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BankingService | A financial service offered by a bank or similar depository institution, such as a cash management service, foreign exchange service, lending or credit service, investment service, insurance service, merchant service, payroll service, etc. | |
Brokerage Firm | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BrokerageFirm | A firm in the business of buying and selling securities, operating as both a broker and a dealer, depending on the transaction | |
Business Identifier Code | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BusinessIdentifierCode | An international identifier for financial and non-financial institutions used to facilitate automated processing of information for financial services | |
Business Identifier Code Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BusinessIdentifierCodeScheme | A scheme that specifies the elements of a unique business identifier code (BIC) scheme to identify financial and non-financial institutions used to facilitate automated processing of information for financial services | |
Business Party Prefix | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BusinessPartyPrefix | A four-character (4 alphanumeric) code associated with the organization | |
Business Party Suffix | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:BusinessPartySuffix | A two-character (2 alphanumeric) code associated with the organization | |
Central Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CentralBank | A financial institution that is the monetary authority and major regulatory bank for a country (or group of countries) | |
Central Bank only has Identity | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CentralBank_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Identity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Central Bank | Associative Entity |
Central Counterparty Clearing House | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CentralCounterpartyClearingHouse | A clearing house that helps facilitate trading in derivatives and equities markets | |
Central Securities Depository | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CentralSecuritiesDepository | A functional entity that provides a central point for depositing financial instruments (‘securities’), for example bonds and shares | |
Clearing Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ClearingBank | A commercial bank that facilitates payment and settlement of financial transactions, such as check clearing or facilitating trades between the sellers and buyers of securities or other financial instruments or contracts | |
Clearing Corporation | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ClearingCorporation | A clearing house that is organized as a corporation | |
Clearing House | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ClearingHouse | A financial service provider that is exchange affiliated and provides clearing services, including the validation, delivery, and settlement of financial transactions, for financial intermediaries | |
Clearing Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ClearingService | A set of activities provided on behalf of an institutional market participant by a clearing services provider following a trade that finalizes the transfer of security ownership | |
Commercial Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CommercialBank | A bank that provides services, such as accepting deposits, giving business loans and auto loans, mortgage lending, and basic investment products like savings accounts and certificates of deposit | |
Commercial Finance Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CommercialFinanceCompany | A finance company that makes loans to manufacturers and wholesalers, secured by accounts receivable, inventories, and equipment | |
Commodity Trading Advisor | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CommodityTradingAdvisor | An individual or organization that directly or indirectly advises others as to the value or advisability of buying or selling futures contracts or options | |
Consumer Finance Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ConsumerFinanceCompany | A finance company that lends to individuals under the small loans laws of the jurisdiction in which they operate | |
Credit Union | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:CreditUnion | Not-for-profit depository institution that makes personal loans and offers other consumer banking services, organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its members and creating a source of credit for provident or productive purposes | |
Depository Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:DepositoryInstitution | Any financial institution engaged in the business of receiving demand deposits from the public or other institutions | |
Development Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:DevelopmentBank | National or regional financial institution designed to provide medium- and long-term capital for productive investment, often accompanied by technical assistance, in poor countries | |
Electronic Funds Transfer Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ElectronicFundsTransferService | A service involving any transfer of funds other than a transaction involving a paper instrument, that is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephone, or computer and that orders or authorizes a financial institution to debit or credit an account | |
Face Amount Certificate Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FaceAmountCertificateCompany | An investment company which is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of issuing face-amount certificates of the installment type, or which has been engaged in such business and has any such certificate outstanding | |
Finance Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FinanceCompany | Financial intermediary in the business of making loans that obtains its financing from banks, institutions, and other money market sources rather than from deposits | |
Financial Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FinancialInstitution | A financial service provider identified as either a government agency or privately owned entity that collects funds from the public and from other institutions, and invests those funds in financial assets, such as loans, securities, bank deposits, and income-generating property | |
Financial Service Provider Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FinancialServiceProviderIdentifier | An identifier that is officially allocated to a financial service provider based on a function that they provide, typically in a jurisdiction over which a regulatory agency has some jurisdiction | |
Financial Service Provider Identifier Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FinancialServiceProviderIdentifierScheme | The scheme that defines the financial service provider identifier per the issuing registration authority or regulatory agency | |
Futures Commission Merchant | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:FuturesCommissionMerchant | An individual or organization that which does both of the following: (1) solicits or accepts orders to buy or sell futures contracts, options on futures, retail off-exchange forex contracts, or swaps and (2) accepts money or other assets from customers to support such orders | |
has Date Established | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:hasDateEstablished | The date that the financial service provider was established | Associative Entity |
has Date Insured | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:hasDateInsured | The date that the financial service provider was first insured for the purposes of protecting client accounts | Associative Entity |
has Portfolio Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:hasPortfolioCompany | Indicates a party in which a venture capital firm, a buyout firm, or a holding company has invested | Associative Entity |
Holding Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:HoldingCompany | Business entity established to own stock in another company, typically to own enough voting shares to have some level of control over that company’s policies and management | |
Insurance Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:InsuranceCompany | Non-depository institution whose primary and predominant business activity is the writing of insurance or the reinsuring of risks underwritten by insurance companies, and that provides compensation based on the happening of at least one contingency | |
Insurance Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:InsuranceService | A financial service in which the insurer promises to provide compensation for specific potential future losses in exchange for a periodic payment | |
Investment Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:InvestmentBank | A financial service provider that performs a variety of services. Investment banks specialize in large and complex financial transactions such as underwriting, acting as an intermediary between a securities issuer and the investing public, facilitating mergers and other corporate reorganizations, and acting as a broker and/or financial adviser for institutional clients. | |
Investment Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:InvestmentCompany | Any issuer which: (a) is or holds itself out as being engaged primarily, or proposes to engage primarily, in the business of investing, reinvesting, or trading in securities; (b) is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of issuing face-amount certificates of the installment type, or has been engaged in such business and has any such certificate outstanding; or (c) is engaged or proposes to engage in the business of investing, reinvesting, owning, holding, or trading in securities, and owns or proposes to acquire investment securities having a value exceeding 40 per centum of the value of such issuer's total assets (exclusive of Government securities and cash items) on an unconsolidated basis | |
Investment Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:InvestmentService | A financial service designed to assist investors in using capital to create more money, either through income-producing vehicles or through more risk-oriented ventures to result in capital gains, including but not limited to providing investment advice, asset and portfolio management, brokerage services, and so forth | |
Management Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:ManagementCompany | Investment company that sells and manages a portfolio of securities other than a face-amount certificate company or unit investment fund | |
Merchant Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:MerchantService | A financial service provided by a financial institution to a merchant or other business, including but not limited to managing financial transactions via a secure channel | |
Monetary Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:MonetaryAuthority | A regulatory agency that controls the monetary policy, regulation and supply of money in some country or group of countries | |
Money Services Business | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:MoneyServicesBusiness | Any person doing business, whether or not on a regular basis or as an organized business concern, in one of the following capacities: (1) currency dealer or exchanger, (2) check casher, (3) issuer of traveler’s checks, money orders, or stored value, (4) seller or redeemer of traveler’s checks, money orders, or stored value, (5) money transmitter, or (6) postal service | |
Mortgage Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:MortgageCompany | Financial service provider that originates and/or funds mortgages for residential or commercial property | |
Non Depository Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:NonDepositoryInstitution | Any financial institution that acts as the middleman between two parties in a financial transaction, and that does not provide traditional depository services, such as brokerage firms, insurance companies, investment companies, etc. | |
Payment Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:PaymentService | A financial service that involves acceptance of electronic payments by a variety of payment methods including credit card, bank-based payments such as direct debit, bank transfer, and real-time bank transfer based on online banking | |
Payroll Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:PayrollService | A financial service, typically provided to small businesses that are not large enough to have an internal finance organization, that involves managing payment of wages to employees | |
Principal Underwriter | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:PrincipalUnderwriter | Underwriter who as principal purchases from an investment company, or pursuant to contract has the right (whether absolute or conditional) from time to time to purchase from such company, any such security for distribution, or who as agent for such company sells or has the right to sell any such security to a dealer or to the public or both, but does not include a dealer who purchases from such company through a principal underwriter acting as agent for such company | |
Registered Investment Advisor | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:RegisteredInvestmentAdvisor | Registered agent and financial service provider that advises high net worth individuals on investments and manages their portfolios | |
regulates Supply Of | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:regulatesSupplyOf | Relates a regulatory agency to something it controls or supervises the availability of in some market by means of rules and regulations | Associative Entity |
Sales Finance Company | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:SalesFinanceCompany | A finance company that purchases retail and wholesale paper from automobile and other consumer and commercial goods dealers | |
Savings Association | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:SavingsAssociation | Depository institution that is (a) any federal savings bank or association chartered under section 1464 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act; (b) any state chartered building and loan association, savings and loan association, or homestead association; or (c) any cooperative bank (other than a cooperative bank which is a state bank as defined in subsection (a)(2)) of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act, which is organized and operating according to the laws of the State (as defined in subsection (a)(3)) in which it is chartered or organized; and (c) any corporation (other than a bank) that the board of directors and the comptroller of the currency jointly determine to be operating in substantially the same manner as such a depository institution | |
Self Regulating Organization | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:SelfRegulatingOrganization | A non-governmental organization that has the power to create and exercise some degree of regulatory authority over an industry or profession in some country or group of countries | |
Underwriter | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:Underwriter | A financial service provider that evaluates and assumes another party’s risk for a fee, such as a commission, premium, spread or interest | |
Underwriting Arrangement | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:UnderwritingArrangement | A contractual agreement between parties that commits the underwriter to assuming risk | |
Unit Investment Trust | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:UnitInvestmentTrust | An investment company which (a) is organized under a trust indenture, contract of custodianship or agency, or similar instrument, (b) does not have a board of directors, and (c) issues only redeemable securities, each of which represents an undivided interest in a unit of specified securities; but does not include a voting trust | |
Wealth Management Service | fibo-fbc-fct-fse:WealthManagementService | A high-level financial service that combines financial and investment advice, accounting and tax services, retirement planning and legal or estate planning for one set fee | |
Business Identifier Code Data Record | fibo-fbc-fct-ireg:BusinessIdentifierCodeDataRecord | An entry in a registry that conforms to ISO 9362:2014 for the mananagement of BIC codes and related registration information | |
Market Identifier Code Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-ireg:MarketIdentifierCodeRegistryEntry | An entry in a market identifier code registry that conforms to ISO 10383 | |
Exchange | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:Exchange | Any organization, association, or group of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which constitutes, maintains, or provides a facility for bringing together purchasers and sellers of financial instruments, commodities, or other products, services, or goods, and includes the market place and facilities maintained by such exchange | |
has Market Identifier Code Status | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:hasMarketIdentifierCodeStatus | Indicates the status of a specific market identifier code (MIC) | Associative Entity |
Market Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:MarketIdentifier | An identifier and code that specifies a universal method of identifying exchanges, trading platforms and regulated or non-regulated markets as sources of prices and related information in order to facilitate automated processing, i.e., stock exchanges, regulated markets, e.g., Electronic Trading Platforms (ECN), and unregulated markets, e.g., Automated Trading Systems (ATS) | |
Market Identifier Code Status | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:MarketIdentifierCodeStatus | A lifecycle stage indicating the status of the MIC code, as specified by the registration authority | |
Market Segment Level Market | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:MarketSegmentLevelMarket | An exchange/market/trade reporting facility that specializes in one or more specific instruments or that is regulated uniquely from the operating-level market that manages it | |
Market Segment Level Market Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:MarketSegmentLevelMarketIdentifier | A market identifier that identifies a section of an exchange/market/trade reporting facility that specializes in one or more specific instruments or that is regulated differently | |
Multilateral Trading Facility | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:MultilateralTradingFacility | A trading system that facilitates the exchange of financial instruments between multiple parties | |
operates In Country | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:operatesInCountry | Indicates the country in which the exchange is registered and operates | Associative Entity |
operates In Municipality | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:operatesInMunicipality | Indicates the municipality or business center in which the exchange is registered and operates | Associative Entity |
Operating Level Market | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:OperatingLevelMarket | An exchange/market/trade/reporting facility that operates in a specific market/country | |
Operating Level Market Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:OperatingLevelMarketIdentifier | A market identifier that identifies an entity operating an exchange/market/trade/reporting facility that operates in a specific market/country | |
Organized Trading Facility | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:OrganizedTradingFacility | A multi-lateral system which is not an RM or an MTF and in which multiple third-party buying and selling interests in bonds, structured finance products, emission allowances or derivatives are able to interact in the system in a way that results in a contract in accordance with the provisions of Title II of MiFID II | |
Registered Multilateral Trading Facility | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:RegisteredMultilateralTradingFacility | A multilateral system operated by an investment firm or market operator, which brings together multiple third-party buying and selling interests in financial instruments in the system, in accordance with non-discretionary rules, in a way that results in a contract in accordance with the provisions of Title II of the MiFID II | |
Regulated Market | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:RegulatedMarket | A medium for the exchange of goods or services over which a government body exerts a level of control. This control may require market participants to comply with environmental standards, product-safety specifications, information disclosure requirements and so on. | |
Systematic Internaliser | fibo-fbc-fct-mkt:SystematicInternaliser | An investment firm that, on an organised, frequent, systematic and substantial basis, deals on its own account by executing client orders outside a regulated market, MTF or OTF without operating a multilateral system | |
has Registration Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:hasRegistrationAuthority | Indicates the registration authority for something | Associative Entity |
has Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:hasRegistryEntry | Links a registry to entries that it contains | Associative Entity |
is Registered In | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:isRegisteredIn | Indicates the registry that something is registered in | Associative Entity |
registers | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:registers | Records something in a registry or archive | Associative Entity |
Registrar | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:Registrar | Party that has the capacity to act as a representative of a registration authority to provide registration services, including official record keeping | |
Registration Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistrationAuthority | Service provider that is responsible for maintaining a registry and provides registration services | |
Registration Capacity | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistrationCapacity | The capacity of some natural person to formally register information in a registry on behalf of some registration authority | |
Registration Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistrationScheme | Scheme for organizing information and allocating identifiers to items in a registry | |
Registration Service | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistrationService | Service provided to individuals and/or organizations to register items in a registry | |
Registry | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:Registry | Authoritative record or collection of records relating to something | |
Registry only has Constituent | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:Registry_only_fibo-fnd-arr-arr:hasConstituent | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Constituent’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Registry | Associative Entity |
Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistryEntry | Independently identified entry for something recorded in a registry | |
Registry Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:RegistryIdentifier | An identifier associated with an entry in a registry, i.e., one that provides an index to the registry for the identified item | |
specifies (fbc) | fibo-fbc-fct-ra:specifies | States a fact about something | Associative Entity |
Examiner | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:Examiner | A party empowered as an official representative by a regulatory agency to investigate and review specified documents for accuracy and truthfulness | |
Government Issued License | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:GovernmentIssuedLicense | Grant of permission needed to legally perform some task, provide some service, exercise a certain privilege, or pursue some business or occupation | |
is Regulated By | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:isRegulatedBy | Indicates a regulatory agency that has regulatory authority for something | Associative Entity |
regulates (fbc) | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:regulates | Has regulatory authority over or directs according to rule or law, typically an industry, organization, or product | Associative Entity |
Regulation Identification Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulationIdentificationScheme | A scheme for organizing information and allocating identifiers to regulations | |
Regulation Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulationIdentifier | An identifier associated with a regulation | |
Regulatory Agency | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulatoryAgency | A public authority or government agency responsible for exercising autonomous authority over something in a regulatory or supervisory capacity | |
Regulatory Capacity | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulatoryCapacity | The capacity of some natural person to regulate some industry, organization, or product by virtue of some certification program on behalf of some regulatory agency | |
Regulatory Report | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulatoryReport | A report required to support operational transparency that demonstrates compliance with some specification, law, policy, restriction, or other rule specified by a regulatory agency | |
Regulatory Service | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:RegulatoryService | A service provided by a regulatory agency, which may include, but not be limited to, examination, monitoring, supervision, testing, or other capabilities required to ensure the integrity, fairness, safety, or other capacity of a given industry, organization, or product | |
Tax Authority | fibo-fbc-fct-rga:TaxAuthority | Regulatory agency that has jurisdiction over the assessment, determination, collection, imposition and other aspects of any tax | |
Agreement Corporation | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:AgreementCorporation | A corporation chartered by a state to engage in international banking, so named because the corporation enters into an ‘agreement’ with the Fed’s Board of Governors that it will limit its activities to those permitted | |
Cooperative Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:CooperativeBank | A state-chartered savings association located in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island or Vermont | |
Edge Corporation | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:EdgeCorporation | A corporation chartered by the Federal Reserve to engage in international banking and financial operations | |
Farm Credit System Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:FarmCreditSystemInstitution | Any federally-chartered financial institution that is supervised, examined, and regulated by the Farm Credit Administration and operates in accordance with the Farm Credit Act of 1971, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 2001 et seq. All Farm Credit System institutions are federally-chartered instrumentalities of the United States. | |
Financial Holding Company | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:FinancialHoldingCompany | A financial entity engaged in a broad range of banking-related activities, created by the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 | |
Industrial Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:IndustrialBank | A limited service financial institution that raises funds by selling certificates called ‘investment shares’ and by accepting deposits | |
Mutual Savings Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:MutualSavingsBank | A financial institution that accepts deposits primarily from individuals and places a large portion of its funds into mortgage loans | |
National Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:NationalBank | A commercial bank whose charter is approved by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) rather than by a state banking department | |
Non Depository Trust Company | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:NonDepositoryTrustCompany | A trust company that accepts and executes trusts, but does not issue currency; non-depository trust companies can either be Federal Reserve Members or Federal Reserve Non-members | |
Savings And Loan Association | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:SavingsAndLoanAssociation | A financial institution that accepts deposits primarily from individuals and channels its funds primarily into residential mortgage loans | |
Savings And Loan Holding Company | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:SavingsAndLoanHoldingCompany | A company that directly or indirectly controls a savings association or another savings and loan holding company, and explicitly excludes any company that is also a bank holding company | |
Savings Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:SavingsBank | A banking institution organized to encourage thrift by paying interest dividends on savings; savings banks can have state and federal affiliations, for example, State Savings Banks and Federal Savings Banks | |
State Chartered Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:StateCharteredBank | A commercial bank whose charter is approved by a state banking department | |
Thrift Institution | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:ThriftInstitution | An organization that primarily accepts savings account deposits and invests most of the proceeds in mortgages; savings banks and savings and loan associations and credit unions are examples of thrift institutions | |
US Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:USBank | A bank that is licensed to conduct business in the United States | |
US Bank Holding Company | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:USBankHoldingCompany | A bank holding company that is licensed to conduct business in the United States and is regulated and supervised by the Federal Reserve in accordance with the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 | |
US Credit Union | fibo-fbc-fct-usfse:USCreditUnion | A cooperative association organized for the purpose of promoting thrift among its members and creating a source of credit for provident or productive purposes | |
ABAIIN Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:ABAIINRegistryEntry | An entry in the ABA IIN registry, a repository of financial institution characteristics collected by the ABA for those institutions to which they issue IINs | |
ABAIIN Registry Entry only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:ABAIINRegistryEntry_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, ABAIIN Registry Entry | Associative Entity |
ABARTN Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:ABARTNRegistryEntry | An entry in the ABA RTN registry, a repository of financial institution characteristics collected by the ABA Registrar on behalf of the ABA | |
ABARTN Registry Entry only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:ABARTNRegistryEntry_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, ABARTN Registry Entry | Associative Entity |
Employer Identification Number | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:EmployerIdentificationNumber | Unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to business entities operating in the United States for the purposes of identification | |
Employer Identification Numbering Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:EmployerIdentificationNumberingScheme | Taxpayer identification numbering scheme used in the United States to identify business entities | |
FDIC Certificate Number | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FDICCertificateNumber | Identifier issued to a depository institution by the FDIC on approval of that institution’s application for insurance | |
FDIC Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FDICRegistryEntry | An entry in the FDIC institution directory, a repository of financial institution characteristics collected by the FDIC related to the institutions they insure | |
FDIC Registry Entry only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FDICRegistryEntry_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, FDIC Registry Entry | Associative Entity |
Federal Government Entity | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FederalGovernmentEntity | Formal organization that is an independent agency, instrumentality or other permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government in the United States, authorized by the executive branch or by Congress, that operates at the national (federal) level | |
Federal Reserve District | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FederalReserveDistrict | A region of the US identifying the jurisdiction of a Federal Reserve Bank, numbered and named for the city in which that reserve bank is located | |
Federal Reserve District Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FederalReserveDistrictBank | Federal Reserve district and member bank, with jurisdiction over a specific region of the US, named for the city in which the reserve bank is located | |
Federal Reserve District Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FederalReserveDistrictIdentifier | Identifier associated with a Federal Reserve district | |
FRS Member Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FRSMemberBank | Financial institution that is a member of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) | |
FRS Non Member Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FRSNonMemberBank | Financial institution that is not a member of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) | |
FRS State Member Bank | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:FRSStateMemberBank | State-chartered bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System (FRS) | |
has Primary Federal Regulator | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:hasPrimaryFederalRegulator | Identifies the primary federal regulator for an institution | Associative Entity |
has Secondary Federal Regulator | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:hasSecondaryFederalRegulator | Identifies an additional federal regulator, over and above the primary federal regulator, for an institution | Associative Entity |
Issuer Identification Number | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:IssuerIdentificationNumber | A numbering system that allows a credit, debit, or other card to be identified as having been issued by a particular financial institution | |
NIC Registry Entry | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:NICRegistryEntry | An entry in the the National Information Center (NIC) repository, a repository of financial data and institution characteristics collected by the Federal Reserve System | |
NIC Registry Entry only applies To (fnd) | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:NICRegistryEntry_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | A subtype of associative entity ‘applies To (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, NIC Registry Entry | Associative Entity |
Primary Federal Regulator | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:PrimaryFederalRegulator | The primary federal regulator for an institution as defined by the National Information Center (NIC) registry | Equivalent Entity |
Research Statistics Supervision Discount Identifier | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:ResearchStatisticsSupervisionDiscountIdentifier | A unique identifier assigned by the Federal Reserve to financial institutions | |
Routing Transit Number | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:RoutingTransitNumber | A unique nine digit identifier, used in the United States, to identify a banking or other financial institution to clear funds or process checks; the routing transit number, as it appears on a check, specifically denotes the banking institution that holds the account in which funds from the check are to be drawn. | |
State Government Entity | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:StateGovernmentEntity | Formal organization that is an independent agency, instrumentality or other permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government of any one of the states or territories of the United States | |
Taxpayer Identification Number | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:TaxpayerIdentificationNumber | Identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws in the United States | |
Taxpayer Identification Numbering Scheme | fibo-fbc-fct-usjrga:TaxpayerIdentificationNumberingScheme | Tax identification scheme used in the United States | |
Cash Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CashInstrument | A financial instrument whose value is determined by the market and that is readily transferable (highly liquid) | |
Commodity Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CommodityInstrument | A financial instrument representing an ownership interest in a raw material or primary agricultural product | |
Currency Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:CurrencyInstrument | A financial instrument used for the purposes of currency trading | |
Debt Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:DebtInstrument | A financial instrument enables the issuing party to raise funds by accepting the obligation to repay a lender by a particular time in accordance with the terms of a contract | |
Debt Instrument only confers | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:DebtInstrument_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Debt Instrument | Associative Entity |
Derivative Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:DerivativeInstrument | A financial instrument that confers on its holders certain rights or obligations, whose value is derived from one or more underlying assets | |
Entitlement | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Entitlement | A financial instrument that provides the holder the privilege to subscribe to or to receive specific assets on terms specified | |
Equity Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:EquityInstrument | A financial instrument representing an ownership interest in an entity or pool of assets | |
Exempt Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:ExemptSecurity | Security that is exempt from certain regulatory rules | |
Financial Instrument | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:FinancialInstrument | A written contract that gives rise to both a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity | |
Financial Instrument Identifier | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:FinancialInstrumentIdentifier | An identifier for a financial instrument | |
Future | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Future | A contract that obligates the buyer to receive and the seller to deliver, in the future, the assets specified at an agreed price | |
has Duration To Maturity | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasDurationToMaturity | Indicates the lifespan of an instrument or offering, from the date of issuance to the scheduled maturity date | Associative Entity |
has Maturity Date | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasMaturityDate | Indicates the date on which the principal amount of an instrument is due to be repaid to the investor and interest or coupon payments stop, and/or the date on which the instrument may be redeemed | Associative Entity |
has Principal Executive Office Address | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasPrincipalExecutiveOfficeAddress | Relates an organization, specifically the issuer of a financial instrument, to its principal executive address, as required for issuance of that instrument | Associative Entity |
has Redemption Provision | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasRedemptionProvision | Indicates the specific terms related to redemption as specified in the instrument or a related contract document | Associative Entity |
has Term | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasTerm | Indicates a fixed or limited period for which something, e.g., an investment, lasts or is intended to last | Associative Entity |
has Time To Maturity | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasTimeToMaturity | Indicates the interval between the present date and the scheduled maturity date of an instrument or offering | Associative Entity |
has Value Expressed In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:hasValueExpressedIn | Relates an instrument to the currency its value is typically expressed in | Associative Entity |
holds Shares In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:holdsSharesIn | Specifies the issuer in which a shareholder holds an equity position | Associative Entity |
is Denominated In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:isDenominatedIn | Indicates the currency in which the financial instrument was issued | Associative Entity |
is Legally Recorded In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:isLegallyRecordedIn | Jurisdiction (country, county, state, province, city) in which the financial instrument is legally recorded for regulatory and/or tax purposes | Associative Entity |
Issuer | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Issuer | Party that issues (or proposes to issue in a formal filing) a financial instrument | |
may Be Traded In | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:mayBeTradedIn | Optionally identifies one or more markets in which the security may be traded | Associative Entity |
Negotiable Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:NegotiableSecurity | A security that can be transferred or delivered to another party | |
Non Negotiable Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:NonNegotiableSecurity | A security that is not transferable to another party | |
Option | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Option | A contract that grants to the holder either the privilege to purchase or the privilege to sell the assets specified at a predetermined price or formula at or within a time in the future | |
Packaged Financial Product | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:PackagedFinancialProduct | A financial product that acts as a container, or wrapper, for one or more financial instruments, including other financial products | |
Redemption Provision | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:RedemptionProvision | Contract provision enabling the issuer (writer) to regain possession through repayment of some stipulated price | |
Securities Transaction | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:SecuritiesTransaction | A trade that represents the execution of an order to buy or sell a security | |
Securities Transaction Identifier | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:SecuritiesTransactionIdentifier | An identifier for a securities transaction | |
Security | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:Security | A financial instrument that can be bought or sold | |
Standardized Terms | fibo-fbc-fi-fi:StandardizedTerms | A set of standardized terms, published by some body, and capable of being incorporated into a contract by agreement | |
Adjusted Closing Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:AdjustedClosingPrice | Amended closing price to reflect a security’s value after accounting for any corporate actions, such as stock splits, dividends, and rights offerings | |
Best Bid | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:BestBid | Highest bid price a prospective buyer is willing to pay at a particular time for a given security | |
Best Offer | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:BestOffer | Lowest price acceptable to a prospective seller for a given security at a particular point in time | |
Bid Ask Spread | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:BidAskSpread | Difference between an offer (ask) price and a bid price | |
Bid Price (fbc) | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:BidPrice | Price a prospective buyer is willing to pay | |
Closing Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:ClosingPrice | Cash value of the last transacted price before the market closes | |
Closing Price Determination Method | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:ClosingPriceDeterminationMethod | Strategy for calculating or otherwise determining an official closing price | |
Collection Of Security Prices | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:CollectionOfSecurityPrices | Collection consisting of a series of prices, each of which has a specific date and time associated with it, for some security | |
Composite Market | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:CompositeMarket | Group of exchanges and trading venues referenced for pricing purposes | |
has Closing Price Determination Method | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:hasClosingPriceDeterminationMethod | Indicates a strategy by which the official closing price is determined | Associative Entity |
has Pricing Source | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:hasPricingSource | Indicates the origin of a given price for a financial instrument | Associative Entity |
has Rate Of Return | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:hasRateOfReturn | Indicates the retrospective rate of return for a given financial instrument over some period of time | Associative Entity |
has Trading Date Time | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:hasTradingDateTime | Indicates the specific date and time associated with a given price | Associative Entity |
High Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:HighPrice | Highest price for a given security over the period specified | |
Internal Rate Of Return | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:InternalRateOfReturn | Discount rate that results in a net present value (NPV) of zero for a series of future cash flows | |
Intra Day Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:IntraDayPrice | Price for a given security at some point between the opening and official closing price on an exchange | |
Low Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:LowPrice | Lowest value for a given security over the period specified | |
Market Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:MarketPrice | Last reported price at which a security was sold | |
Mid Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:MidPrice | Arithmetic mean between bid and offer prices | |
Offer Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:OfferPrice | Price suggested by a prospective seller at a particular time for a given security | |
Official Closing Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:OfficialClosingPrice | Price of the final trade of a security at the end of a trading day on a given exchange | |
Opening Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:OpeningPrice | Price at which something first trades at the start of a trading day | |
Price Analytic | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:PriceAnalytic | Statistical measure involving security prices | |
Price Spread | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:PriceSpread | Difference between two prices | |
Pricing Model | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:PricingModel | Formula used to determine a value for an instrument at a given point in time | |
Rate Of Return | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:RateOfReturn | Net gain or loss on an investment over a specified time period, expressed as a percentage of the investment’s initial cost or value as of a specific point in time | |
Security Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:SecurityPrice | Monetary price for a financial instrument at some point in time | |
Trading Day | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:TradingDay | Time span that a particular trading venue is open | |
Trading Session | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:TradingSession | Window of time within a trading day in which orders may be placed and filled | |
Volume Weighted Average Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:VolumeWeightedAveragePrice | Average price at which a given security has traded throughout a trading day, determined by multiplying each trade by its volume, adding the results, then dividing by the volume traded for the day | |
Volume Weighted Open Price | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:VolumeWeightedOpenPrice | Price determined by multiplying each trade by its volume, adding the results, then dividing by the volume over a certain period during the trading day (rather than over the course of the entire day) | |
Yield | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:Yield | Return on the investor’s capital investment | |
Yield Spread | fibo-fbc-fi-ip:YieldSpread | The spread between the yields of two items | |
has Preferred Settlement Currency | fibo-fbc-fi-stl:hasPreferredSettlementCurrency | Indicates the preferred currency for settlement purposes | Associative Entity |
Security Delivery Method | fibo-fbc-fi-stl:SecurityDeliveryMethod | The method specified for transferring a commodity, currency, security, cash or another instrument as defined in the settlement terms of the contract | |
Settlement (fbc) | fibo-fbc-fi-stl:Settlement | The act of finalizing a transaction, concluding negotiations, finalizing accounting, exchanging consideration, and/or legally recording documents, as applicable, as a result of that transaction | |
Settlement Convention | fibo-fbc-fi-stl:SettlementConvention | A convention employed to determine the closing date (from the stated settlement date) in the process of settling a transaction on which securities or interests in securities are delivered, usually against (in simultaneous exchange for) payment of some consideration | |
Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:Account | Container for records associated with a business arrangement for regular transactions and services | |
Account As An Asset | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountAsAnAsset | Financial asset in the form of an account | |
Account Holder | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountHolder | Party that owns an account | |
Account Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountIdentifier | Identifier that denotes an account | |
Accounting Transaction | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountingTransaction | Event recognized by an entry in the records of an account | |
Account Ownership | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountOwnership | Holding of an account | |
Account Provider | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountProvider | Party that provides and services an account | |
Account Specific Service Agreement | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountSpecificServiceAgreement | Service-agreement that is account-specific, applicable in cases where a client might hold multiple accounts with differing terms and conditions | |
Account Statement | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:AccountStatement | Periodic summary of account activity for a given period of time | |
applies To Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:appliesToAccount | Indicates the account to which the transaction record or individual transaction applies | Associative Entity |
Balance | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:Balance | Amount of money available or owed | |
Bank Account Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:BankAccountIdentifier | Identifier that identifies a demand deposit account provided by a bank | |
Bank Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:BankIdentifier | Identifier that uniquely identifies the financial institution and, when appropriate, the branch of that financial institution servicing an account | |
Basic Bank Account Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:BasicBankAccountIdentifier | Identifier that uniquely identifies an individual account at a specific financial institution in a particular country and which includes a bank identifier of the financial institution servicing that account | |
Brokerage Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:BrokerageAccount | Account offered by a broker that allows the investor to deposit funds and place investment orders | |
Certificate Of Deposit | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:CertificateOfDeposit | Cash instrument associated with a time deposit account that cannot be withdrawn for a certain period of time (term) | |
Close Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:CloseDate | Date on which something was closed | |
Customer Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:CustomerAccount | Account that represents an identified, named collection of balances and cumulative totals used to summarize customer transaction-related activity over a designated period of time | |
Customer Account Holder | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:CustomerAccountHolder | Party that owns a customer account | |
Demand Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:DemandDepositAccount | Non-interest-bearing deposit account in which deposits are payable immediately on demand, or that are issued with an original maturity or required notice period of less than seven days, or that represent funds for which the depository institution does not reserve the right to require at least seven days’ written notice of an intended withdrawal | |
Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:DepositAccount | Account that provides a record of money placed with a depository institution for safekeeping and management | |
Fee | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:Fee | Charge for services performed | |
General Ledger | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:GeneralLedger | Accounting record summarizing changes in position as transactions are posted during an accounting period | |
has Balance | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasBalance | Relates an account to the net amount of money available in that account | Associative Entity |
has Close Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasCloseDate | Relates something to the date that it was closed | Associative Entity |
has Ending Balance | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasEndingBalance | Relates an account statement to the amount of money available in that account at the end of the statement period | Associative Entity |
has Open Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasOpenDate | Relates something to the date that it was created | Associative Entity |
has Payment Due Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasPaymentDueDate | Indicates the date by which payment of some amount must be made to the creditor | Associative Entity |
has Posting Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasPostingDate | Indicates the date that the transaction was posted to the account | Associative Entity |
has Primary Account Holder | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasPrimaryAccountHolder | Relates an account to a client or customer that is considered the primary owner of the account | Associative Entity |
has Secondary Account Holder | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasSecondaryAccountHolder | Relates an account to a client or customer that is considered a secondary, co-owner of the account | Associative Entity |
has Starting Balance | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasStartingBalance | Relates an account statement to the amount of money available in that account at the beginning of the statement period | Associative Entity |
has Transaction Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:hasTransactionDate | Indicates the date on which the transaction actually occurred | Associative Entity |
Individual Transaction | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:IndividualTransaction | Event that has a monetary impact and is documented in the records associated with an account | |
Individual Transaction only is Registered In | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:IndividualTransaction_only_fibo-fbc-fct-ra:isRegisteredIn | A subtype of associative entity ‘is Registered In’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Individual Transaction | Associative Entity |
International Bank Account Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:InternationalBankAccountIdentifier | Identifier for a bank account that is an expanded version of the basic bank account number (BBAN), intended for use internationally | |
Investment Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:InvestmentAccount | Account that provides a record of deposits of funds and/or securities held at a financial institution | |
Investment Or Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:InvestmentOrDepositAccount | Account associated with a product or service that requires the account holder to provide funds for management by the account provider | |
involves Merchant | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:involvesMerchant | Indicates the merchant (seller) involved in the transaction | Associative Entity |
is Linked To Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:isLinkedToAccount | Connects a given customer account to another customer account | Associative Entity |
Ledger Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:LedgerAccount | Account recorded in a general ledger | |
Loan Or Credit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:LoanOrCreditAccount | Account associated with a service in which the account holder receives funds from the account provider under certain terms and conditions for repayment | |
Non Transaction Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:NonTransactionDepositAccount | Any deposit account that is not explicitly considered a transaction account | |
Open Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:OpenDate | Date on which something was created | |
Payment Due Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:PaymentDueDate | Date by which payment of the current outstanding balance, part thereof, or a minimum amount due must be made to the creditor | |
Posting Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:PostingDate | Date that determines in which posting period a document or journal entry is added to an account record | |
realizes | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:realizes | Makes concrete | Associative Entity |
records Transaction | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:recordsTransaction | Links an account statement to the individual transactions it documents | Associative Entity |
Relationship Manager | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:RelationshipManager | Responsible party who manages a client’s account and oversees their relationship with the service provider | |
Time Certificate Of Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TimeCertificateOfDepositAccount | Time deposit account that allows deposits evidenced by a negotiable or nonnegotiable instrument, or a deposit in book entry form evidenced by a receipt or similar acknowledgement issued by the bank, that provides, on its face, that the amount of such deposit is payable to the bearer, to any specified person, or to the order of a specified person, as follows: (1) on a certain date not less than seven days after the date of deposit, (2) at the expiration of a specified period not less than seven days after the date of the deposit, or (3) upon written notice to the bank which is to be given not less than seven days before the date of withdrawal. | |
Time Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TimeDepositAccount | Deposit account that the depositor does not have a right, and is not permitted, to make withdrawals from within six days after the date of deposit unless the deposit is subject to an early withdrawal penalty of at least seven days’ simple interest on amounts withdrawn within the first six days after deposit | |
Time Deposit Open Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TimeDepositOpenAccount | Time deposit account that allows deposits (other than time certificates of deposit) for which there is in force a written contract with the depositor that neither the whole nor any part of such deposit may be withdrawn prior to (1) the date of maturity, which shall be not less than seven days after the date of the deposit, or (2) the expiration of a specified period of written notice of not less than seven days | |
Transaction Category | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionCategory | High-level classifier for an individual transaction | |
Transaction Date | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionDate | Date on which a specific transaction was initiated | |
Transaction Deposit Account | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionDepositAccount | Deposit account from which the depositor / account holder is permitted to make transfers or withdrawals by negotiable / transferable instruments, payment orders of withdrawal, telephone transfers, and so forth, and that may be accessible via an electronic device such as an automated teller machine (ATM), remote service unit (RSU), mobile device, and by debit card | |
Transaction Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionIdentifier | Identifier for an individual transaction associated with an account | |
Transaction Record | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionRecord | Record of transactions associated with an account | |
Transaction Record Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionRecordIdentifier | Unique identifier for record of transactions | |
Transaction Subcategory | fibo-fbc-pas-caa:TransactionSubcategory | Second-level classifier for a transaction, e.g., direct deposit, check, cash advance, withdrawl, payment, purchase, and so forth | |
Card Account | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CardAccount | Account associated with a payment card | |
Card Expiration Date | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CardExpirationDate | Date on which a given payment card expires | |
Cardholder | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:Cardholder | Account holder to whom a payment card is issued or other individual authorized to use the payment card | |
Card Product | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CardProduct | Financial product involving the issuance of credit and debit cards | |
Card Verification Code Or Value | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CardVerificationCodeOrValue | Code that specifies either (1) magnetic-stripe data, or (2) printed security features that are used to protect data integrity and limit alteration, counterfeiting and fraud generally | |
Credit Card (fbc) | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CreditCard | Card issued by a financial service provider that enables the cardholder to borrow funds | |
Credit Card Account | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CreditCardAccount | Card account that is represented by a one or more credit cards | |
Credit Card Network | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CreditCardNetwork | Classifier for the network that authorizes, processes, and sets the terms of credit card transactions, as well as transfers payments between shoppers, merchants, and their banks | |
Credit Card Product | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:CreditCardProduct | Card product allowing the holder to purchase goods or services on credit | |
Debit Card | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:DebitCard | Payment card issued by a financial service provider that enables the cardholder to access funds in a demand deposit account | |
Debit Card Account | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:DebitCardAccount | Card account that is represented by a one or more debit cards | |
Debit Card Product | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:DebitCardProduct | Card product card typically provided by a depository institution allowing the holder to transfer money electronically to another account when making a purchase | |
has Card Verification Code | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:hasCardVerificationCode | Links a credit card to either: (1) magnetic-stripe data, or (2) printed security features that are used to protect data integrity and limit alteration, counterfeiting and fraud generally | Associative Entity |
has Credit Card Network | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:hasCreditCardNetwork | Indicates the underlying network for credit card product | Associative Entity |
has Primary Account Number | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:hasPrimaryAccountNumber | Specifies the account number displayed on the face of the card | Associative Entity |
Magnetic Stripe Verification Code Or Value | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:MagneticStripeVerificationCodeOrValue | Card verification code on a card’s magnetic stripe that uses secure cryptographic processes to protect data integrity on the stripe, and reveals any alteration or counterfeiting | |
Payment Card | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:PaymentCard | Debt instrument in the form of a rectangular piece of plastic or metal issued by a financial services that enables the cardholder to withdraw or borrow funds | |
Primary Card Account Number | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:PrimaryCardAccountNumber | Composite identifier of 14 or 16 digits embossed on a bank or payment card and encoded in the card’s magnetic strip | |
Three Digit Verification Code Or Value | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:ThreeDigitVerificationCodeOrValue | Card verification code that is the rightmost three-digit value printed in the signature panel area on the back of the card | |
uses Currency | fibo-fbc-pas-crd:usesCurrency | Indicates the currency defined for the credit card product | Associative Entity |
Agency Agreement | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:AgencyAgreement | An agreement that designates a party as a registered agent to represent and act on behalf of another party in some, typically legal, financial, or medical capacity | |
Agent For Service Of Process | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:AgentForServiceOfProcess | A registered agent (person or organization) designated by a business entity, such as a corporation, to receive legal correspondence on behalf of the business entity in the jurisdiction in which the agent’s address is located | |
Basket | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Basket | Collection of goods, services, or other things (e.g., financial contracts) that can be purchased and sold in some marketplace | |
Basket Constituent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:BasketConstituent | Component of a basket | Equivalent Entity |
Broker | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Broker | Any party that acts as an intermediary between a buyer and a seller, usually charging a commission | |
Broker Dealer (fbc) | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:BrokerDealer | Any party in the business of buying and selling securities, operating as both a broker and a dealer, depending on the transaction | |
Catalog | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Catalog | A list of goods and/or services available for sale with their description and possibly prices, published as a printed or electronic document (e-catalog) | |
Dealer | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Dealer | Any party that purchases goods or services for resale and acts on their own behalf in a transaction | |
Exposure | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Exposure | The extent to which an individual or organization is unprotected and open to damage, danger, risk of suffering a loss, or uncertainty | |
facilitates | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:facilitates | Provides the context in which an event, a task, a conversation or something else can occur | Associative Entity |
Financial Exposure | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialExposure | The extent to which an individual or organization is open to risk of suffering a loss in a transaction, or with respect to some investment or set of investments, e.g., some holding; the amount one stands to lose in that transaction or investment | |
Financial Intermediation Service | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialIntermediationService | Any financial service in which a third party (the intermediary) matches lenders and investors with entrepreneurs and other borrowers in need of capital | |
Financial Product | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialProduct | A product provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies all of which comprise the financial services industry | |
Financial Product Catalog | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialProductCatalog | A catalog of financial products and/or services available for sale with their description and other product details | |
Financial Service | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialService | A service provided to consumers and businesses by financial institutions such as banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, consumer finance companies, and investment companies all of which comprise the financial services industry | |
Financial Service Provider | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialServiceProvider | A functional entity either licensed to provide financial services to consumers and/or businesses or established by law to provide financial services, such as a central bank | |
Financial Service Provider only manages (fnd) | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:FinancialServiceProvider_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:manages | A subtype of associative entity ‘manages (fnd)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Financial Service Provider | Associative Entity |
has Generating Entity | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasGeneratingEntity | Specifies a legal entity that generates something | Associative Entity |
has Generating Entity Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasGeneratingEntityIdentifier | Specifies an identifier for the entity that generated something | Associative Entity |
has Legal Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasLegalAgent | Identifies a party as one that has the legal, medical or financial capacity to act on behalf of someone else under specific circumstances | Associative Entity |
has Offering | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasOffering | Relates something to a voluntary but conditional promise submitted by a buyer or seller (offeror) to another (offeree) for acceptance, and which becomes legally enforceable if accepted by the offeree | Associative Entity |
has Offering Amount | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasOfferingAmount | Indicates the notional monetary amount (face value), determined based on reference data, market rates or some other agreed method associated with some offering | Associative Entity |
has Offering Price | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasOfferingPrice | Indicates the price associated with an offering, which may be an explicit or calculated price | Associative Entity |
has Settlement Date | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasSettlementDate | Indicates the date by which an executed order or transaction must be settled | Associative Entity |
has Trade Date | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasTradeDate | Indicates the date on which a security or commodity future trade actually takes place | Associative Entity |
Holding | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Holding | Real or personal property (assets), including but not limited to financial assets, to which one holds title and of which one has possession | |
Legal Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:LegalAgent | Any party that has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another party | |
Licensed Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:LicensedAgent | Any individual who is licensed to perform a legally binding function, and who has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another party | |
Offeree | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Offeree | A party that receives an offer from something from someone (i.e., an offerer) based on the terms of the offering | |
Offering | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Offering | An expression of interest in providing something to someone that is contigent upon acceptance, forbearance, or some other consideration, as desired by the offeree(s) | |
Offeror | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Offeror | A party that proposes to make something available to someone (i.e., an offeree) based on the terms of the offering | |
Position | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Position | An investor’s stake, i.e., a holding, in a particular asset (such as an individual security) | |
precedes | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:precedes | Relates a product, organization, stage in a lifecycle, an event, or occurrence, such as a trade, to one that occurs before it | Associative Entity |
Product Lifecycle | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycle | A lifecycle specific to a product or product family | |
Product Lifecycle Event | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycleEvent | A kind of event that occurs during one or more stages of a product lifecycle | |
Product Lifecycle Event Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycleEventOccurrence | An occurrence of an event that occurs during a specific stage of a specific product lifecycle | |
Product Lifecycle Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycleOccurrence | A realization of a product lifecycle | |
Product Lifecycle Stage | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycleStage | A phase in a product lifecycle | |
Product Lifecycle Stage Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ProductLifecycleStageOccurrence | An instance of a phase in an occurrence of a given product lifecycle | |
Registered Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:RegisteredAgent | A legal agent designated by another party (person or organization), to represent and acts on their behalf under a formal agency agreement | |
Regulated Commodity | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:RegulatedCommodity | A commodity under the jurisdiction of the regulatory agency, such as the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTF), which includes any commodity traded in an organized contracts market | |
Regulated Commodity only is Regulated By | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:RegulatedCommodity_only_fibo-fbc-fct-rga:isRegulatedBy | A subtype of associative entity ‘is Regulated By’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Regulated Commodity | Associative Entity |
relates To | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:relatesTo | Has a logical or causal connection with | Associative Entity |
Settlement Terms | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:SettlementTerms | Contract terms that define the commitment to and mechanism for settling one or more sides of a transaction | |
Settlement Terms only has Settlement Date | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:SettlementTerms_only_fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:hasSettlementDate | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Settlement Date’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Settlement Terms | Associative Entity |
Third Party Agent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:ThirdPartyAgent | Any service provider that is licensed to perform a legally binding function and has been legally empowered to act on behalf of another party | |
Trade | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Trade | An agreement between parties participating in a voluntary action of buying and selling goods and services | |
Trade Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeIdentifier | An identifier for a trade | |
Trade Lifecycle | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycle | A lifecycle that defines the evolution of a trade, from initiation through settlement | |
Trade Lifecycle Event | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycleEvent | A kind of event that occurs during one or more stages of the lifecycle of a trade | |
Trade Lifecycle Event Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycleEventOccurrence | An occurrence of an event that occurs during a specific stage of a specific trade lifecycle | |
Trade Lifecycle Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycleOccurrence | A realization of a trade lifecycle | |
Trade Lifecycle Stage | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycleStage | A phase in the lifecycle of a trade | |
Trade Lifecycle Stage Occurrence | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:TradeLifecycleStageOccurrence | An instance of a phase in an occurrence of a given trade lifecycle | |
Trader | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:Trader | An individual or organization or representative thereof that engages in the transfer of financial assets in any financial market on behalf of a client or the financial services provider | |
Unique Transaction Identifier | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:UniqueTransactionIdentifier | A globally unique identifier for a reportable transaction, whose primary purpose is to uniquely identify individual OTC derivatives transactions in reports to trade repositories | |
Weighted Basket | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:WeightedBasket | Basket whose constituents have some relative importance with respect to one another | |
Weighted Basket Constituent | fibo-fbc-pas-fpas:WeightedBasketConstituent | Component of a basket whose relative importance with respect to other basket constituents is known | |
Automated System | fibo-fnd-aap-agt:AutomatedSystem | A system that reduces or eliminates the need for human involvement in order to complete a task. | |
Autonomous Agent | fibo-fnd-aap-agt:AutonomousAgent | An agent is an autonomous individual that can adapt to and interact with its environment. | |
Adult | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:Adult | A person who has attained the age of majority as defined by given jurisdiction | |
Birth Certificate | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:BirthCertificate | An original document certifying the circumstances of the birth, or a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that birth | |
Birth Certificate Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:BirthCertificateIdentificationScheme | System for allocating identifiers to birth certificates | |
Birth Certificate Identifier | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:BirthCertificateIdentifier | Identifier associated with a vital record documenting the birth of a child | |
Date Of Birth | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DateOfBirth | Explicit date, i.e., the day, month and year, on which an individual was born | |
Date Of Death | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DateOfDeath | Explicit date, i.e., the day, month and year, on which an individual died | |
Death Certificate | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DeathCertificate | Original document certifying the circumstances of the death (such as how and when it occurred), or a certified copy of or representation of the ensuing registration of that death | |
Death Certificate Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DeathCertificateIdentificationScheme | System for allocating identifiers to death certificates | |
Death Certificate Identifier | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DeathCertificateIdentifier | Identifier associated with a vital record documenting the death of an individual | |
Drivers License | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DriversLicense | An official document which states that a person may operate a motorized vehicle, such as a motorcycle, car, truck or a bus, on a public roadway or provides official identifying information for a non-driver | |
Drivers License Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DriversLicenseIdentificationScheme | System for allocating identifiers to driver’s, operating, or non-driver identification documents | |
Drivers License Identifier | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:DriversLicenseIdentifier | Identifier associated with a drivers’ or operating license for operating a motor vehicle or non-driver identification card | |
Emancipated Minor | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:EmancipatedMinor | A minor who is allowed to conduct a business or any other occupation on his or her own behalf or for their own account outside the control of a parent or guardian | |
has Citizenship | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:hasCitizenship | Links a person to their country of citizenship | Associative Entity |
has Date Of Birth | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:hasDateOfBirth | Identifies the date on which an individual was born | Associative Entity |
has Date Of Death | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:hasDateOfDeath | Identifies the date on which an individual died | Associative Entity |
has Place Of Birth | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:hasPlaceOfBirth | Identifies the location where an individual was born | Associative Entity |
Identity Document | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:IdentityDocument | Any legal document which may be used to verify aspects of a person’s identity | |
Incapacitated Adult | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:IncapacitatedAdult | An adult who is legally identified as not having legal capacity, typically as a result of some inherent physical or mental incapacity or as a result of having contracted some illness which temporarily deprives them of such capacity | |
Legally Capable Adult | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:LegallyCapableAdult | A person who has attained the age of majority as defined by given jurisdiction and is allowed to conduct a business or any other occupation on his or her own behalf or for their own account | |
Minor | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:Minor | A person under a certain age, usually the age of majority in a given jurisdiction, which legally demarcates childhood from adulthood | |
National Identification Number | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:NationalIdentificationNumber | A number or text which appears on an identity document issued by a country or jurisdiction | |
National Identification Number Scheme | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:NationalIdentificationNumberScheme | System for allocating identifiers to national identification numbers | |
Passport | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:Passport | A document, issued by a national government, which certifies the identity and nationality of its holder for the purpose of international travel | |
Passport Number | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:PassportNumber | Identifier associated with a passport | |
Passport Number Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:PassportNumberIdentificationScheme | System for allocating identifiers to passports | |
Person | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:Person | Individual human being, with consciousness of self | |
Place Of Birth | fibo-fnd-aap-ppl:PlaceOfBirth | Physical location, including country, region, and municipality where an individual was born | |
Capital Surplus | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:CapitalSurplus | Capital contributed in excess of the par value (stated value) of the ownership interest issued | |
Financial Asset | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:FinancialAsset | Non-physical, tangible asset whose value is derived from a contractual claim, such as bank deposits, bonds, stocks, rights, certificates, and bank balances | |
Financial Asset only has Acquisition Price | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:FinancialAsset_only_fibo-sec-sec-ast:hasAcquisitionPrice | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Acquisition Price’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Financial Asset | Associative Entity |
Income | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:Income | Revenue received during a period of time | |
Owners Equity | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:OwnersEquity | Owners’ share in a business plus operating profit | |
Paid In Capital | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:PaidInCapital | Assets received from investors in exchange for an ownership interest | |
Physical Asset | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:PhysicalAsset | Tangible asset that has a material form, such as property, equipment, and inventory | |
represents An Interest In | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:representsAnInterestIn | Indicates the entity, fund, or structured product in which an owner holds an interest | Associative Entity |
Retained Earnings | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:RetainedEarnings | Net profits kept to accumulate in a business after dividends are paid | |
Shareholders Equity | fibo-fnd-acc-aeq:ShareholdersEquity | Equity that is manifested in the form of shares in an entity, fund or structured product | |
Amount Of Money | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:AmountOfMoney | A sum of money | |
Amount Of Money only has Base Money Unit | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:AmountOfMoney_only_fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasBaseMoneyUnit | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Base Money Unit’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Amount Of Money | Associative Entity |
Calculated Price | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:CalculatedPrice | A monetary price determined by a formula | |
Currency | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:Currency | Medium of exchange value, defined by reference to the geographical location of the monetary authorities responsible for it | |
Currency Basket | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:CurrencyBasket | A selected group of currencies, in which the weighted average is used as a measure of the value or the amount of an obligation | |
Currency Identifier | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:CurrencyIdentifier | Sequence of characters representing some currency | |
Exchange Rate | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:ExchangeRate | A rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another | |
Exchange Rate only has Quantity Kind | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:ExchangeRate_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityKind | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Quantity Kind’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Exchange Rate | Associative Entity |
Funds | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:Funds | An artificial currency used as calculation basis for another currency (or currencies) and/or for accounting purposes | |
Funds Identifier | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:FundsIdentifier | The trigraph representing the funds | |
has Base Currency | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasBaseCurrency | A predicate indicating the base currency in an exchange rate; one unit of this currency represents R units of the dealt currency, where R is the exchange rate value | Associative Entity |
has Base Money Unit | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasBaseMoneyUnit | The currency in which the money amount is denominated | Associative Entity |
has Currency | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasCurrency | A medium of exchange value in which something, such as a monetary amount is defined | Associative Entity |
has Dealt Currency | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasDealtCurrency | A predicate indicating the dealt currency in an exchange rate; R units of this currency represent one unit of the base currency | Associative Entity |
has Monetary Amount | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasMonetaryAmount | Relates something to a monetary amount (e.g. credit limit, notional amount) | Associative Entity |
has Notional Amount | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasNotionalAmount | Has an abstract, unchangeable value used for certain applicable calculations, expressed as some monetary amount | Associative Entity |
has Price (fnd) | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:hasPrice | Indicates the value of something expressed as an amount of money or goods | Associative Entity |
Interest Rate | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:InterestRate | An amount charged, expressed as a percentage of principal, by a lender to a borrower for the use of assets | |
Interest Rate only has Quantity Kind | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:InterestRate_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityKind | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Quantity Kind’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Interest Rate | Associative Entity |
is Tender In | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:isTenderIn | A jurisdiction in which the currency is exchangeable for goods and services | Associative Entity |
Monetary Amount | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:MonetaryAmount | The measure which is an amount of money specified in monetary units | |
Monetary Measure | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:MonetaryMeasure | Some measure of some sum of money | |
Monetary Price | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:MonetaryPrice | A price that that is expressed as a monetary amount | |
Percentage Monetary Amount | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:PercentageMonetaryAmount | A measure of some amount of money expressed as a percentage of some other amount, some notional amount or some concrete money amount | |
Price | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:Price | An amount of money, goods, or services requested, expected, required, or given in exchange for something else | |
Price only has Quantity Kind | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:Price_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityKind | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Quantity Kind’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Price | Associative Entity |
Unit Of Account | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:UnitOfAccount | A nominal monetary unit of measure used to represent the real value (or cost) of any economic item; i.e. goods, services, assets, liabilities, income, expenses | |
Unit Of Account Identifier | fibo-fnd-acc-cur:UnitOfAccountIdentifier | The trigraph representing the unit of account | |
Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Agreement | A negotiated understanding between two or more parties, reflecting the offer and acceptance of commitments on the part of either party | |
Beneficiary | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Beneficiary | A party that receives some benefit or advantage or profits from something | |
Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Commitment | A legal construct which represents the undertaking on the part of some party to act or refrain from acting in some manner. | |
Commitment At Large | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:CommitmentAtLarge | A commitment made by some party without direct involvement from the potential beneficiaries of that commitment | |
has Obligation | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:hasObligation | Identifies a duty or obligation that a given party has taken on | Associative Entity |
Individual Unilateral Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:IndividualUnilateralCommitment | A commitment made by some party unilaterally to another specific party | |
Mutual Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:MutualAgreement | An agreement between two or more specific named parties. The rights and obligations pertaining to either party cannot be transferred to another party without prior agreement | |
Mutual Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:MutualCommitment | A commitment between two or more parties | |
Obligee | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Obligee | A party to whom some commitment or obligation is owed, either legally or per the terms of an agreement | |
Obligor (fnd) | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:Obligor | A party that is bound legally or by agreement to repay a debt, make a payment, do something, or refrain from doing something | |
Unilateral Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-agr:UnilateralCommitment | A commitment made by one party without reference to the party to which the commitment is made. | |
Breach Of Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:BreachOfContract | Classifier of events representing a violation of an express, or implied, condition of a contract to do or not to do something, without a legitimate excuse | |
Breach Of Covenant | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:BreachOfCovenant | Classifier of events representing breaking a promise specified in a contract to do or not to do something, without a legitimate excuse | |
Condition Precedent | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ConditionPrecedent | Stipulation that specifies conditions that must be met before some aspect of a contract takes effect | |
Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:Contract | Voluntary, deliberate agreement between competent parties to which the parties agree to be legally bound, and for which the parties provide valuable consideration | |
Contract only confers | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:Contract_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Contract | Associative Entity |
Contract only mandates | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:Contract_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:mandates | A subtype of associative entity ‘mandates’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Contract | Associative Entity |
Contract Document | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractDocument | Legal document that records the formal terms and conditions of some contract | |
Contract Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractParty | Legally competant party that has entered into a binding agreement, accepting and conceding obligations, responsibilities, and benefits as specified | |
Contract Principal | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractPrincipal | Party that originates a contract and is identified as the first party to that contract, in the event that the contract distinguishes any party as such | |
Contract Third Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractThirdParty | Party that is indirectly involved in, but not a counterparty to, an agreement | |
Contractual Commitment | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualCommitment | Provision specifying something that the contracting parties agree to | |
Contractual Commitment only has Part | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualCommitment_only_lcc-cr:hasPart | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Part’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Contractual Commitment | Associative Entity |
Contractual Definition | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualDefinition | Contractual element that specifies the meaning of a term in a legal document, whose definition is substitutable for the term whenever it occurs in the body of that document | |
Contractual Element | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:ContractualElement | Element, such as an arrangement, provision, requirement, rule, specification, and standard that forms an integral part of an agreement | |
Counterparty | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:Counterparty | Party to a contract with whom one negotiates on a given agreement | |
defines Terms For (fnd) | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:definesTermsFor | Relates a contract to something for which the contract defines legally binding terms and conditions | Associative Entity |
has Contract Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasContractParty | Indicates a party that has entered into a binding agreement, accepting and conceding obligations, responsibilities, and benefits as specified | Associative Entity |
has Contractual Element | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasContractualElement | Indicates something that is a component of an agreement | Associative Entity |
has Counterparty (agr) | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasCounterparty | Identifies a party to a contract, typically not the contract principal | Associative Entity |
has Effective Date | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasEffectiveDate | Indicates the date a contract, relationship, or policy comes into force | Associative Entity |
has Effective Date Time Stamp | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasEffectiveDateTimeStamp | Indicates the date and time, including time zone, something comes into force | Associative Entity |
has Execution Date | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasExecutionDate | Indicates the date a contract has been signed by all the necessary parties | Associative Entity |
has Execution Date Time Stamp | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasExecutionDateTimeStamp | Indicates the date and time, including time zone, a contract has been signed by all the necessary parties | Associative Entity |
has Governing Jurisdiction | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasGoverningJurisdiction | Indicates the jurisdiction governing the contract, as agreed by all parties | Associative Entity |
has Non Binding Term | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasNonBindingTerm | Refers to a term that is included in an agreement that is not considered legally binding | Associative Entity |
has Principal Party (fnd) | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasPrincipalParty | Identifies the main or principal party to a contract | Associative Entity |
has Third Party | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:hasThirdParty | Identifies a party which is not signatory to the party but has some role in the overall context defined by the contract. | Associative Entity |
fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:isEvidenceFor | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:isEvidenceFor | ||
Mutual Contractual Agreement | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:MutualContractualAgreement | Contract between named parties whose individual rights and obligations are not transferable to another party without prior written permission | |
Non Binding Term | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:NonBindingTerm | Contractual element that is not legally binding on any party to the agreement | |
Promissory Note | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:PromissoryNote | Negotiable instrument that is an unconditional and unsecured promise by one party to another that commits the principal party to pay a specified sum within a specified time frame under specified terms | |
qualifies | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:qualifies | Limits, constrains or refines | Associative Entity |
supersedes | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:supersedes | Indicates a contract that was executed prior to and is replaced by this contract | Associative Entity |
Term Sheet | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:TermSheet | Nonbinding agreement setting forth the basic terms and conditions under which a proposed business deal may be made | |
Transferable Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:TransferableContract | Contract in which the rights and obligations of one party (the holder) may be transferred to another party, which thereby takes on the same rights and obligations with respect to the other party to the contract | Equivalent Entity |
Unilateral Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:UnilateralContract | Contract in which one party makes an express promise without securing a reciprocal agreement from the other party(ies) | |
Unilateral Contract only confers | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:UnilateralContract_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Unilateral Contract | Associative Entity |
Verbal Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:VerbalContract | Contract that exists as a result of some verbal exchange | |
Written Contract | fibo-fnd-agr-ctr:WrittenContract | Formal contract that is written and signed by the parties thereto | |
clause Contains Term | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:clauseContainsTerm | An individual term contained within the clause. | Associative Entity |
Contract Clause | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:ContractClause | A set of contractual terms, grouped according to subject, intent or the type of rights and / or obligations to which it refers. | |
Contract Preamble | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:ContractPreamble | The part of a contract which defines the parties and gives sufficient information for them to be unambiguously identified, along with other pertinent information such as the subject of the contract. | |
Contract Section | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:ContractSection | A formally identified Section of a Contract, comtaining terms dealing with a specific type of subject matter. | |
Contract Term | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:ContractTerm | An individual term in a Contract. Forms part of a set of Contractual Terms. Also exists within a Clause of a Contract A Clause exists within a Section of a Contract | |
defined In Clause | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:definedInClause | The individual clause of the contract in which the set of terms is defined, if applicable. | Associative Entity |
defined In Section | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:definedInSection | The section of the contract in which the contract terms set is defined. | Associative Entity |
defines Principals | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:definesPrincipals | The identification of parties to the contract as embodied in the preamble. | Associative Entity |
DRIP | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:DRIP | A kind of financial contract. | |
has Provisions | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:hasProvisions | Termination provisions as contained in the Contract. These set out the conditions under which the contract may be terminated and the rights and obligations of each party in the event of such termination. | Associative Entity |
identifies Counterparty | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:identifiesCounterparty | The counterparty to the contract, identified in the contract principals identification. | Associative Entity |
identifies Principal | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:identifiesPrincipal | The principal to the contract, identified in the contract principals identification. | Associative Entity |
identifies Third Party | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:identifiesThirdParty | A third party identified in the third party identification. | Associative Entity |
Representations Section | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:RepresentationsSection | Section containing statements held out by one party to the other as being true and correct at the time of the Agreement. A representation, as contained in this section of a contract, is a statement by one other party asserting that some given state of the world exists. | |
section Contains Clause | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:sectionContainsClause | A clause contained in the contract section. | Associative Entity |
Termination Provisions | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:TerminationProvisions | Formal terms setting out how the written contract may be terminated and what happens when it is. | |
Warranties Section | fibo-fnd-agrx-ele:WarrantiesSection | Section defining what is warranted by either party to the other. A warranty, as contained in this section of a contract, is a statement by one other party asserting that some given state of the world exists. | |
Collection Constituent | fibo-fnd-arr-arr:CollectionConstituent | Element of a collection | Equivalent Entity |
has Constituent | fibo-fnd-arr-arr:hasConstituent | Consists of or contains | Associative Entity |
Scheme | fibo-fnd-arr-arr:Scheme | Structure or means of organizing information such as a blueprint, schema, numbering system, organization structure, measurement system, plan, taxonomy, or language for organizing information | |
Structured Collection | fibo-fnd-arr-arr:StructuredCollection | Collection that has a clearly defined structure or organization | |
Appraisal | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:Appraisal | Written estimate of the market value of something, provided by a qualified appraiser | |
Appraiser | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:Appraiser | Party that evaluates or estimates the nature, quality, ability, or value of someone or something | |
Assessment Activity | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:AssessmentActivity | Activity involving the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, ability, or value of someone or something | |
Assessment Event | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:AssessmentEvent | Event involving the evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something | |
Assessment Report | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:AssessmentReport | Report that includes an opinion, judgement, appraisal, or view about something and typically the methodology and raw inputs used to arrive at that opinion | |
has Appraiser | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:hasAppraiser | Relates something, e.g., a value assessment, to an agent that conducts that appraisal | Associative Entity |
has Date Of Assessment | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:hasDateOfAssessment | Date on which an assessment process was completed | Associative Entity |
has Estimated Value | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:hasEstimatedValue | Relates something to its estimated value | Associative Entity |
Opinion | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:Opinion | Judgement, appraisal, or view about something | |
Value Assessment | fibo-fnd-arr-asmt:ValueAssessment | Assessment event to estimate the value of something | |
Classification Scheme | fibo-fnd-arr-cls:ClassificationScheme | System for allocating classifiers (elements in a classification scheme) to objects, similar to identifiers in some cases; such classification schemes are intended to permit the classification of arbitrary objects into hierarchies (or partial orders) | |
Classifier | fibo-fnd-arr-cls:Classifier | Standardized classification or delineation for something, per some scheme for such delineation, within a specified context | |
Industry Sector Classification Scheme | fibo-fnd-arr-cls:IndustrySectorClassificationScheme | System for allocating classifiers to organizations by industry sector | |
Industry Sector Classifier | fibo-fnd-arr-cls:IndustrySectorClassifier | Standardized classification or delineation for an organization, or possibly for a security representing an interest in a given organization, per some scheme for such delineation, by industry | |
Applicant | fibo-fnd-arr-com:Applicant | Party making some application | |
Application | fibo-fnd-arr-com:Application | Request submitted by an applicant to receive something (e.g. a licence, a loan, a membership) accompanied by documentation of pertinent information to determine whether the request should be granted | |
has Application Date | fibo-fnd-arr-com:hasApplicationDate | Date on which an an application was completed and submitted | Associative Entity |
is Request For | fibo-fnd-arr-com:isRequestFor | Relates a request to that which is being requested, e.g. a report | Associative Entity |
is Response To | fibo-fnd-arr-com:isResponseTo | Relates an occurrence to another occurrence that it is a response to, most often in the context of communication | Associative Entity |
is Sent From | fibo-fnd-arr-com:isSentFrom | Relates something, e.g. a communication to its source or origin to the agent that sent it | Associative Entity |
is Sent To | fibo-fnd-arr-com:isSentTo | Relates something, e.g. a communication to a target or destination (e.g. the agent receiving a request) to the agent that is its intended recipient | Associative Entity |
Request | fibo-fnd-arr-com:Request | Occurrence whereby an agent asks another agent for something or to do something | |
Certificate | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:Certificate | Document attesting to the truth of some fact or set of facts | |
Document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:Document | Something tangible that records something, such as a recording or a photograph, or a writing that can be used to furnish evidence or information | |
has Data Source | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasDataSource | Relates something, such as an agreement, contract, document, report, process, and so forth to a source of data used to analyze, develop, explain, produce, or otherwise create it (e.g., Experian provides data for a CreditReport) | Associative Entity |
has Date Of Issuance | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasDateOfIssuance | Links something, typically an agreement, contract, or document, with the date it was issued | Associative Entity |
has Expiration Date | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasExpirationDate | Links something, typically an agreement, contract, document, or perishable item, with an expiration date | Associative Entity |
has Record | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasRecord | Links something to a record that pertains to it | Associative Entity |
has Reporting Period | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasReportingPeriod | Specifies the reporting period for which a report or something else, such as a market rate or economic indicator, applies | Associative Entity |
has Termination Date | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:hasTerminationDate | Links something, typically an agreement, contract, document, or process, with a date on which it was terminated | Associative Entity |
is About (fnd) | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:isAbout | Indicates the subject or topic of a given document | Associative Entity |
Legal Document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:LegalDocument | A written or printed paper that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish decisive evidence or information | |
Notice | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:Notice | Announcement, intimation, or warning of something, especially to allow preparations to be made | |
Record | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:Record | A memorialization and objective evidence of activities performed, events occurred, results achieved, or statements made, regardless of its characteristics, media, physical form, or the manner in which it is recorded or stored | |
records | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:records | Documents for later reference | Associative Entity |
Reference Document | fibo-fnd-arr-doc:ReferenceDocument | A document that provides pertinent details for consultation about a subject | |
Index | fibo-fnd-arr-id:Index | Indirect shortcut derived from and pointing into, a greater volume of values, data, information or knowledge | |
Indexing Scheme | fibo-fnd-arr-id:IndexingScheme | System for indexing values, data, information, or knowledge | |
is Index To | fibo-fnd-arr-id:isIndexTo | That to which the index refers | Associative Entity |
Reassignable Identifier | fibo-fnd-arr-id:ReassignableIdentifier | Identifier that uniquely identifies something for a given time period, and that may be reused to identify something else at a different point in time | |
has Lifecycle | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:hasLifecycle | Relates something, such as a product, trade, or related process, to a lifecycle that characterizes it | Associative Entity |
has Stage | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:hasStage | Relates something, such as a product or trade lifecycle or related process, to a phase or stage in that lifecycle | Associative Entity |
Lifecycle | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:Lifecycle | Arrangement that compares the cyclical nature of families, organizations, processes, products, marketing, and order management, portfolio management or other systems with the cradle to grave life stages (birth, growth, maturity, decay, and death) of living organisms | |
Lifecycle Event | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleEvent | Kind of event that occurs during one or more stages of a lifecycle | |
Lifecycle Event Occurrence | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleEventOccurrence | Realization of an event in a stage of a lifecycle | |
Lifecycle Occurrence | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleOccurrence | Realization of a lifecycle | |
Lifecycle Stage | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleStage | Phase in a lifecycle | |
Lifecycle Stage Occurrence | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleStageOccurrence | Realization of a phase in a given lifecycle | |
Lifecycle Status | fibo-fnd-arr-lif:LifecycleStatus | Classifier indicating the position or state of something at a particular point in its life-cycle | |
is Reported To | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:isReportedTo | Indicates the party to which something is reported | Associative Entity |
is Submitted To | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:isSubmittedTo | Indicates the party to which something is submitted | Associative Entity |
Report | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:Report | A document organized in a narrative, graphic, or tabular form, prepared on ad hoc, periodic, recurring, regular, or as required basis | |
Reporting Party | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:ReportingParty | A party providing a report, typically in response to some contractual, legal, regulatory or other business requirement | |
reports On | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:reportsOn | Indicates a subject matter, observation(s), assessment(s), focus or other topic of a report | Associative Entity |
submits | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:submits | Presents something (a proposal, application, report, or other document) for consideration or review | Associative Entity |
Submitter | fibo-fnd-arr-rep:Submitter | A party presenting something, such as a regulatory report | |
has Rating Score | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:hasRatingScore | Indicates the grade or score associated with a rating with respect to a particular rating scale | Associative Entity |
produces Ratings For | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:producesRatingsFor | Issuer for which ratings are produced or posted through | Associative Entity |
Qualitative Rating Score | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:QualitativeRatingScore | Rating score that is a qualitative code in some rating scale, such as a triple-A (i.e., AAA) or 5-star rating for something | |
Quantitative Rating Score | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:QuantitativeRatingScore | Rating score that is a simple numeric value on some scale, such as a credit rating for an individual | |
rates | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:rates | Indicates the instrument, party or something else to which a rating applies | Associative Entity |
Rating | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:Rating | Standing of something at a particular time as indicated by one or more rating scores with respect to some scale according to some rating party | |
Rating Agency | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingAgency | Rating issuer that is also a rating scale publisher, frequently but not always an independent rating service | |
Rating Assessment Activity | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingAssessmentActivity | Assessment activity resulting in a grade or score and potentially a report describing the score and the process used to determine that score | |
Rating Assessment Event | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingAssessmentEvent | Individual assessment resulting in a grade or score and potentially a report describing the score | |
Rating Issuer | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingIssuer | Party that is responsible for issuing ratings | |
Rating Party | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingParty | Person, organization or group that analyzes some aspect of something and develops a rating | |
Rating Report | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingReport | Report describing a set of ratings | |
Rating Scale | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingScale | System for assigning a value to something according to some scale with respect to quality, a standard, or ranking | |
Rating Scale Publisher | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingScalePublisher | Party responsible for managing one or more rating schemes and potentially publishing ratings based on those schemes | |
Rating Score | fibo-fnd-arr-rt:RatingScore | Grade, classification, or ranking of for something in accordance with some rating scale | |
Business Day Adjustment | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:BusinessDayAdjustment | Convention that specifies what happens when a date falls on a day that is a weekend or a holiday in one or more business centers | |
Business Day Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:BusinessDayConvention | Convention that enumerates the possible ways to handle a date that falls on a weekend or holiday | |
Business Recurrence Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:BusinessRecurrenceInterval | Recurrence interval that is specified using a business recurrence interval convention | |
Business Recurrence Interval Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:BusinessRecurrenceIntervalConvention | Convention that specifies how recurring days should be handled, such as the end of the month, a particular day of the month, a day of the week, or more specifically, a t-bill auction date | |
Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:Convention | Widely accepted or established way of doing ‘something’ within some community of practice | |
Day Of Month | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:DayOfMonth | Specific, recurring day of the month | |
Day Of Week | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:DayOfWeek | Specific, recurring day of the week | Equivalent Entity |
End Of Month | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:EndOfMonth | The last day of a calendar month, irrespective of the length of the calendar month | |
has Business Day Adjustment | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessDayAdjustment | Identifies a convention for adjustment of the business day for handling weekends and holidays | Associative Entity |
has Business Day Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessDayConvention | Identifies a convention regarding how a date should be handled when it falls on a day that is not a business day | Associative Entity |
has Business Recurrence Interval Convention | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:hasBusinessRecurrenceIntervalConvention | Identifies a convention regarding how certain recurring dates should be handled with respect to a given schedule, such as the end of the month | Associative Entity |
holds During | fibo-fnd-dt-bd:holdsDuring | Specifies that some condition or state is true (holds) during a specified date period | Associative Entity |
Ad Hoc Schedule | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:AdHocSchedule | Schedule consisting of some number of individual events that are not necessarily recurring | |
Ad Hoc Schedule Entry | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:AdHocScheduleEntry | Entry, including a date or date and time, among multiple non-regularly-recurring entries in a schedule | |
Calculated Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:CalculatedDate | Date that is or will be determined based on some formula | |
Calendar Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:CalendarPeriod | Time interval that occurs within a system that fixes the beginning and length of a segment of the year with respect to that system | |
Calendar Specified Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:CalendarSpecifiedInterval | Recurrence interval that is defined as the nth day of some calendar period (such as a calendar month), and a time direction (forward from the beginning of the month, or backwards from the end) | |
Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:Date | Calendar day on some calendar | |
Dated Collection Constituent | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DatedCollectionConstituent | Element of a collection that is associated with a date and time | |
Dated Structured Collection | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DatedStructuredCollection | Structured collection whose elements are required to have a date and time | |
Date Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DatePeriod | Time span over one or more calendar days, defined by at least two of three properties: (1) a start date, (2) an end date, and (3) a duration | |
Date Time | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DateTime | Time point including a date and a time, optionally including a time zone offset | |
Date Time Stamp | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:DateTimeStamp | Time point including a date and a time that requires a time zone offset | |
Duration | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:Duration | Interval of time of some specific length | |
Explicit Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:ExplicitDate | Date in which the ‘hasDateValue’ property is required | |
Explicit Date Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:ExplicitDatePeriod | Date period for which the start date, end date, and/or duration are required | |
Explicit Duration | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:ExplicitDuration | Duration for which the ‘hasDurationValue’ property must have a value | |
Explicit Recurrence Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:ExplicitRecurrenceInterval | Recurrence interval defined via an explicit duration | |
has As Of Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasAsOfDate | Relates something to the date on which it is accurate or valid (e.g. a credit report has an asOfDate that means the date when the information was drawn) | Associative Entity |
has Calendar Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasCalendarPeriod | Identifies a period of time used in computing a calendar-specified date, such as a calendar week, calendar month, calendar quarter, or calendar year | Associative Entity |
has Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDate | Identifies a calendar day, month and year | Associative Entity |
has Date Added | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDateAdded | Indicates the date something was included in something else | Associative Entity |
has Date Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDatePeriod | Identifies a specific window of time, including a start date, end date and/or duration | Associative Entity |
has Date Received | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDateReceived | Relates something to the date it arrived or was delivered, e.g., a loan application request | Associative Entity |
has Date Time | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDateTime | Identifies a specific date and time of day, excluding the time zone | Associative Entity |
has Date Time Stamp | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDateTimeStamp | Identifies a specific date and time of day, including the time zone | Associative Entity |
has Duration | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasDuration | Specifies the time during which something continues | Associative Entity |
has End Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasEndDate | Indicates the ending date of some Schedule or DatePeriod | Associative Entity |
has Explicit Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasExplicitDate | Indicates a stated date, as opposed to calculated or unknown date, associated with something | Associative Entity |
has Final Stub | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasFinalStub | Identifies any special period at the end of a regular schedule | Associative Entity |
has Initial Stub | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasInitialStub | Identifies any special period at the start of a regular schedule | Associative Entity |
has Overall Period | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasOverallPeriod | Identifies a date period that includes all the dates of a schedule, including any schedule stubs | Associative Entity |
has Recurrence Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasRecurrenceInterval | Indicates the frequency with which some event or publication occurs | Associative Entity |
has Recurrence Start Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasRecurrenceStartDate | The starting date of the first recurrence in a regular schedule | Associative Entity |
has Schedule (fnd) | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasSchedule | Indicates a schedule for something | Associative Entity |
has Start Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasStartDate | Indicates the initial date of something | Associative Entity |
has Stub | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasStub | Links an abbreviated period at the start or end of some schedule to the overall schedule | Associative Entity |
has Time Direction | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:hasTimeDirection | Indicates whether a calendar-specified date is figured from the beginning or end of a calendar period | Associative Entity |
is Relative To | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:isRelativeTo | Identifies a specific date that a relative date or relative date period references | Associative Entity |
Recurrence Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:RecurrenceInterval | Time interval that is consistent between elements of a regular schedule | |
Regular Schedule | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:RegularSchedule | Schedule whose time intervals recur regularly | |
Relative Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:RelativeDate | Calculated date that is some duration before or after another date | |
Schedule | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:Schedule | Collection of events, observations, or other occurrences and the associated dates and/or times when they will be done | |
Schedule Stub | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:ScheduleStub | Date period before the start of the recurring part of a schedule or after the end of the recurring part, which may be associated with a specific occurrence kind | |
Specified Date | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:SpecifiedDate | Calculated date that is defined by a rule that is captured as a string by the ‘hasDateSpecification’ property | |
Time Direction | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:TimeDirection | Enumeration that indicates whether a calendar-specified date is figured from the start or the end of a calendar period | |
Time Instant | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:TimeInstant | Temporal entity that is a member of a time scale, with no extent or duration | |
Time Interval | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:TimeInterval | Segment of the time axis, a location in time, with an extent or duration | |
Time Of Day | fibo-fnd-dt-fd:TimeOfDay | Explicit time, according to a clock | |
exemplifies | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:exemplifies | Is a realization or example of | Associative Entity |
has Event Date | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:hasEventDate | Identifies a date associated with an event (occurrence) | Associative Entity |
has Input | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:hasInput | Relates something (e.g. an occurrence) to something that is used as an input to some activity or process | Associative Entity |
has Occurrence | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:hasOccurrence | Identifies events of a given occurrence kind, typically as they occur in a schedule | Associative Entity |
has Output | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:hasOutput | Relates something (e.g. an occurrence) to something that is the result of some activity or process | Associative Entity |
is Triggered By | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:isTriggeredBy | Is activated or initiated by | Associative Entity |
Occurrence | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:Occurrence | Happening of an OccurrenceKind, i.e., an event | |
Occurrence Based Date | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:OccurrenceBasedDate | Calculated date that is defined with respect to the occurrence of some occurrence kind | |
Occurrence Kind | fibo-fnd-dt-oc:OccurrenceKind | Classifier that specifies the general nature of an occurrance (event) | |
Business Objective | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:BusinessObjective | Objective that reflects the strategic goals and direction of a business within a time frame and available resources | |
Business Strategy | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:BusinessStrategy | Strategy for achieving a specific business goal, objective, solution or outcome | |
Distribution Strategy | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:DistributionStrategy | Strategy for making a product or service available, or for distributing funds, such as in the form of a dividend or coupon | |
Financial Objective | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:FinancialObjective | Objective that reflects the strategic financial goals and direction of a party within a time frame and available resources | |
Goal | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:Goal | Desired result that a party envisions, plans, and to which it commits, in order to achieve a desired state | |
has Goal | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:hasGoal | Relates something to a long-term, desired outcome | Associative Entity |
has Objective | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:hasObjective | Relates something to a specific objective (result) that it aims to achieve within a time frame and with available resources | Associative Entity |
Investment Objective | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:InvestmentObjective | Financial objective used by an investor to determine whether or not a given potential investment is appropriate for themselves or on behalf of another party | |
Objective | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:Objective | Short-term, quantitative, measurable result that a party seeks to attain in order to achieve its long-term goals | |
Program | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:Program | Coordinated set of activities designed to obtain benefits not available from managing them individually | |
Sales Strategy | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:SalesStrategy | Strategy for selling something, including allocating resources to the sales process, reducing costs, and optimizing revenues | |
Strategy | fibo-fnd-gao-obj:Strategy | Plan or method for achieving a specific goal, objective, solution or outcome | |
Constitution | fibo-fnd-law-cor:Constitution | Set of basic principles by which an organization is governed, especially in relation to the rights of the people it governs | |
Court Of Law | fibo-fnd-law-cor:CourtOfLaw | Person or body of persons having judicial authority to hear and resolve disputes on the basis of statutes or the common law | |
Court Of Law only confers | fibo-fnd-law-cor:CourtOfLaw_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | A subtype of associative entity ‘confers’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Court Of Law | Associative Entity |
has In Force | fibo-fnd-law-cor:hasInForce | Relates a jurisdiction or situation to a rule, regulation or law (collectively “law”) that is currently in force in that situation or jurisdiction | Associative Entity |
Law | fibo-fnd-law-cor:Law | Rule recognized by some community as regulating the behavior of its members and that it may enforce through the imposition of penalties | |
applies In | fibo-fnd-law-jur:appliesIn | Indicates the jurisdiction in which a law applies | Associative Entity |
has Reach | fibo-fnd-law-jur:hasReach | Indicates the geopolitical area covered by the jurisdiction | Associative Entity |
Jurisdiction | fibo-fnd-law-jur:Jurisdiction | Power of a court to adjudicate cases, issue orders, and interpret and apply the law with respect to some specific geographic area | |
Statute Law | fibo-fnd-law-jur:StatuteLaw | Law enacted by a legislature | |
Statute Law only mandates | fibo-fnd-law-jur:StatuteLaw_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:mandates | A subtype of associative entity ‘mandates’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Statute Law | Associative Entity |
Claim | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Claim | A demand or assertion made by one party on another, based on facts that, taken together, give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action | |
Contingent Obligation | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContingentObligation | An obligation that depends on a future event or the performance of an action | |
Contingent Right | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContingentRight | A right that depends on a future event or the performance of an action | |
Contractual Capability | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContractualCapability | The capacity to enter into legally binding contracts | |
Contractual Obligation | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContractualObligation | An obligation or duty that is specified in and imposed by a contract | |
Contractual Option | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContractualOption | A contractual right that may be exercised at some point in the future, such as an option to extend a contract, or other available but not obligatory rights as defined in the contract | |
Contractual Right | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContractualRight | A contingent right conferred via a contract | |
Contractual Right only implies | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ContractualRight_only_fibo-fnd-law-lcap:implies | A subtype of associative entity ‘implies’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Contractual Right | Associative Entity |
Delegated Legal Authority | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:DelegatedLegalAuthority | Institutionalized and legal power inherent in a particular job, function, or position that is meant to enable its holder to successfully carry out his or her responsibilities, where such power has been delegated through some formal means | |
Duty | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Duty | Some obligation which exists and is imposed on some individual | |
has Capacity | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:hasCapacity | Identifies an individual or organization that has some capability to carry out certain actions, or has certain rights or obligations | Associative Entity |
implements | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:implements | Carries out or puts into effect, fulfills | Associative Entity |
implies | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:implies | Strongly suggests or involves as a logical consequence based on some set of observations, facts, or events | Associative Entity |
Legal Capacity | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LegalCapacity | The capability to carry out certain actions or to have certain rights together with the resources to do so | |
Legal Construct | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LegalConstruct | Something which is conferred by way of law or contract, such as a right | |
Legal Obligation | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LegalObligation | An obligation or duty that is enforceable by a court | |
Legal Right | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LegalRight | A contingent right or privilege that, if challenged, would be supported in court as a claim that is recognizable and enforceable in law, statutes, regulations, or other legislative actions | |
Liability Capacity | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LiabilityCapacity | The ability to be sued at law | |
License | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:License | Grant of permission needed to do something | |
Licensee | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Licensee | A party to whom a license has been granted | |
License Identifier | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LicenseIdentifier | An identifier associated with a license | |
licenses | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:licenses | Issues a license required in order to perform some task, provide some service, exercise some privilege, or pursue some line of business or occupation to some party | Associative Entity |
Licensor | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Licensor | A party who grants a license | |
Litigation Capacity | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:LitigationCapacity | The legal capacity to pursue a litigation action in law | |
Policy | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Policy | System of principles, rules and guidelines, adopted by an organization to guide decision making with respect to particular situations and implemented via procedures or protocols to achieve stated goals | |
Regulation | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:Regulation | A rule used to carry out a law | |
Reporting Policy | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:ReportingPolicy | Policy specifying principles, rules and/or guidelines regarding some aspect of reporting | |
Signatory Capacity | fibo-fnd-law-lcap:SignatoryCapacity | The capacity of some natural person to sign agreements on the part of some organization or legal person | |
Control | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:Control | Situation in which some party has the power to direct or strongly influence the direction of the management and policies related to something | |
Controlled Thing | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:ControlledThing | Something over which some party exercises some form of control with respect to some situation | |
Controlling Party | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:ControllingParty | Actor that exercises some form of control in the context of some situation | |
De Facto Control | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:DeFactoControl | Control that exists informally and is accepted, although not formally recognized | |
De Jure Control | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:DeJureControl | Control that exists as a matter of law, i.e., legitimate, legal control of something | |
has Controlling Party | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:hasControllingParty | Indicates the party in control of something | Associative Entity |
has Party In Control | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:hasPartyInControl | Indicates the actor in the context of a control situation, i.e., the party that has control | Associative Entity |
is Controlled Thing In Role | fibo-fnd-oac-ctl:isControlledThingInRole | Indicates the context of control in which something (undergoer) is being controlled | Associative Entity |
Ownership And Control | fibo-fnd-oac-oac:OwnershipAndControl | The intersection of ownership and control reflects the unique case where an independent party both owns and controls another independent thing. | Equivalent Entity |
owns And Controls | fibo-fnd-oac-oac:ownsAndControls | Directs and exercises authoritative or dominating influence over some thing that is also owned | Associative Entity |
Asset | fibo-fnd-oac-own:Asset | Something of monetary value that is owned or provides benefit to some party | |
has Owned Thing | fibo-fnd-oac-own:hasOwnedThing | Indicates the asset in an ownership situation | Associative Entity |
has Owning Party | fibo-fnd-oac-own:hasOwningParty | Identifies the actor that holds title to the asset in an ownership situation | Associative Entity |
Intangible Asset | fibo-fnd-oac-own:IntangibleAsset | Identifiable, non-monetary asset that lacks physical substance | |
is Owned By | fibo-fnd-oac-own:isOwnedBy | Identifies the party that owns the asset | Associative Entity |
Owner | fibo-fnd-oac-own:Owner | Party that is legally recognized as having the right to possess, the privilege to use, and ability to transfer any rights or privileges associated with something, as permitted by law | |
Ownership | fibo-fnd-oac-own:Ownership | Situation in which some party holds the legal title to something (explicitly or implicitly) and has the right to transfer that title and/or possession | |
owns | fibo-fnd-oac-own:owns | To have (something) as one’s own, possess | Associative Entity |
Tangible Asset | fibo-fnd-oac-own:TangibleAsset | Asset that is a physical, measurable resource, i.e., one that takes a physical form | |
Formal Organization | fibo-fnd-org-fm:FormalOrganization | Organization that is recognized in some legal jurisdiction, with associated rights and responsibilities | |
Group | fibo-fnd-org-fm:Group | Collection of agents (people, organizations, software agents, etc.) that are considered as a unit | |
Group only has Member | fibo-fnd-org-fm:Group_only_lcc-lr:hasMember | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Member’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Group | Associative Entity |
Informal Organization | fibo-fnd-org-fm:InformalOrganization | Organization that is not formally constituted in some way | |
is Domiciled In | fibo-fnd-org-fm:isDomiciledIn | Indicates a primary location where an entity conducts business, such as where its headquarters is located | Associative Entity |
Organization (fibo) | fibo-fnd-org-org:Organization | Collection of one or more people, or groups of people formed together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure to act, or that is designated to act, towards some purpose, such as to meet a need or pursue collective goals on a continuing basis | |
Organization (fibo) only has Part | fibo-fnd-org-org:Organization_only_lcc-cr:hasPart | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Part’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Organization (fibo) | Associative Entity |
Organization (fibo) only has Member | fibo-fnd-org-org:Organization_only_lcc-lr:hasMember | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Member’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Organization (fibo) | Associative Entity |
Buyer | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Buyer | Party that purchases something in exchange for money or other consideration under a contract of sale | |
buys | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:buys | Links a party in the role of purchaser to something that they have purchased or plan to purchase | Associative Entity |
buys From | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:buysFrom | Links a party in the role of purchaser to a party from which they have made or are planning to make a purchase | Associative Entity |
Client | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Client | Party that purchases professional services from, or has a formal relationship to purchase services from another party | |
Client Identifier | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ClientIdentifier | Sequence of characters uniquely identifying a client within the context of some organization | |
Commodity | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Commodity | Material resource used in commerce that is interchangeable with other commodities of the same type | |
Consumer | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Consumer | Party that utilizes economic goods or services, typically for personal, family, or household purposes | |
Contractual Product | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ContractualProduct | Product that takes the form of an agreement | |
Contractual Template Product | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ContractualTemplateProduct | Contractual product that is finalized through specification of values for parameters defined in a template | |
Customer (pas) | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Customer | Party that receives or consumes products (goods or services) and has the ability to choose between different products and suppliers | |
Customer Identifier | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:CustomerIdentifier | Sequence of characters uniquely identifying a customer within the context of some organization | |
Custom Product | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:CustomProduct | Product that is made to order, commissioned based on a customer’s specifications | |
Good | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Good | Physical, produced item over which ownership rights can be established, whose ownership can be passed from one party to another by engaging in transactions, and that is not money or real estate | |
has Buyer | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:hasBuyer | Indicates the purchasing party in the context of a sales transaction | Associative Entity |
has Seller | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:hasSeller | Indicates the vendor in the context of a sales transaction | Associative Entity |
Negotiable Commodity | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:NegotiableCommodity | Commodity that can be bought or sold in some marketplace | |
Off The Shelf Product | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:OffTheShelfProduct | Product that is readily available from merchandise in stock, or can be quickly and easily configured to order, not specially designed or custom-made | |
Precious Metal | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:PreciousMetal | Metal that is considered to be rare and/or have a high economic value | |
Precious Metal Identifier | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:PreciousMetalIdentifier | Sequence of characters uniquely identifying the precious metal in some context | |
Producer | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Producer | Grower, maker, fabricator, or manufacturer of some product or other good | |
Product | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Product | Commercially distributed good that is (1) tangible property, (2) the output or result of a fabrication, manufacturing, or production process, or (3) something that passes through a distribution channel before being consumed or used. | |
Product Identifier | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ProductIdentifier | Sequence of characters uniquely identifying a product in some context | |
provisions | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:provisions | Customizes, provides, or outfits something required for use in delivering a service | Associative Entity |
Sale | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Sale | Exchange of goods or services for money | |
Seller | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Seller | Party that makes, offers or contracts to make a sale to an actual or potential buyer | |
sells | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:sells | Links a party in the role of broker, dealer, vendor, or merchandiser to something that they make available for sale | Associative Entity |
Service | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Service | Intangible activity performed by some party for the benefit of another party | |
Service Agreement | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ServiceAgreement | Written contract between a client and service provider whereby the service provider supplies some service in the form of time, effort, and/or expertise in exchange for compensation | |
Service Provider | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:ServiceProvider | Party that provides and typically provisions professional services, such as consulting, financial, legal, real estate, education, communications, storage, or processing services, to other parties, typically defined in a service agreement | |
Supplier | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:Supplier | Party that provides goods or services that some party wants or needs, especially over a long period of time | |
supplies | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:supplies | Links a party in the role of outfitter, provisioner, distributor, etc. to something that they provide | Associative Entity |
Transaction Confirmation | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:TransactionConfirmation | Written communication from a seller or service provider reciting the relevant details of a transaction | |
Transaction Event (pas) | fibo-fnd-pas-pas:TransactionEvent | Any sale, assignment, lease, license, loan, advance, contribution, or other transfer of any interest in or right to use any property (tangible or intangible) or money, however that transaction is effected, and regardless of whether the terms of the transaction are formally documented | |
fulfills Obligation | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:fulfillsObligation | Satisfies a requirement for payment of some claim, debt, or other obligation | Associative Entity |
has Payment Amount | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:hasPaymentAmount | Specifies the amount of money involved in a payment | Associative Entity |
has Payment Schedule | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:hasPaymentSchedule | Specifies the schedule for payment of an obligation | Associative Entity |
Payee | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:Payee | A party to whom a debt should be paid, or to whose order a bill of exchange, note, or check is made payable, or who receives or will receive a payment from a payer in partial or complete fulfillment of an obligation | |
Payer | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:Payer | A party who pays a bill or fees, or who makes payments to a payee in partial or complete fulfillment of an obligation | |
Payer only has Obligation | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:Payer_only_fibo-fnd-agr-agr:hasObligation | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Obligation’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Payer | Associative Entity |
Payment | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:Payment | Delivery of money in fulfillment of an obligation, such as to satisfy a claim or debt | |
Payment Event | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:PaymentEvent | An event that involves delivery of money in fulfillment of an obligation | |
Payment Obligation (fnd) | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:PaymentObligation | A legally enforceable duty to pay a sum of money, or agree to do something (or not to do something), according to the terms stated in a contract | |
Payment Schedule | fibo-fnd-pas-psch:PaymentSchedule | Schedule for delivery of money in fulfillment of an obligation, such as a coupon payment schedule, loan payment schedule, interest payment schedule | |
Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:Address | Index to a location to which communications may be delivered | |
Address Component | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:AddressComponent | Aspect of an address | |
Addressing Scheme | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:AddressingScheme | System for allocating addresses to objects | |
Addressing Scheme only defines | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:AddressingScheme_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:defines | A subtype of associative entity ‘defines’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Addressing Scheme | Associative Entity |
Conventional Street Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:ConventionalStreetAddress | Physical address that identifies a location on a street to which communications may be delivered | |
Geographic Directional Symbol | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:GeographicDirectionalSymbol | Code element that gives directional information for postal delivery | Equivalent Entity |
has Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasAddress | Indicates a means by which something (in the case of a network address) or some entity may be located or contacted or may receive correspondence | Associative Entity |
has Individual Postcode | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasIndividualPostcode | Indicates the local or international postcode element of a delivery address as specified by the local postal service | Associative Entity |
has Postdirectional Symbol | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasPostdirectionalSymbol | Specifies a geographic directional symbol that follows the street name and street suffix in a street address | Associative Entity |
has Predirectional Symbol | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasPredirectionalSymbol | Specifies a geographic directional symbol that occurs after the primary street number but before the street name in a street address | Associative Entity |
has Primary Address Number | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasPrimaryAddressNumber | Specifies a a location with respect to a given street | Associative Entity |
has Secondary Unit | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasSecondaryUnit | Specifies an individual unit within a larger structure, such as an apartment, office, hangar, slip, mailbox, and so forth, at a given street address | Associative Entity |
has Street Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasStreetAddress | Indicates a fully-specified address component that consists of a primary address number, predirectional, street name, suffix, postdirectional, and an optional secondary unit | Associative Entity |
has Street Name | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasStreetName | Specifies an identifier for a street in some context (e.g., ‘Baker’, ‘First’, ‘Main’) | Associative Entity |
has Street Suffix | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasStreetSuffix | Specifies an additional qualifier for a street or other delivery location, such as a dwelling located along a waterway | Associative Entity |
has Structure Or Complex Name | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasStructureOrComplexName | Specifies an identifier for a building, house, office complex, shopping center, or other structure | Associative Entity |
has Transliterated Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:hasTransliteratedAddress | Identifies a transliterated (i.e., in Latin or Romanized ASCII) address for the registered entity | Associative Entity |
Physical Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PhysicalAddress | Physical address where communications can be addressed, papers served or representatives located for any kind of organization or person | |
Physical Address Identifier | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PhysicalAddressIdentifier | Unique identifier for a physical address | |
Physical Addressing Scheme | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PhysicalAddressingScheme | Scheme for specifying physical addresses according to a country specific standard | |
Postcode | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:Postcode | Sequence of characters used to assist in the sorting of mail | |
Post Code Area | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PostCodeArea | Physical area uniquely identified by some postal code | |
Postdirectional Symbol | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PostdirectionalSymbol | Geographic directional symbol that follows the street name and street suffix in a street address | |
Post Office Box | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PostOfficeBox | Post office box associated with an address | |
Post Office Box Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PostOfficeBoxAddress | Physical address used to deliver communications to a designated container at a local post office or the local equivalent for the jurisdiction, where mail is held until the recipient collects it, rather than to a given house, building, or other location | |
Post Office Box Designator | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PostOfficeBoxDesignator | Designator used, together with an identifier, for a post office box | |
Predirectional Symbol | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PredirectionalSymbol | Geographic directional symbol that occurs after the primary street number but before the street name in a street address | |
Primary Address Number | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:PrimaryAddressNumber | Address component that identifies a location with respect to a given street | |
Region Specific Identifier | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:RegionSpecificIdentifier | Geographic region or subdivision identifier used internally by a country or other region | |
Secondary Unit | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SecondaryUnit | Address component that identifies an individual unit within a larger structure, such as an apartment, office, hangar, slip, mailbox, and so forth, at a given street address | |
Secondary Unit Designator | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SecondaryUnitDesignator | Classifier for a smaller structure or component within a larger facility, such as an apartment, office, mail stop, or other similar designation | |
Secondary Unit Indicator | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SecondaryUnitIndicator | Index to the specific unit within a secondary unit, such as a building or apartment, at a particular street address | |
Street Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:StreetAddress | Index to a location that consists of a primary address number, predirectional, street name, suffix, postdirectional, and an optional secondary unit | |
Street Name | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:StreetName | Identifier for a street in some context (e.g., city, municipality, geographic region) | |
Street Suffix | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:StreetSuffix | Classifier for a street or other delivery location, such as a dwelling located along a waterway | |
Structure Or Complex Name | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:StructureOrComplexName | Identifier for a building, house, office complex, shopping center, or other structure | |
Supplemental Address Component | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SupplementalAddressComponent | Address component that provides additional information that is important to ensuring proper delivery of communications | |
Supplemental Address Designator | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SupplementalAddressDesignator | Classifier for supplemental address information, such as a highway contract route, rural route, building complex, shopping center, condominium complex, mail box, or other similar designation | |
Supplemental Address Indicator Or Unit | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:SupplementalAddressIndicatorOrUnit | Address component that includes a specific route, box, apartment, condominium or other indicator or unit associated with a specific address | |
Virtual Address | fibo-fnd-plc-adr:VirtualAddress | Address identifying a virtual, i.e. non-physical, location | |
Capability | fibo-fnd-plc-fac:Capability | Ability to perform a particular type of work that may involve people with particular skills and knowledge, intellectual property, defined practices, operating facilities, tools and equipment | |
Facility | fibo-fnd-plc-fac:Facility | Something established to serve a particular purpose, make some course of action or operation easier, or provide some capability or service | |
Site | fibo-fnd-plc-fac:Site | Place, setting, or context in which something, such as a facility, is situated | |
situates | fibo-fnd-plc-fac:situates | Indicates the place, setting, or context in which something is placed | Associative Entity |
Venue | fibo-fnd-plc-fac:Venue | Site where something happens, described in the context of the event or activity that occurs there | |
Business Center | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:BusinessCenter | Municipality where business is conducted, especially one that is considered a financial center | |
County | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:County | Political and administrative division of a country, state or province, providing certain local governmental services | |
Federal Capital Area | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:FederalCapitalArea | Geopolitical entity that is or includes the municipality or capital city that acts as the seat of the federal government | |
Federal State | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:FederalState | Self-governing geopolitical unit which forms part of a wider geopolitical unit that is recognized as a country | |
has Business Center | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasBusinessCenter | Identifies a location where business is conducted, and hence the business calendar used to adjust dates | Associative Entity |
has Country | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasCountry | Identifies a country | Associative Entity |
has County | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasCounty | Indicates a country subdivision providing certain local governmental services | Associative Entity |
has Coverage Area | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasCoverageArea | Indicates a geographic region in which some service is provided, or to which some policy applies, or in which something is available | Associative Entity |
has Municipality | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasMunicipality | Indicates a business center, city, or municipality | Associative Entity |
has Region | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasRegion | Indicates a demarcated area on the surface of the Earth | Associative Entity |
has Subdivision | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:hasSubdivision | Identifies a country subdivision (state, province, region, etc.) | Associative Entity |
is Located At | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:isLocatedAt | Relates something to a location, which might be physical or virtual | Associative Entity |
Municipality | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:Municipality | Urban administrative division having corporate status and usually powers of self-government or jurisdiction | |
Parcel | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:Parcel | Tract or plot of land | |
Physical Location | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:PhysicalLocation | Location in physical space | |
Populated Place | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:PopulatedPlace | Community in which people live or have lived, without being specific as to size, population or importance | |
Real Estate | fibo-fnd-plc-loc:RealEstate | Tract or plot of land including any fixed structures on it, as well as the natural resources of the land including uncultivated flora and fauna, farmed crops and livestock, water, and any additional mineral deposits | |
Complete Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:CompleteAddress | Delivery address that has all the address elements necessary to allow an exact match with the current Postal Service ZIP+4 and City State files to obtain the finest level of ZIP+4 and delivery point codes for the delivery address | |
Delivery Address Code Set | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:DeliveryAddressCodeSet | System of numeric codes that substitute for specified delivery point details according to the U.S. Postal Service Publication 28 | |
Delivery Point Code | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:DeliveryPointCode | Specific set of digits between 00 and 99 assigned to a delivery point | |
Delivery Point Code Set | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:DeliveryPointCodeSet | System of numeric codes that substitute for specified delivery point details according to the U.S. Postal Service Publication 28 | |
Department Of State Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:DepartmentOfStateAddress | Delivery address whose delivery address line uses ‘UNIT’ followed by the unit identifier, followed by ‘BOX’ followed by box number, in place of a street address, ‘DPO’ as the literal value for the city, and the appropriate armed forces subdivision code in place of a subdivision (state) code | |
Department Of State Unit Component | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:DepartmentOfStateUnitComponent | Component of a Department of State address that includes ‘UNIT’ followed by the unit identifier | |
General Delivery Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:GeneralDeliveryAddress | Delivery address that uses the words ‘GENERAL DELIVERY’, uppercase preferred, spelled out (no abbreviation), in place of a street address | |
has Urbanization | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:hasUrbanization | Indicates area, sector, or development within a geographic area relevant to a delivery address | Associative Entity |
Highway Contract Route | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:HighwayContractRoute | Highway contract route associated with an address | |
Highway Contract Route Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:HighwayContractRouteAddress | Delivery address whose delivery address line uses the abbreviation ‘HC’, followed by the route identifier, followed by ‘BOX’ followed by box number, in place of a street address | |
International Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:InternationalAddress | Physical address that explicitly includes a country | Equivalent Entity |
Mailbox | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:Mailbox | Mailbox, other than a U.S. Post Office box, associated with an address | |
Overseas Military Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:OverseasMilitaryAddress | Delivery address whose delivery address line uses an abbreviation for the unit or command such as ‘CMR’, ‘PSC’, or ‘UNIT’, or ‘HC’, followed by the unit identifier, followed by ‘BOX’ followed by box number, in place of a street address, either ‘APO’ or ‘FPO’ as the literal value for the city and the appropriate armed forces subdivision code in place of a subdivision (state) code | |
Private Mail Box Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:PrivateMailBoxAddress | Delivery address provided by a commercial mail receiving company that includes a supplementary address line containing the abbreviation ‘PMB’ or the pound “#” symbol followed by the mailbox number; alternatively, ‘PMB’ or ‘#” and the mailbox number can be appended to the street address | |
Puerto Rico Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:PuertoRicoAddress | Delivery address for a delivery point in Puerto Rico that may include a supplementary address line containing the abbreviation ‘URB’ followed by the name of the urbanization area that is appropriate for that address | |
Rural Route | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:RuralRoute | Mail route outside the city or township limits in a rural area associated with an address | |
Rural Route Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:RuralRouteAddress | Delivery address whose delivery address line uses the abbreviation ‘RR’, followed by the route identifier, followed by ‘BOX’ followed by box number, in place of a street address | |
Standardized Address | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:StandardizedAddress | Delivery address that is fully spelled out, abbreviated by using the Postal Service standard abbreviations or as given in the current Postal Service ZIP+4 file | |
Urbanization | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:Urbanization | An area, sector, or development within a larger geographic area | |
US Postal Service Address Identifier | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:USPostalServiceAddressIdentifier | Combined with the ZIP + 4 code, the delivery point code provides a unique identifier for every deliverable address served by the USPS | |
ZIP Code | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:ZIPCode | Five-digit code code assigned to a delivery address indicating the state and post office or postal zone | |
Zip Code Scheme | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:ZipCodeScheme | System used in the U.S. to facilitate the delivery of mail, consisting of a five- or nine-digit code Zone Improvement Plan (ZIP) printed directly after the address, the first five digits (initial code) indicating the state and post office or postal zone, the last four (expanded code) the box section or number, portion of a rural route, building, or other specific delivery location | |
ZIP Plus4Code | fibo-fnd-plc-uspsa:ZIPPlus4Code | Nine-digit number consisting of five digits, a hyphen, and four digits, which the USPS describes by its trademark ZIP+4 | |
Electronic Mail Address | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:ElectronicMailAddress | Virtual address that defines an electronic messaging endpoint to which email messages can be delivered, typically via an Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) based communications system | |
has Electronic Mail Address | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:hasElectronicMailAddress | Specifies an electronic messaging endpoint at which some entity may be located or contacted or may receive correspondence | Associative Entity |
has Telephone Number | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:hasTelephoneNumber | Indicates a virtual address composed of a sequence of digits and symbols that may be assigned to a fixed-line telephone subscriber station, a wireless electronic telephony device, such as a radio telephone or a mobile telephone, or other similar device or service | Associative Entity |
Network Location | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:NetworkLocation | A virtual location that may be identified by a network address (an identifier for a node or interface) | |
Notional Place | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:NotionalPlace | An abstract place; one of many commonly understood concepts such as domestic, Eurozone etc. | |
Telephone Number | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:TelephoneNumber | Virtual address that may be assigned to a fixed-line telephone subscriber station connected to a telephone line or to a wireless electronic telephony device, such as a radio telephone or a mobile telephone, or to other devices or services for data transmission via the public switched telephone network (PSTN) or other public and private networks | |
Virtual Location | fibo-fnd-plc-vrt:VirtualLocation | Place that is not located in any single physical location; a network location without geographic boundaries | |
Actor | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:Actor | Party that is the primary performer in a relationship between parties, i.e., the party that does something, causes something to happen, or otherwise plays an agentive role in the relationship | |
acts In | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:actsIn | Indicates a situation in which the actor plays a primary role | Associative Entity |
acts On | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:actsOn | Relates an actor in a given situation to the undergoer that they affect under the circumstances | Associative Entity |
experiences | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:experiences | Relates something to a situation that affects them in some way | Associative Entity |
experiences With | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:experiencesWith | Relates something to an actor that drives a situation involving it | Associative Entity |
has Commencement Date | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasCommencementDate | The date a party relationship comes into force | Associative Entity |
has Party | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasParty | Identifies an independent party associated with an agreement, contract, policy, regulation, or other business arrangement | Associative Entity |
has Party In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasPartyInRole | Identifies a party acting in a specific role as related to the particular agreement, contract, policy, regulation, or other business relationship | Associative Entity |
has Related Party In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasRelatedPartyInRole | Relates a party acting in a specific role directly to another party acting in the same or another role | Associative Entity |
has Thing In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:hasThingInRole | Identifies something acting in a recipient or target role as related to the particular agreement, contract, policy, regulation, situation, or other business relationship | Associative Entity |
Independent Party | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:IndependentParty | Any person or organization | |
is Affected By | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:isAffectedBy | Relates an undergoer in a given situation to the actor that has an impact on them under the circumstances | Associative Entity |
Organization Member | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:OrganizationMember | Identifies an organization or someone that plays a membership role in some organization | |
Party In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:PartyInRole | Relative concept that ties a person or organization to a specific role they stand in | |
Party In Role Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:PartyInRoleIdentificationScheme | System for allocating identifiers to parties | |
Party In Role Identifier | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:PartyInRoleIdentifier | Sequence of characters, capable of uniquely identifying a party based on a specific role that they play in some context | |
plays Active Role In | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:playsActiveRoleIn | Relates a person or organization to a situation that they are directly involved in | Associative Entity |
plays Active Role That Affects | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:playsActiveRoleThatAffects | Relates a person or organization to an undergoer they have an impact on under the circumstances | Associative Entity |
Situation | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:Situation | Setting, state of being, or relationship that that is relatively stable for some period of time | |
Tax Identification Scheme | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:TaxIdentificationScheme | Identification scheme used to identify taxpayers in some jurisdiction | |
Tax Identifier | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:TaxIdentifier | Identifier assigned to a taxpayer that enables compulsory financial charges and other levies to be imposed on the taxpayer by a governmental organization in order to fund government spending and various public expenditures | |
Undergoer | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:Undergoer | Something that is the recipient in a relationship, i.e., the thing (or party) that something impacts, affects, or otherwise plays passive recipient / patient or theme role in the relationship | |
undergoes | fibo-fnd-pty-pty:undergoes | Indicates a situation that the undergoer experiences | Associative Entity |
Agent In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl:AgentInRole | An agent-in-role is a relative concept that ties an autonomous agent to a role they are playing in a given situational context. | |
has Role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl:hasRole | Provides a means for relating a person, organization, group, or other entity to a role that entity plays in some relationship and context | Associative Entity |
plays Role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl:playsRole | Indicates a role that an independent thing, such as a person or organization, plays under some circumstance | Associative Entity |
Role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl:Role | A role is a set of connected behaviours, rights, obligations, beliefs, and norms as conceptualised by actors in the context of some situation. | |
Thing In Role | fibo-fnd-pty-rl:ThingInRole | A thing-in-role is a relative concept that ties some thing to a role it plays in a given situational context | |
Base Quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:BaseQuantity | Quantity kind in a conventionally chosen subset of a given system of quantities, where no subset quantity can be expressed in terms of the others | |
Base Unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:BaseUnit | Measurement unit that is defined by a system of units to be the reference measurement unit for a base quantity | |
Derived Quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:DerivedQuantity | Quantity kind that may be defined as a product of powers of one or more other kinds of quantity | |
Derived Unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:DerivedUnit | Measurement unit that is defined with respect to one or more base units, such as as a product of powers of one or more other measurement units | |
Dimensionality | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:Dimensionality | Classifier that represents a set of equivalent units of measure | |
has Dimension | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasDimension | Indicates the dimension associated with a given quantity kind in some system of quantities (which may also be derived and depends on the choice of base quantity) | Associative Entity |
has Factor (fnd) | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasFactor | Indicates a number or quantity that when multiplied with another produces a given number or expression | Associative Entity |
has Measurement Unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasMeasurementUnit | Indicates the unit in which something is expressed | Associative Entity |
has Quantity Kind | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityKind | Indicates the quantity kind involved in the definition of a quantity or factor | Associative Entity |
has Quantity Value | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityValue | Relates something (an expression, formula, etc.) to its magnitude expressed as a number together with its unit of measure (if applicable) | Associative Entity |
is Derived From | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:isDerivedFrom | Indicates something that the subject is derived from: a derived quantity is derived from a base quantity; a derived unit is derived from a base unit | Associative Entity |
Measurement Unit | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:MeasurementUnit | Quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which any other quantity of the same kind can be compared to express the ratio of the two quantities as a number | |
Quantity | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:Quantity | Property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, to which a number can be assigned with respect to a reference | |
Quantity Kind | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:QuantityKind | Classifier for ‘quantity’ that characterizes quantities as being mutually comparable | |
Quantity Kind Factor | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:QuantityKindFactor | Factor in a product of powers that defines a derived quantity | |
Quantity Value | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:QuantityValue | Number and measurement unit together giving magnitude of a quantity | |
specializes | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:specializes | Indicates something whose nature is more general (broader than) the subject | Associative Entity |
System Of Quantities | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:SystemOfQuantities | Set of quantities together with a set of non-contradictory equations relating those quantities | |
System Of Units | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:SystemOfUnits | Set of measurement units associated with a system of quantities, together with a set of rules that assign one measurement unit to be the base unit for each base quantity in the system of quantities and a set of rules for the derivation of other units from the base units | |
Unit Factor | fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:UnitFactor | Factor in a product of powers that defines a derived unit | |
applies To (fnd) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:appliesTo | Is pertinent, suitable, or relevant to | Associative Entity |
causes | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:causes | Relationship between an event or set of events or factors (the cause) and a second event, phenomenon, situation, or result (the effect), where the second event or outcome is understood as a consequence of the first | Associative Entity |
characterizes | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:characterizes | Specifies a discriminating feature or quality of | Associative Entity |
comprises | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:comprises | Includes, especially within a particular scope, is made up of | Associative Entity |
confers | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:confers | Grants or bestows by virtue of some authority | Associative Entity |
controls | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:controls | Exercises authoritative or dominating influence over; directs | Associative Entity |
defines | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:defines | Determines or identifies the essential qualities or meaning of, discovers and sets forth the meaning of, fixes or marks the limits of, demarcates | Associative Entity |
describes | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:describes | Conveys the nature of | Associative Entity |
designates | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:designates | Appoints someone officially | Associative Entity |
embodies (rel) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:embodies | Is an expression of, or gives a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling), makes concrete and perceptible | Associative Entity |
evaluates | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:evaluates | Assesses the nature, quality, or ability of someone or something | Associative Entity |
exchanges | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:exchanges | Gives something in return something else | Associative Entity |
generates | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:generates | Produces through the application of one or more mathematical or logical steps or rules | Associative Entity |
governs (rel) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:governs | Prevails or has decisive influence over; exercises authority | Associative Entity |
has Context | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasContext | Provides a context in which something is defined, expressed, or represented | Associative Entity |
has Designation | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasDesignation | Relates an individual or organization to a position, role, or other designation | Associative Entity |
has Identity | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:hasIdentity | Provides a means for identifying something that fills a particular role | Associative Entity |
holds (rel) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:holds | Is the relationship between a party and something it possesses, or over which it exercises some ownership or control or has at its discretion the ability to dispose of it as it sees fit | Associative Entity |
involves | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:involves | (of a situation or event) includes (something) as a necessary part or result | Associative Entity |
is Conferred On | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:isConferredOn | That on which the conferred thing is conferred | Associative Entity |
issues (rel) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:issues | Officially makes something available | Associative Entity |
manages (fnd) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:manages | Relates an autonomous agent to something that it directs in some way | Associative Entity |
mandates | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:mandates | Relates something to a commitment, contract, law, obligation, requirement, regulation, or similar concept that requires it | Associative Entity |
produces (fnd) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:produces | Identifies something that is fabricated, manufactured or created via some production process | Associative Entity |
provides | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:provides | Makes something available | Associative Entity |
Reference | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:Reference | Concept that stands in for how something may be interpreted or understood in some context | |
Referent | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:Referent | Something that another concept stands for, exemplifies, symbolizes, or otherwise mentions | |
refers To (fnd) | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:refersTo | Classifies, provides context for, or indicates | Associative Entity |
represents | fibo-fnd-rel-rel:represents | Illustrates, symbolizes, exemplifies, stands for, or means | Associative Entity |
Accounts Ledger Entry | fibo-fnd-txn-acc:AccountsLedgerEntry | ||
amount | fibo-fnd-txn-acc:amount | Associative Entity | |
is Part Of (fibo) | fibo-fnd-txn-acc:isPartOf | Associative Entity | |
reflected In Some | fibo-fnd-txn-acc:reflectedInSome | Associative Entity | |
triggers | fibo-fnd-txn-acc:triggers | Associative Entity | |
Accounting Reporting Party | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:AccountingReportingParty | The party, from the perspective of which economic facts are defined. | |
Aspect Viewing Party | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:AspectViewingParty | The party from the perspective of which the aspect is defined. | |
as Reported By | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:asReportedBy | Associative Entity | |
as Seen By | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:asSeenBy | Associative Entity | |
Cashflow Commitment | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:CashflowCommitment | A legal or contractual commitment to some cash flows in the future. | |
Contractual Transaction Obligation | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:ContractualTransactionObligation | An obligation which is one perspective on a commitment which is both a contractual commitment and a transaction-related economic commitment. | |
Debt Claim | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:DebtClaim | ||
defined On The Part Of | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:definedOnThePartOf | Associative Entity | |
Equity Claim | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:EquityClaim | Needs to be unpicked Equity represents ownership in some venture. You own a piece of the assets of the venture, which gives you a claim on those assets. there is parallel to the discharging of obligations and rights in a transaction, in there here, the obligation/right continues to exist until or unless the venture is wound up. | |
has End | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:hasEnd | Associative Entity | |
has Start | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:hasStart | Associative Entity | |
REA Transaction Obligation | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:REATransactionObligation | ||
REA Transaction Right | fibo-fnd-txn-cle:REATransactionRight | ||
Economic Context | fibo-fnd-txn-ecr:EconomicContext | ||
Economic Resource | fibo-fnd-txn-ecr:EconomicResource | Anything that can bought sold or exchanged. | |
takes Material Form | fibo-fnd-txn-ecr:takesMaterialForm | The material form of the Economic Resource; that is the thing which is recognized as being an Economic Resource as defined here, Editorial Note: This would usually be some Independent Thing. However it is conceivable that the existence of some relative thing, for example an asset, may itself be regarded and defined as a resource, over and above the role or context already defined for it. Therefore this identity relationship has a range of Thing, but is modeled as a sub property of “identity” to make this conclusion explicit. Editorial Note: This is a relationship with the sense that some relative thing takes the form of something, but is distinct from the similar concept as applied to Asset, in which the thing which takes the form of some asset is owned by someone. Here it is a resource, irrespective of whether or by whom it is owned. Labeled as “takes material form” to disambiguate these two relationships. | Associative Entity |
bestows | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:bestows | Associative Entity | |
Contractual Undertaking | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:ContractualUndertaking | A commitment, defined in a Contract, in which one Party to that Contract undertakes to do something or to deliver something or make some payment, to the other Party. | |
Discharging Event | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:DischargingEvent | The event in which the | |
gives Rise To (fnd) | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:givesRiseTo | Associative Entity | |
is Made As Part Of | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:isMadeAsPartOf | Associative Entity | |
is Party To | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:isPartyTo | Associative Entity | |
is Undertaking To | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:isUndertakingTo | Associative Entity | |
made By | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:madeBy | Associative Entity | |
Revaluation | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:Revaluation | ||
terminates | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:terminates | Associative Entity | |
Transaction Undertaking | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:TransactionUndertaking | A contractually defined and established commitment to deliver some goods, perform some service or make some payment in cash or in kind. | |
undertaken By | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:undertakenBy | Associative Entity | |
Undertaking | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:Undertaking | Some undertaking to act. | |
Undertaking Event | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:UndertakingEvent | Something which occurs at a point in time, at which a party makes some commitment to some other party. | |
Undertaking Party | fibo-fnd-txn-ev:UndertakingParty | ||
consideration | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:consideration | Associative Entity | |
customer Transacts With Vendor | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:customerTransactsWithVendor | Associative Entity | |
has Counterparty (txn) | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:hasCounterparty | Associative Entity | |
has Principal (fnd) | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:hasPrincipal | Associative Entity | |
Market Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:MarketTransaction | Any transaction which defines a supply of some negotiable item in return for some Consideration. The Market Transaction has a Principal and a Counterparty, i.e. it is not symmetrical. | |
Market Transaction Invoicing Terms | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:MarketTransactionInvoicingTerms | ||
Market Transaction Payment Terms | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:MarketTransactionPaymentTerms | ||
payment Terms | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:paymentTerms | Associative Entity | |
Transaction Counterparty | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:TransactionCounterparty | ||
Transaction Principal | fibo-fnd-txn-mkt:TransactionPrincipal | ||
Quantified Raw Material | fibo-fnd-txn-qr:QuantifiedRawMaterial | Some measured or quantified amount of some raw material. Scope Note: This is a kind of economic resource i.e. it may be bought or sold or exchanged, or put to work in some process. | |
quantified Raw Material Takes Material Form | fibo-fnd-txn-qr:quantifiedRawMaterialTakesMaterialForm | The actual numerical amount of some material, that is represented as quantified raw material. | Associative Entity |
Quantified Resource | fibo-fnd-txn-qr:QuantifiedResource | An amount of something which is defined in terms of its use for some purpose. | |
Contractual Economic Agreement | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:ContractualEconomicAgreement | An economic agreement forming part of a transaction, which has contractual standing as evidenced by a contract between the two parties to the Agreement. | |
contractual Economic Agreement Has Party | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:contractualEconomicAgreementHasParty | Associative Entity | |
Contractual Economic Commitment | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:ContractualEconomicCommitment | Some Commitment, made as part of a transaction (economic) agreement, which has contractual standing. | |
contractual Economic Commitment Described In | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:contractualEconomicCommitmentDescribedIn | Associative Entity | |
Contractual Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:ContractualTransaction | An economic transaction which has some contractual basis. | |
Contractual Transaction Party | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:ContractualTransactionParty | That which is party to a transaction which has contractual standing. | |
contractual Transaction Party Identity | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:contractualTransactionPartyIdentity | Transaction Party is identified as some form of Legal Entity in all cases. | Associative Entity |
defined In Context Of | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:definedInContextOf | Associative Entity | |
Economic Agreement | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:EconomicAgreement | ||
economic Agreement Governs Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:economicAgreementGovernsTransaction | The transaction which is set out by this agreement. | Associative Entity |
Economic Commitment | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:EconomicCommitment | Some Commitment which forms part of the subject of some Transaction, being an undertaking by one or other of the parties to the transaction, extended to the other party to that same transaction. | |
Economic Contract | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:EconomicContract | A contract relating to and governing an economic transaction between two parties. | |
Economic Contract Terms Set | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:EconomicContractTermsSet | Terms underlying the contract for a transaction. | |
Economic Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:EconomicTransaction | Some exchange of some items of economic value between two parties (economic agents). | |
establishes Contractual Economic Commitment | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:establishesContractualEconomicCommitment | An economic contract sets up some commitment on the part of one or other party to the contract. | Associative Entity |
has Corresponding | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:hasCorresponding | Associative Entity | |
has Corresponding Alternative Aspect | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:hasCorrespondingAlternativeAspect | Associative Entity | |
has Perspective | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:hasPerspective | Associative Entity | |
has Transaction Component | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:hasTransactionComponent | Associative Entity | |
has Transaction Party | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:hasTransactionParty | Associative Entity | |
is Imbalance In | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:isImbalanceIn | The imbalance in Obligations or Rights (depending on the viewpoint from which it is described) between one party and another. | Associative Entity |
REA Claim | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:REAClaim | Some imbalance, at a given point in time, between the respective rights and obligations of two parties with respect to one another. | |
subject | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:subject | Associative Entity | |
transacted Under | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:transactedUnder | Associative Entity | |
Transaction Business Event | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:TransactionBusinessEvent | Occurrence in time that partners to a business transaction wish to monitor or control. | |
Transaction Event (txn) | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:TransactionEvent | The event component of a transaction | |
Transaction Event Aspect | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:TransactionEventAspect | A transaction side as seen from the perspective of one of the parties to the transaction. | |
transaction Event Follows Business Process | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:transactionEventFollowsBusinessProcess | Associative Entity | |
Transaction Party | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:TransactionParty | Some entity which takes part in some transaction by receiving and/or parting with some item of economic value or some payment or both. | |
transacts With | fibo-fnd-txn-rea:transactsWith | Associative Entity | |
embodies (txn) | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:embodies | Associative Entity | |
Financial Primary Market Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:FinancialPrimaryMarketTransaction | ||
Financial Securities Secondary Market Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:FinancialSecuritiesSecondaryMarketTransaction | A Transaction in which some negotiable security is provided in exchange for some Consideration. | |
follows | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:follows | Associative Entity | |
Securities Transaction Contract | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:SecuritiesTransactionContract | The contract (written or implied) which governs the transaction of securities in the secondary Market. | |
Securities Transaction Counterparty | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:SecuritiesTransactionCounterparty | ||
Securities Transaction Principal | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:SecuritiesTransactionPrincipal | ||
Settlement Process | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:SettlementProcess | ||
When Issued Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-sec:WhenIssuedTransaction | Trading in securities ahead of them being traded. | |
Bundle Of Resources | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:BundleOfResources | ||
Customer (txn) | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:Customer | ||
Delivery Terms (fnd) | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:DeliveryTerms | ||
denomination (sup) | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:denomination | The currency in which the negotiable cash is denominated. This is the currency seen in the “Monetary Amount”. | Associative Entity |
governed By Terms | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:governedByTerms | Associative Entity | |
has Customer | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:hasCustomer | Associative Entity | |
has Vendor | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:hasVendor | Associative Entity | |
supply | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:supply | Associative Entity | |
Supply Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:SupplyTransaction | ||
Supply Transaction Terms | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:SupplyTransactionTerms | ||
Vendor | fibo-fnd-txn-sup:Vendor | ||
Contractually Defined Benefit | fibo-fnd-txn-txnx:ContractuallyDefinedBenefit | Some benefit from one party to the other party, defined in contractual terms. | |
Contractual Relationship | fibo-fnd-txn-txnx:ContractualRelationship | A relationship in which two or more parties have some contractual obligations or extend some rights under a contract, to one another. | |
Covered Transaction | fibo-fnd-txn-txnx:CoveredTransaction | A transaction covered by some Master Agreement. | |
Master Agreement | fibo-fnd-txn-txnx:MasterAgreement | A legal contract which is deemed to apply to a number of future activities between the parties thereto and having force over future agreements or contracts to be brought into effect between those parties. | |
Master Agreement Obligation | fibo-fnd-txn-txnx:MasterAgreementObligation | Obligation set out in some master agreement | |
Annualized Standard Deviation | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:AnnualizedStandardDeviation | Standard deviation for some measure over a specific reference period | |
Arithmetic Mean | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:ArithmeticMean | Sum of a collection of numbers divided by the number of numbers in the collection | |
Aspect | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Aspect | Characteristic or feature that can be used to dimensionalize, filter, or subset something | |
Average Absolute Deviation | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:AverageAbsoluteDeviation | Average of the absolute deviations from a central point | |
Constant | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Constant | Symbol that represents a value that does not change (i.e., is fixed) with respect to a formula or expression | |
Difference | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Difference | Quantity by which amounts differ; the remainder left after subtraction of one value from another | |
Dispersion | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Dispersion | Degree of scatter or variability shown by observations | |
Expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Expression | Finite combination of symbols that are well-formed according to applicable rules | |
Finite Population | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:FinitePopulation | Population for which it is possible to count its units | |
Formula | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Formula | Rule expressed in letters and symbols that consists of at least one expression | |
Geometric Mean | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:GeometricMean | Mean that indicates the central tendency or typical value of a set of numbers by using the product of their values (as opposed to the arithmetic mean which uses their sum) | |
has Anchor Date | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasAnchorDate | Specifies the base date against which the value of a numeric index for a more recent date is compared (i.e., the starting point from which it stems) | Associative Entity |
has Applicable Date Period | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasApplicableDatePeriod | Indicates the date period for which the statistical measure is applicable | Associative Entity |
has Argument | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasArgument | Indicates a specific input to a function, formula or expression, also known as an independent variable | Associative Entity |
has Expression | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasExpression | Specifies a mathematical or other formal expression, which may be part of a formula | Associative Entity |
has Fixed Comparative Date | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasFixedComparativeDate | Specifies the a specific date, such as the end of the last recession (e.g., March 2009) against which the scoped measure is compared | Associative Entity |
has Formula | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasFormula | Specifies a concise way of expressing information symbolically, as in a mathematical or chemical formula | Associative Entity |
has Minuend | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasMinuend | Specifies the quantity value from which something is subtracted; the value that is diminished | Associative Entity |
has Observed Value | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasObservedValue | Specifies a collection of values over which some analysis is performed | Associative Entity |
has Operand | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasOperand | Indicates the operand of a mathematical argument, parameter or other similar concept | Associative Entity |
has Periodicity | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasPeriodicity | Specifies a recurrence interval (monthly, quarterly, annual) that a statistical measure reflects | Associative Entity |
has Reference Period | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasReferencePeriod | Specifies a reference (baseline) recurrence interval for which a given measure applies | Associative Entity |
has Relative Comparative Date | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasRelativeComparativeDate | Specifies a date against which the value of a scoped measure is compared (e.g., one month prior, three months prior, etc., and typically against a prior release or average over prior releases) | Associative Entity |
has Relative Comparative Period | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasRelativeComparativePeriod | Specifies a period (typically a prior period) against which the scoped measure is compared, such as an average set of values for some period of time compared with a more recent or projected average for a forward looking period of time | Associative Entity |
has Release Date | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasReleaseDate | Specifies the publication date for a given economic indicator | Associative Entity |
has Subtrahend | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasSubtrahend | Specifies the quantity value that is subtracted from something | Associative Entity |
is Value Of | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:isValueOf | Is the measure that the value represents | Associative Entity |
Mean | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Mean | Most common measure of central tendency; the average of a set of numbers | |
Measure | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Measure | Amount or degree of something; the dimensions, capacity, or amount of something ascertained by measuring | |
Median | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Median | Value of the variate dividing the total frequency of a data sample, population, or probability distribution, into two halves | |
Median Absolute Deviation | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:MedianAbsoluteDeviation | Median of the absolute deviations of observations from the average which may be the arithmetic mean, the median or the mode | |
Numeric Index Value | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:NumericIndexValue | Numeric value of some aggregate relative to the value of that aggregate as of some date | |
Percentage | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Percentage | Ratio value expressed as a fraction of 100, i.e., in which the denominator is fixed rather than variable and equal to 100 | |
Qualified Measure | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:QualifiedMeasure | Statistical measure that is constrained by features, quantity kinds or units that refine how it is calculated | |
Ratio | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Ratio | Proportional relationship between two different numbers or quantities, or in mathematics a quotient of two numbers or expressions, arrived at by dividing one by the other | |
Ratio Value | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:RatioValue | Proportional relationship specifically between two different quantity values that gives rise to a datum of a specific quantity type | |
Sampling Variance | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:SamplingVariance | Measure of the extent to which the estimate of a characteristic from different possible samples of the same size and the same design differ from one another | |
Scoped Measure | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:ScopedMeasure | Qualified measure that is constrained by filters on the statistical population to which it applies | |
Scoped Measure only has Periodicity | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:ScopedMeasure_only_fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasPeriodicity | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Periodicity’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Scoped Measure | Associative Entity |
Standard Deviation | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StandardDeviation | Square root of variance that measures the spread or dispersion around the mean of a data set | |
Statistical Area | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalArea | Physical location that is defined per some program for designating geographic regions for the purposes of tabulating and presenting statistical data | |
Statistical Area Identifier | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalAreaIdentifier | Identifier for a physical location that is defined per a nationally consistent program for designating geographic regions for the purposes of tabulating and presenting statistical data | |
Statistical Measure | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalMeasure | Summary (means, mode, total, index, etc.) of the individual quantitative variable values for the statistical units in a specific group (study domain) | |
Statistical Population | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalPopulation | Statistical universe filtered by time and region | |
Statistical Program | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalProgram | Program that presents a detailed investigation and analysis of a subject or situation involving one or more studies or surveys | |
Statistical Universe | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:StatisticalUniverse | Collection representing the total membership, or ‘universe’, of people, resources, products, services, events, or entities of interest for some question, experiment, survey or statistical program | |
Total | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Total | Sum of the values for some characteristic of all units | |
Variable | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Variable | Symbol that represents a parameter in a formula or expression | |
Variance | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:Variance | Measure of spread, calculated as the average squared deviation of each number from the mean of a data set | |
Weighting Function | fibo-fnd-utl-alx:WeightingFunction | Expression or function that determines the relative importance or influence of a given element of a set with respect to the whole | |
Maturity Level | fibo-fnd-utl-av:MaturityLevel | Classifier used to indicate state of an artifact with respect to its development lifecycle | |
All Borrowers Monthly Income | fibo-loan-ln-app:AllBorrowersMonthlyIncome | Total monthly qualifying income for all borrowers on the loan | |
Borrower Assessment | fibo-loan-ln-app:BorrowerAssessment | Assessment report detailing information about the borrower and their credit history that may be relevant to the loan application | |
Borrower Monthly Income | fibo-loan-ln-app:BorrowerMonthlyIncome | Total monthly qualifying income of a potential borrower | |
Credit Risk Assessment | fibo-loan-ln-app:CreditRiskAssessment | Risk assessment that focuses on determining the likelihood of a potential borrower repaying a loan | |
has Application Phase | fibo-loan-ln-app:hasApplicationPhase | The phase within the application lifecycle, that this Loan Application is at, | Associative Entity |
has Approved Amount | fibo-loan-ln-app:hasApprovedAmount | Relates something, e.g. a loan, to the amount of funds approved | Associative Entity |
has Gross Income | fibo-loan-ln-app:hasGrossIncome | Indicates the personal gross income of the borrower | Associative Entity |
has Requested Amount | fibo-loan-ln-app:hasRequestedAmount | Relates something, e.g. a request for a loan, to the amount of funds requested | Associative Entity |
Income Verification Report | fibo-loan-ln-app:IncomeVerificationReport | Report providing the methodology and supporting documentation used to verify the borrower’s income | |
Individual Person Credit Rating | fibo-loan-ln-app:IndividualPersonCreditRating | Credit rating that provides an opinion of the creditworthiness of a person | |
Loan Application | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanApplication | Request by a potential borrower to a potential lender to borrow money containing information used to decide whether to grant the loan | |
Loan Application At Agreement Stage | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanApplicationAtAgreementStage | ||
Loan Application At Disbursement Stage | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanApplicationAtDisbursementStage | ||
Loan Application Phase | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanApplicationPhase | ||
Loan Application Status | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanApplicationStatus | ||
Loan At Application Stage | fibo-loan-ln-app:LoanAtApplicationStage | ||
Pre Approval Contract | fibo-loan-ln-app:PreApprovalContract | Written commitment to lend when specified conditions are met, such as finding suitable property, and unchanged creditworthiness | |
Pre Approval Request | fibo-loan-ln-app:PreApprovalRequest | Request from a potential borrower that a lender commit to pre-approving the borrower for a loan of up to a specified amount of money | |
Public Record | fibo-loan-ln-app:PublicRecord | Record about an action involving a party that is publicly available from a court or other government agency | |
Public Record Category | fibo-loan-ln-app:PublicRecordCategory | Classifier of public records relevant to a loan application, e.g. tax lien, wage garnishment, foreclosure | |
Total Debt Expense Ratio | fibo-loan-ln-app:TotalDebtExpenseRatio | Ratio of all monthly debt payments of all borrowers, including proposed expenses, with respect to the income of the borrowers as relied upon to make a credit decision | |
Total Debt Expense Ratio only has Quantity Kind | fibo-loan-ln-app:TotalDebtExpenseRatio_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasQuantityKind | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Quantity Kind’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Total Debt Expense Ratio | Associative Entity |
Underwriting Automation | fibo-loan-ln-app:UnderwritingAutomation | Classifier indicating whether a loan was underwritten manually or using an automated underwriting system | |
Underwriting Decision | fibo-loan-ln-app:UnderwritingDecision | Classifier providing a loan approval recommendation determined either manually or by an automated underwriting system | |
uses Factor | fibo-loan-ln-app:usesFactor | Relates e.g. a risk assessment to something used as a factor to make the assessment | Associative Entity |
Collateral Valuation | fibo-loan-ln-ev:CollateralValuation | Assessment activity resulting in the valuation of real property as collateral | |
Collateral Valuation only evaluates | fibo-loan-ln-ev:CollateralValuation_only_fibo-fnd-rel-rel:evaluates | A subtype of associative entity ‘evaluates’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Collateral Valuation | Associative Entity |
Court Judgment | fibo-loan-ln-ev:CourtJudgment | Decision by a court or other tribunal that resolves a controversy and determines the rights and obligations of the parties | |
Delinquent Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ev:DelinquentLoan | A loan which is an active loan (in Repayment phase), which is in default. | |
delivered By | fibo-loan-ln-ev:deliveredBy | Associative Entity | |
Disbursed Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ev:DisbursedLoan | ||
has Disbursement Date | fibo-loan-ln-ev:hasDisbursementDate | Associative Entity | |
has Judgement Amount | fibo-loan-ln-ev:hasJudgementAmount | Undefined PoC SDM Notes: Total value of CCJs or equivalent recorded against the primary borrower that were satisfied / unsatsified (at time of underwriting ) is computed by selecting the satisfaction code value of interest and aggregating against all borrower CC Judgements </p> | Associative Entity |
has Loan Phase | fibo-loan-ln-ev:hasLoanPhase | Associative Entity | |
is Against | fibo-loan-ln-ev:isAgainst | Associative Entity | |
Legal Proceeding | fibo-loan-ln-ev:LegalProceeding | Legal step or action taken at the direction of, or by the authority of, a court or agency | |
Loan Default Proceeding | fibo-loan-ln-ev:LoanDefaultProceeding | [no definition] Further Review This is typically part of mortgagte servicing. THere would typically be a whole department dealing with this. Dealing with default, helping borrowers make payment Collections Default admin Foreclosure Reselling All dealt with by several sub departments. This requires subject matter experts in this area. 1. scoping Identify default as a possible state. This hands off to other business processes. Once you get into the default scenario we are talking about a proces that is going to fall into place over a period of time. The bank works out what to do with the default scenario, e.g. whether it restructures, forecloses, seeks restitution from the security (collateral). It does nto help us to understand the structure of the loan, rather tha consequences of the loan. If we were to further explore the default detail we would bring in other SMEs. And we would have to model a process flow. 1.1 impact on the pool of an MBS Loan Default Proceeding (special ase of legal thing) is an aspect of Default Management / Administratoin. there is also the State of the Loan. Sale / something / fulfilment / fiunduing / approved = servicing mode. Something happens (non payment) => Default Grace Period followed by negotiation. Some threshold whereby after a given amount of delinquency it needs to go into some other process moving towards foreclosure. Do State Diagram. Stages of loan. | |
loan Default Proceeding Amount | fibo-loan-ln-ev:loanDefaultProceedingAmount | Undefined PoC SDM Notes: Default or Foreclosure amount – Total default amount before the application of sale proceeds and recoveries. (AO 146, RR 135) Loan Default Proceeding_cd= (1) Default amount </p> <p> Sale price – Price achieved on sale of property ( AO 147, RR 137 ) Loan Default Proceeding_cd= (2) Property Sale </p> <p> Loss on Sale Total loss net of fees, accrued interest etc. after application of sale proceeds (excluding prepayment charge if subordinate to principal recoveries). Show any gain on sale as a negative number (AO 148, RR 138 ) Loan Default Proceeding_cd = (3) Loss amount </p> <p> Cumulative Reocveries – ony relevant for cases with losses ( AO 149, RR 139 ) Loan Default Proceeding_cd = (4) Recoveries </p> <p> Professional Negligence Recoveries – Any amounts received in settlement or as a result of professional negligence claims against surveyors, solicitors etc. net of any fees / costs ( AO 150, RR 140 ) Loan Default Proceeding_cd = (5) Professional Negligence </p><br /> | Associative Entity |
Loan Paid In Full | fibo-loan-ln-ev:LoanPaidInFull | ||
Loan Phase | fibo-loan-ln-ev:LoanPhase | ||
Prepayment | fibo-loan-ln-ev:Prepayment | ||
Repaid Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ev:RepaidLoan | ||
repayment Date | fibo-loan-ln-ev:repaymentDate | The date the loan was deemed to be repaid. | Associative Entity |
Repayment Phase | fibo-loan-ln-ev:RepaymentPhase | ||
takes Place Under | fibo-loan-ln-ev:takesPlaceUnder | Associative Entity | |
Ethnicity | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:Ethnicity | Category based on a cultural factors, including nationality, regional culture, ancestry, and language | |
has HMDA-Disposition Date | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:hasHMDA-DispositionDate | The date associated with the HMDA Disposition for a HMDA Covered Loan | Associative Entity |
HMDA-Covered Loan Contract | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:HMDA-CoveredLoanContract | A closed-end mortgage loan or open-end line of credit that is not an excluded transaction for HMDA reporting under US section 1003.3(c) of the Revised Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 2015 | |
HMDA-Disposition | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:HMDA-Disposition | A type of action taken regarding an application for a HMDA covered loan | |
HMDA-Pre Approval Request | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:HMDA-PreApprovalRequest | A request for pre-approval of a home purchase loan up to a certain amount, and subject to certain non-credit related conditions | |
HMDA-Report | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:HMDA-Report | A report prepared to satisfy HMDA regulatory reporting requirements as described US section 1003.3(c) of the Revised Home Mortgage Disclosure Act of 2015 | |
How Submitted | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:HowSubmitted | Category indicating whether the applicant or borrower submitted the application for the covered loan directly to the reporting financial institution | |
Race | fibo-loan-ln-hmda:Race | A category based on a person’s physical characteristics, such as bone structure and skin, hair, or eye color | |
Closed End Credit | fibo-loan-ln-ln:ClosedEndCredit | Loan or extension of credit in which the loan principal cannot be increased after funds are dispersed and the loan is partially repaid | |
Collateralized Secured Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CollateralizedSecuredLoan | Secured loan that is secured via collateral | |
Comaker | fibo-loan-ln-ln:Comaker | Party that signs a borrower’s promissory note, providing additional security and potentially improving the quality of the debt | |
Combined Loan To Value Ratio | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CombinedLoanToValueRatio | Ratio of the total amount of debt that is secured by the property and the appraised value of the asset securing the financing | |
Combined Loan To Value Ratio only has Measurement Unit | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CombinedLoanToValueRatio_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasMeasurementUnit | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Measurement Unit’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Combined Loan To Value Ratio | Associative Entity |
Commitment To Fund | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CommitmentToFund | Commitment that obliges the lender to provide funds pursuant to a loan | |
Commitment To Pay | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CommitmentToPay | Commitment obliging one party to make a payment to another party according to the terms of a loan | |
Commitment To Repay | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CommitmentToRepay | Commitment obliging the borrower to repay funds that have been loaned | |
Commitment To Report | fibo-loan-ln-ln:CommitmentToReport | Commitment obliging a party to deliver a report | |
Guaranteed Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ln:GuaranteedLoan | Secured loan that is secured by guaranty | |
has Cost | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasCost | Relates something to its cost | Associative Entity |
has Credit Limit | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasCreditLimit | Specifies the maximum amount of funds that may be borrowed (e.g. for line of credit) | Associative Entity |
has First Rate Change Term | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasFirstRateChangeTerm | Relates a loan contract to a period of time in months after origination during which the interest rate cannot change | Associative Entity |
has Payment History | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasPaymentHistory | Relates a credit agreement, loan, or commitment to any history of payments that have been made by the borrower up to the point that payment history is requested | Associative Entity |
has Pre Payment Penalty Term | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasPrePaymentPenaltyTerm | Relates a loan contract to a period of time in months after which there is no prepayment penalty | Associative Entity |
has Principal Amount | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasPrincipalAmount | Indicates the notional amount of the contract | Associative Entity |
has Scheduled Unpaid Balance | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasScheduledUnpaidBalance | Indicates what the balance should be after a scheduled payment is made according to contract terms | Associative Entity |
has Total Closing Costs | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasTotalClosingCosts | Relates to the amount of total loan costs, as disclosed pursuant to Regulation Z, 12 CFR 1026.38(f)(4) | Associative Entity |
has Total Points And Fees | fibo-loan-ln-ln:hasTotalPointsAndFees | Relates to the total amount of points and fees, expressed in dollars, calculated in accordance with Regulation Z, Truth in Lending | Associative Entity |
is Serviced By | fibo-loan-ln-ln:isServicedBy | Relates a loan to the financial service provider that services it | Associative Entity |
Lender Lien Position | fibo-loan-ln-ln:LenderLienPosition | Classifier indicating whether the lender has the primary lien position with respect to an asset used as collateral for the loan | |
Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ln:Loan | Agreement whereby one party extends money or credit to another party with the understanding that the borrowed money will be repaid according to specific terms | |
Loan Principal | fibo-loan-ln-ln:LoanPrincipal | Notional value of the loan that must be paid at or before maturity | |
Loan To Value Ratio | fibo-loan-ln-ln:LoanToValueRatio | Ratio, expressed as a percentage, between the principal amount of the loan and the appraised value of the asset securing the financing | |
Loan To Value Ratio only has Measurement Unit | fibo-loan-ln-ln:LoanToValueRatio_only_fibo-fnd-qt-qtu:hasMeasurementUnit | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Measurement Unit’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Loan To Value Ratio | Associative Entity |
Loan To Value Ratio only has Argument | fibo-loan-ln-ln:LoanToValueRatio_only_fibo-fnd-utl-alx:hasArgument | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Argument’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Loan To Value Ratio | Associative Entity |
Open End Credit | fibo-loan-ln-ln:OpenEndCredit | Line of credit that may be extended up to an agreed credit limit and paid down at any time within the period of the line, if any, and on which interest is charged only on the outstanding balance | |
Ownership Interest Type | fibo-loan-ln-ln:OwnershipInterestType | Classifier indicating the nature of the applicant’s or borrower’s ownership or leasehold interest in an asset used as collateral for the loan | |
Payment History | fibo-loan-ln-ln:PaymentHistory | Record of actual payments of principal, interest, and other related amounts made by a borrower to a lender or servicer in order to fulfill their re-payment obligation | |
Prepayment Terms | fibo-loan-ln-ln:PrepaymentTerms | Principal repayment terms related to payment of the loan prior to maturity | |
Secured Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ln:SecuredLoan | Loan in which the borrower pledges some asset via a security agreement as collateral for the loan, or that is secured via third-party guarantee | |
Security Agreement | fibo-loan-ln-ln:SecurityAgreement | Agreement between parties that contains information about their relative duties and rights regarding the disposition of a specified asset used as collateral | |
Servicer (loan) | fibo-loan-ln-ln:Servicer | Party that collects principal and interest payments on behalf of the lender | |
Unsecured Loan | fibo-loan-ln-ln:UnsecuredLoan | Loan granted based on the strength of the borrower’s credit history or reputation in the community | |
accepts | fibo-loan-loan-loan:accepts | Associative Entity | |
borrows | fibo-loan-loan-loan:borrows | Associative Entity | |
has Loan Retained Amount | fibo-loan-loan-loan:hasLoanRetainedAmount | Retained amount, this is an amount the Issuer will be obliged to fund to the borrower at a later date, for example construction deposit. | Associative Entity |
Loan Drawdown | fibo-loan-loan-loan:LoanDrawdown | An amount of money, drawn down by one party (the borrower) from a credit tranche made available by another party (the lender) at a specific point in time. Formal terms for the loan are defined in a Loan Contract. | |
Loan Drawdown only has Guarantor | fibo-loan-loan-loan:LoanDrawdown_only_fibo-fbc-dae-gty:hasGuarantor | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Guarantor’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Loan Drawdown | Associative Entity |
loan Maximum Allowed Balance | fibo-loan-loan-loan:loanMaximumAllowedBalance | Maximum balance – For loans with flexible re-draw facilities, the maximum loan amount that could potentially be outstanding | Associative Entity |
loan Original Advance Amount | fibo-loan-loan-loan:loanOriginalAdvanceAmount | The Original Balance of the loan, that is the amount advanced under this loan. Further notes: PoC workings: Original balance (inclusive of fees) | Associative Entity |
Loan Originator | fibo-loan-loan-loan:LoanOriginator | The party which finds the lender for the loan, for the borrower. | |
Loan Party | fibo-loan-loan-loan:LoanParty | A Party to the Loan. | |
Loan Retained Amount | fibo-loan-loan-loan:LoanRetainedAmount | Retained amount, an amount the Issuer will be obliged to fund to the borrower at a later date, for example construction deposit. | |
loan Subsidy Amount | fibo-loan-loan-loan:loanSubsidyAmount | Loan Subsidy Received – Amount of subsidy received from government by borrower. | Associative Entity |
retained Until | fibo-loan-loan-loan:retainedUntil | Date when the retained amount is to be drawn by. | Associative Entity |
spread | fibo-loan-loan-loan:spread | The percentage of interest added to the base rate. | Associative Entity |
administered By (loan) | fibo-loan-loan-reg:administeredBy | Associative Entity | |
Borrower Data Protection Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:BorrowerDataProtectionRequirement | ||
Borrower Disclosure Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:BorrowerDisclosureRequirement | ||
Borrower Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:BorrowerRight | ||
Consumer Credit Equal Treatment Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerCreditEqualTreatmentRequirement | ||
Consumer Credit Protection Law | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerCreditProtectionLaw | ||
Consumer Credit Reference Agency | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerCreditReferenceAgency | Applicable regulations: vary by jurisdiciton. for example, only being allowed ot divulge actual judgements against a party, but not things that are not substantiated by judgements. For example, slow payments which are not covered by some judgement against the party. There will be different regulatory requirments about: 1. What the CR Agency can hold 2. Who they can divulge it to 3. What information they must provide the borrower at his/her request Some of the third thing there is covered in the EU the Data Protection Directive and local acts that implement this. | |
Consumer Credit Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerCreditRequirement | Requirement set out on the lender about how they must treat the appliction to a loan | |
Consumer Protection Agency | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerProtectionAgency | Some agency tasked with regulating consumer protection in some jurisdiction. | |
Consumer Protection Law | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerProtectionLaw | ||
Consumer Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ConsumerRight | ||
Credit Reference Agency Requirements | fibo-loan-loan-reg:CreditReferenceAgencyRequirements | REquirements other than data protection, governing what a credit reference agency can or cannot do. | |
Data Protection Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:DataProtectionRequirement | Requirements defining how data about individuals is held. Example is the EU DA directive and laws, which make the data the property of the individual that data is about. Covers – what information i sheld – who information can be divulged to. – the individual’s rights in respect of that information Privacy regulations cover most of this. EU defines “Personal Data” and “Sensitive Personal Data”. For credit reference agencies the latter would be covered. More detail about whether they can divulge facts which are not subject to formal judgements etc. | |
Disclosure Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:DisclosureRequirement | Requirement for disclosure to borrowers or potential borrowers. There are two kinds of disclosure requirement: 1. Disclosure about the information held on the borrower 2. Disclsure about the product. | |
Equal Treatment Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:EqualTreatmentRight | The right to equal treatment under the law. | |
Good Faith Estimate | fibo-loan-loan-reg:GoodFaithEstimate | GFE – representation by the lender on the costs and implications of settlement (early termination) of the loan. | |
Information Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:InformationRight | The right to some information in some context, for example when purchasing some product. The right to full and fair disclosure of | |
Lender Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:LenderRight | Rights on the lender to protect them against loss. furthe rNtoes: Logically, considering the two parties, they both have protecxtion mechanisms. so while the lender has protecxtion mechanisms through mortgage insurance, and the consumer has protextion mechanisms such as good faith estimates. also the agencies (see Consumer Protection Agency), an instance of which is the CFPB in the US (just set up). Lender rights are: – expressed in the Contract Consumer protection develops becaues the contract is written by the potential Lender. So the rights are introcued to rectify the imbalance between the two parties. Same goes for insurance. consumer protection laws (governe dby the relevant consumer protection agency. So the lender protexts itself as it writes th contract AND does the things it needs to do to protext itself, but on the approval process, and with later instruments such as insurance. Interestingly., it is the Borrower who pays for this by paying for credit reports etc. So the borrower protects itself by other mechanisms. Caveat emptor – displaced by regulation (the buyer is protected by regulation). Uberimae Fidae – in the utmost good faith. Mortgage Insurance is an additional means of mitigating the risk, that the lended may have., so if the information assessed is not accurate, or if the borrower’s situation changes for the worse. then the risk rating may go down. So the Mortgage Insurance is a further strategy which mitigates any shortfall in the Lender Righrs that you may have – ie someone guarantees. In the US you can also avoid that by having paid a deposit. PIMI: Principal, Interst and Morgage Insurance. So the Borrower pays towards the MI, esxcept if they have paid a given amount as deposit. there are 2 types of MI: 1. protects the lender in the event of borrower degault 2. Insurance for “Incapacity to pay the mortage” (these can be bought off the shelf – can combine health, unemployment etc.). – this is the Borrower mitigating their own risk. Prevents foreclosure. Similar to general sickness etc. Where the lender charges for MI, the cost is passed onto the Borrower. e.g. if there is a % valuation (e.g. 70% in Aus, 80% in US for example) then no insurance is required. | |
Loan Product Representations | fibo-loan-loan-reg:LoanProductRepresentations | Representations about the loan product and the appropriateness of this for the borrower. | |
Loan Regulatory Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:LoanRegulatoryRequirement | A regulatory requirement defined in regulations by a comsumer credit act or other legislation. | |
overseen By (loan) | fibo-loan-loan-reg:overseenBy | Associative Entity | |
Product Disclosure Requirement | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ProductDisclosureRequirement | A requirement governing what representations can be made about a product, as it affects the consumer. | |
Product Disclosure Right | fibo-loan-loan-reg:ProductDisclosureRight | The right to information about products at the point of purchasing these. | |
Reg B | fibo-loan-loan-reg:RegB | US regulation concerning “Equal credit opportunity act” Electronic delivery of disclosures | |
regulates (loan) | fibo-loan-loan-reg:regulates | Associative Entity | |
Reg Z | fibo-loan-loan-reg:RegZ | US Fed regulation “Truth in Lending Act” uniform standards for electronic delivery of disclosures | |
Representation | fibo-loan-loan-reg:Representation | ||
Right Of Credit Record Correction | fibo-loan-loan-reg:RightOfCreditRecordCorrection | The right to have a credit record corrected. | |
Construction Loan | fibo-loan-typ-cl:ConstructionLoan | Loan covering construction and development costs, secured by a mortgage on the property financed | |
Construction Loan Contract | fibo-loan-typ-cl:ConstructionLoanContract | ||
Construction Loan Credit Facility Tranche | fibo-loan-typ-cl:ConstructionLoanCreditFacilityTranche | A loan taken out for construction purposes. Further notes: These are a temporary loan. when the construction is finished then that loan is transformed to another loan, which would be a permanent loan. Information to follow on what the new permanent loan would be. Terms are adjusted in the new loan, since in construction loans the rates are significantly higher. This is an incentive to complete the construction works. Notes from PoC reviews, discussing Maximum Balance concept: In a Construction Loan you agree a maximum amount that you could draw. As you progress with the construction you continue to draw more and more. So you start with the minimum. Example: for purpose of construction of a house you could need to borrow up to 500K and the bank establishes the milestones at which certain amounts are made availalbe and can be drawn. For instance prior to start you might draw 10%, (50K); the next 50K would be available to draw only once the foundations are laid. And so on. Milestones may include “Frame standing” (for American-style frame based houses). Each stage requires inspection on behalf of the bank. So you are starting with no more than 10% (in this example) of what is allowable, and could arrive to the full 500K by the end of ths construction but it is not mandated that you arrive to that. What differentiates a Construction Loan is that there si a max amount specified and there are Milestones specified in which the amounts for each milestone can be advanced. | |
Construction Loan Milestone Terms Set | fibo-loan-typ-cl:ConstructionLoanMilestoneTermsSet | An agreed point at which an amount is advanced to the lender on completion of some pre-agreed scope of works on the construction. | |
Construction Type | fibo-loan-typ-cl:ConstructionType | Particular kind of construction | |
has Maximum Allowed Balance | fibo-loan-typ-cl:hasMaximumAllowedBalance | Maximum balance – For loans with flexible re-draw facilities, the maximum balance that could potentially be outstanding based on a credit limit | Associative Entity |
has Maximum Anticipated Balance | fibo-loan-typ-cl:hasMaximumAnticipatedBalance | Maximum balance – For loans with flexible re-draw facilities, the maximum balance the borrower believes they might need, below the credit limit, for planning purposes | Associative Entity |
has Milestone Maximum Drawdown Amount | fibo-loan-typ-cl:hasMilestoneMaximumDrawdownAmount | The maximum amount of the loan that can be drawn by the Borrower on completion of this Milestone. | Associative Entity |
has Milestone Term | fibo-loan-typ-cl:hasMilestoneTerm | Associative Entity | |
Commercial Loan | fibo-loan-typ-com:CommercialLoan | Loan extended for a commercial purpose. Further notes: Commercial Loans: Talk about property like office building. Borrower is a small business or corporation. Meanings: Loan extended for a commercial purpose versus Loan extended to a corporate entity Example: Aus: Nature of security e.g. private property versus commercial property being pledged as security, as there are different requirements on these. Also legislation on commercial lending by governments (business strategy etc.). | |
Commercial Loan Borrower | fibo-loan-typ-com:CommercialLoanBorrower | The borrower of a Commercial Loan | |
Corporate Borrower | fibo-loan-typ-com:CorporateBorrower | A borrower which is a Corporation. | |
becomes Revolving Line Of Credit | fibo-loan-typ-cr:becomesRevolvingLineOfCredit | Associative Entity | |
Credit Card (loan) | fibo-loan-typ-cr:CreditCard | ||
Home Equity Line Of Credit | fibo-loan-typ-cr:HomeEquityLineOfCredit | A credit line on a house or other property, that can be drawn down and/or paid back by the borrower. | |
Home Equity Line Of Credit Contract | fibo-loan-typ-cr:HomeEquityLineOfCreditContract | A credit line on a house or other property, that can be drawn down and/or paid back by the borrower. | |
Home Equity Line Of Credit Tranche | fibo-loan-typ-cr:HomeEquityLineOfCreditTranche | ||
maximum Allowed Balance | fibo-loan-typ-cr:maximumAllowedBalance | The maximum loan amount that is allowed to be outstanding as defined in this loan contract. | Associative Entity |
maximum Anticipated Balance | fibo-loan-typ-cr:maximumAnticipatedBalance | The maximum loan amount that could potentially be outstanding. | Associative Entity |
Revolving Credit Contract | fibo-loan-typ-cr:RevolvingCreditContract | Contract which embodies and defines the terms and conditions for a credit line based on some collaterial, which can be drawn down and/or paid back by the borrower. | |
Revolving Line Of Credit | fibo-loan-typ-cr:RevolvingLineOfCredit | A credit line based on some collateral, that can be drawn down and/or paid back by the borrower. | |
Revolving Line Of Credit Tranche | fibo-loan-typ-cr:RevolvingLineOfCreditTranche | A contractually committed line of credit which is issued as a revolving line of credit which can be drawn upon and has collateral | |
Auto Loan | fibo-loan-typ-gen:AutoLoan | A loan specifically for the purpose of automobile purchase. | |
Auto Loan Contract | fibo-loan-typ-gen:AutoLoanContract | ||
Marine Finance | fibo-loan-typ-gen:MarineFinance | A loan for the purchase of a boat or other vessel. | |
Marine Finance Contract | fibo-loan-typ-gen:MarineFinanceContract | Contract embodying the terms under which a loan is advanced for marine finance. | |
percentage Advanced | fibo-loan-typ-gen:percentageAdvanced | The percentage of the purchase price advanced as the loan. | Associative Entity |
Amortization Type | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:AmortizationType | Classifier of amortization algorithms | |
assumes | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:assumes | Relates a new mortgage loan contract to a previous one made to a different borrower for the same property. The new contract is created via a legally binding process where the new borrower assumes the terms of the previous loan contract | Associative Entity |
Automated Underwriting System | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:AutomatedUnderwritingSystem | Software system that collects the information necessary to approve a loan application and supports a mortgage lender’s analysis of a new loan application | |
Cash Out Status | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:CashOutStatus | Classifier indicating the extent to which funds are released to the borrower on a new loan origination that refinances an existing loan | |
Charge Category | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:ChargeCategory | Classifier indicating what a particular fee or other expense is for | |
Dwelling Capacity | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:DwellingCapacity | Classifier indicating how many dwellings some property has | |
Government Sponsored Loan | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:GovernmentSponsoredLoan | ||
has Appraised Value | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:hasAppraisedValue | Relates to a monetary amount that is the product of a valuation event | Associative Entity |
has Closing Date | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:hasClosingDate | Relates, e.g. a loan contract to the date on which the contract is consummated, officially creating the obligations therein | Associative Entity |
has Originating Service Provider | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:hasOriginatingServiceProvider | Relates something, typically a loan contract, to the service provider responsible for originated the loan | Associative Entity |
has Originator Person | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:hasOriginatorPerson | Relates something, typically a loan, to a person that initially originates or creates it | Associative Entity |
is Inspection Of | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:isInspectionOf | Relates an inspection to the thing being inspected | Associative Entity |
is Lien On | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:isLienOn | Associative Entity | |
Manufactured Home Legal Classification | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:ManufacturedHomeLegalClassification | Category indicating whether the covered loan is secured by a manufactured home only or with land as well | |
Mortgage | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:Mortgage | A loan contract that is secured by real property | Equivalent Entity |
Mortgage Indemnity Guarantee | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:MortgageIndemnityGuarantee | Insurance-backed guarantee that protects lenders if the mortgage repayments cease for some reason, perhaps due to death or a homeowner being made redundant at work | |
Mortgage Indemnity Guarantor | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:MortgageIndemnityGuarantor | Guarantor and insurer that provides mortgage insurance in the form of a mortgage indemnity guarantee (MIG) | |
Mortgage Indemnity Insurance Policy | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:MortgageIndemnityInsurancePolicy | Insurance policy providing the mortgage indemnity guarantee | |
Mortgage Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:MortgageLoanPurpose | The purpose for which mortgage loan proceeds will be used, such as real property purchase, dwelling construction, or loan refinancing | |
NMLSR-ID | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:NMLSR-ID | The number permanently assigned by the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLS) for each company, branch, and individual that maintains a single account on NMLS. | |
Property Inspection | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:PropertyInspection | Assessment activity that involves analyzing one or more aspects of a real property for independent assessment of status or deficiency | |
Property Usage | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:PropertyUsage | A category indicating the manner in which the borrower intends to utilize the property | |
Real Property Appraisal | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:RealPropertyAppraisal | Value assessment that estimates the amount of money a real estate property is worth | |
Reverse Mortgage | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:ReverseMortgage | Mortgage contract that pays out money to the borrower against a set principal limit that is based on the value of existing equity in the underlying collateral. | |
Universal Loan Identifier | fibo-loan-typ-mtg:UniversalLoanIdentifier | A unique identifier given to unequivocally identify a specific mortgage loan. | |
Personal Loan | fibo-loan-typ-per:PersonalLoan | Consumer Loan: The recipient (borrower) is an end consumer. Types: Home Mortgage | |
Personal Loan Borrower | fibo-loan-typ-per:PersonalLoanBorrower | ||
Personal Loan Contract | fibo-loan-typ-per:PersonalLoanContract | The contract for a loan which is advanced to an individual human beings or two more individual human beings in their personal capacities. | |
Auto Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:AutoLoanPurpose | ||
Bridging Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:BridgingLoanPurpose | ||
Construction Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:ConstructionLoanPurpose | ||
Credit Card Receivable Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:CreditCardReceivablePurpose | ||
has Preconditions | fibo-loan-typ-prod:hasPreconditions | Associative Entity | |
has Unit Cost | fibo-loan-typ-prod:hasUnitCost | Relates an item to its unit cost | Associative Entity |
Home Equity Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:HomeEquityLoanPurpose | ||
Line Item | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LineItem | Description of a product or service including its unit cost, number of units and total cost | |
Loan Market Category | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LoanMarketCategory | Category indicating the market domain in which the loan product is offered | |
Loan Product | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LoanProduct | Financial product that is realized as a loan that a party may acquire from a lending institution with specific characteristics and terms | |
Loan Product Disclosure Right | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LoanProductDisclosureRight | Right to fair representation of the facts about Loan products before entrering into agreements for same. | |
Loan Product Offering | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LoanProductOffering | Offering related to a loan product that may be a tailored to particular circumstances, aimed at a group of borrowers or individual borrower | |
Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:LoanPurpose | A selection of different types of loan purpose, being the purpose for which and manner in which loan (credit) draw-down amounts are to be used. This shows the purpose for which credit is to be used, and implies certain kinds of fact that relate to that specific type of loan e.g. mortgages. These are also identified as tranche types in tranches of a credit facility. | |
Mortgage Product | fibo-loan-typ-prod:MortgageProduct | ||
Motorhome Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:MotorhomeLoanPurpose | ||
Ordinary Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:OrdinaryLoanPurpose | ||
Overdraft Facility Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:OverdraftFacilityPurpose | ||
Residential Houseboat Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:ResidentialHouseboatLoanPurpose | ||
Student Loan Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:StudentLoanPurpose | ||
Working Capital Purpose | fibo-loan-typ-prod:WorkingCapitalPurpose | ||
Student Borrower | fibo-loan-typ-stu:StudentBorrower | ||
Student Loan | fibo-loan-typ-stu:StudentLoan | A loan provided for the purposes of education. | |
Student Loan Contract | fibo-loan-typ-stu:StudentLoanContract | The contract for a Student Loan. | |
Alpha2Code (cr) | lcc-cr:Alpha2Code | A digraph representing a country or geographic region | |
Alpha3Code (cr) | lcc-cr:Alpha3Code | A trigraph representing a country or geographic region | |
classifies | lcc-cr:classifies | Arranges in categories according to shared characteristics | Associative Entity |
Coordinate System | lcc-cr:CoordinateSystem | A system that uses one or more numbers, or coordinates, to uniquely determine the position of a point or other geometric element on a planar or spherical surface | |
Country | lcc-cr:Country | A geopolitical entity representing a country or dependent territory | |
Country only uses Administrative Language | lcc-cr:Country_only_lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage | A subtype of associative entity ‘uses Administrative Language’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Country | Associative Entity |
Country Subdivision | lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision | A geopolitical entity, typically a division of a country, dependency, or other area of special geopolitical interest related to a country or other geopolitical entity | |
Geographic Coordinate System | lcc-cr:GeographicCoordinateSystem | A three-dimensional reference system that locates points on the Earth’s surface | |
Geographic Region | lcc-cr:GeographicRegion | An area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries | |
Geographic Region Identifier | lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier | A string of letters assigned to a country or other geographic region for the purpose of uniquely representing it | |
Geographic Region Identifier only denotes | lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Geographic Region Identifier | Associative Entity |
Geographic Region Identifier only identifies (lcc) | lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Geographic Region Identifier | Associative Entity |
Geographic Region Kind | lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind | A classification scheme for geographic regions, including but not limited to subdivisions of a geopolitical entity, (noting that there may be more than one kind for a given country or other entity) | |
Geographic Region Kind only classifies | lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind_only_lcc-cr:classifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘classifies’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Geographic Region Kind | Associative Entity |
Geopolitical Entity | lcc-cr:GeopoliticalEntity | Any country, federal province, city or other administrative unit that represents a geophysical location and has some political identity | |
has Part | lcc-cr:hasPart | Indicates any portion of something, regardless of whether the portion itself is attached to the remainder or detached; cognitively salient or arbitrarily demarcated; self-connected or disconnected; homogeneous or gerrymandered; material or immaterial; extended or unextended; spatial or temporal | Associative Entity |
has Subregion | lcc-cr:hasSubregion | Relates a geographic region to another geographic region that is a designated subregion of it | Associative Entity |
Location | lcc-cr:Location | A place or position in time and/or space, including virtual place | |
Territory | lcc-cr:Territory | A geopolitical entity, typically considered an area of special geopolitical interest, related to a country or other geopolitical entity | |
uses | lcc-cr:uses | Employs as a means of accomplishing some task or achieving some result | Associative Entity |
uses Administrative Language | lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage | Relates a country or geopolitical entity to an administrative language that entity uses for international communications | Associative Entity |
Alpha2Code (lr) | lcc-lr:Alpha2Code | A language identifier for a human language as defined by ISO 639-1, that is, a two-letter combination of characters used to represent a language or languages | |
Alpha3Code (lr) | lcc-lr:Alpha3Code | A language identifier for a human language as defined by ISO 639, that is, a three-letter combination of characters used to represent a language or languages | |
Ancient Language | lcc-lr:AncientLanguage | An extinct language that has an attested literature and is recognized as having special status in the academic community | |
Arrangement | lcc-lr:Arrangement | A structure or means of organizing information such as a schema, numbering system, organization scheme, measurement system, taxonomy, or language for organizing information | |
Artificial Language | lcc-lr:ArtificialLanguage | A language for human communication that has been artificially devised | |
Bibliographic Code | lcc-lr:BibliographicCode | An alpha-3 code that is a member of the set of bibliographic codes in ISO 639-2 | |
Code Element | lcc-lr:CodeElement | A sequence of characters denoting something that it is associated with for some purpose, within a specified context, according to some rule set | |
Code Set | lcc-lr:CodeSet | A system of alpha-numeric symbols, or combinations of symbols, that stand for specified values in some context | |
Code Set only has Member | lcc-lr:CodeSet_only_lcc-lr:hasMember | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Member’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Code Set | Associative Entity |
Collection (lcc) | lcc-lr:Collection | A grouping of some variable number of things (may be zero) that have some shared significance | |
Collective Language Code | lcc-lr:CollectiveLanguageCode | A language identifier or code used to represent a group of languages | |
Collective Language Code only denotes | lcc-lr:CollectiveLanguageCode_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Collective Language Code | Associative Entity |
Collective Language Code only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:CollectiveLanguageCode_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Collective Language Code | Associative Entity |
denotes | lcc-lr:denotes | Serves as a linguistic expression of the notion of, means | Associative Entity |
Dialect | lcc-lr:Dialect | A language variant that is specific to a geographical region or speech community | |
Extinct Language | lcc-lr:ExtinctLanguage | An individual language or variant that is no longer in use and has no current descendant | |
has | lcc-lr:has | Indicates that someone (or something) possesses something, such as a characteristic, attribute, feature, or capability | Associative Entity |
has Earlier Form | lcc-lr:hasEarlierForm | Relates a language to an earlier form (historically significant) of that same language | Associative Entity |
has Member | lcc-lr:hasMember | Relates something, typically a collection, group or organization, to some discrete thing identified as a member of it | Associative Entity |
Historical Language | lcc-lr:HistoricalLanguage | A well-known prior version of a living or extinct language | |
Identification Scheme | lcc-lr:IdentificationScheme | A system for allocating identifiers to objects | |
Identification Scheme only has Member | lcc-lr:IdentificationScheme_only_lcc-lr:hasMember | A subtype of associative entity ‘has Member’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Identification Scheme | Associative Entity |
Identifier | lcc-lr:Identifier | A sequence of characters uniquely identifying something that it is associated with for some purpose and within a specified context | |
Identifier only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:Identifier_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Identifier | Associative Entity |
identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:identifies | Recognizes or establishes within some context | Associative Entity |
Individual Language | lcc-lr:IndividualLanguage | A language that can be distinguished from another language by some set of rules | |
Individual Language Identifier | lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier | A language identifier whose scope is that of an individual (distinct) language | |
Individual Language Identifier only denotes | lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Individual Language Identifier | Associative Entity |
Individual Language Identifier only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Individual Language Identifier | Associative Entity |
Language | lcc-lr:Language | A systematic use of sounds, characters, symbols or signs to communicate meaning | |
Language Family | lcc-lr:LanguageFamily | A group of individual languages related to each other through common ancestry | |
Language Group | lcc-lr:LanguageGroup | A collection of two or more individual languages, treated as a group for some purpose | |
Language Identifier | lcc-lr:LanguageIdentifier | A string of characters that uniquely identifies a linguistic entity | |
Language Identifier only denotes | lcc-lr:LanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Language Identifier | Associative Entity |
Language Identifier only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:LanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Language Identifier | Associative Entity |
Language Variant | lcc-lr:LanguageVariant | A variation of an individual language that is sufficiently unique that it can be identified and named | |
Language Variation | lcc-lr:LanguageVariation | Continuous change within and between individual languages | |
Living Language | lcc-lr:LivingLanguage | An individual language or variant in use today by some speech community | |
Macrolanguage | lcc-lr:Macrolanguage | A language that may be viewed in some circumstances as an individual language, but actually represents two or more individual languages | |
Macrolanguage Identifier | lcc-lr:MacrolanguageIdentifier | A language identifier whose scope is that of a macrolanguage | |
Macrolanguage Identifier only denotes | lcc-lr:MacrolanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Macrolanguage Identifier | Associative Entity |
Macrolanguage Identifier only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:MacrolanguageIdentifier_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Macrolanguage Identifier | Associative Entity |
Natural Language | lcc-lr:NaturalLanguage | A language used in human communications that is not artificial in nature | |
Orthography | lcc-lr:Orthography | A set of conventions and rules for representing language in written form | |
Remainder Group | lcc-lr:RemainderGroup | A group of languages that explicitly excludes certain individual languages | |
Script | lcc-lr:Script | A set of graphic characters used to represent one or more languages in writing | |
Special Purpose Code | lcc-lr:SpecialPurposeCode | A language identifier whose scope is that of a special purpose language construct | |
Special Purpose Code only denotes | lcc-lr:SpecialPurposeCode_only_lcc-lr:denotes | A subtype of associative entity ‘denotes’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Special Purpose Code | Associative Entity |
Special Purpose Code only identifies (lcc) | lcc-lr:SpecialPurposeCode_only_lcc-lr:identifies | A subtype of associative entity ‘identifies (lcc)’ to restrict child entities for the parent, Special Purpose Code | Associative Entity |
Special Purpose Language Concept | lcc-lr:SpecialPurposeLanguageConcept | A language concept introduced in ISO 639-3 to satisfy special-purpose requirements, typically to support application constraints | |
Spoken Language | lcc-lr:SpokenLanguage | An individual language or language variant that is articulated through speech (oral or vocal) sounds | |
Standard Variant | lcc-lr:StandardVariant | A language variant with a high degree of status and normalization, typically used in public discourse, centers of government and commerce | |
Terminology Code | lcc-lr:TerminologyCode | A language identifier whose scope is that of terminological codes | |
Transcription | lcc-lr:Transcription | The representation of speech or signing in written form | |
Transliteration | lcc-lr:Transliteration | The conversion of text from one script to another without loss of information | |
Writing System | lcc-lr:WritingSystem | A system for writing a language, including the requisite script and character set | |
Written Language | lcc-lr:WrittenLanguage | The representation of a language via a writing system, with a relatively normalized orthography |